Marshmallow's Last Stand

Missing image
Scene from "Marshmallow's Last Stand"

Marshmallow's Last Stand is a toon in the animated cartoon series Homestar Runner. It was the first full-length Homestar Runner toon that was made and has since been taken off of the website.

The cartoon briefly returned with the following disclaimer:

This cartoon is pretty old. It was the first cartoon we ever made. Homestar is not very funny and neither is Strong Bad. They are mere shadows of the men they have become. This cartoon has not been on the site for many months, but we have had several requests (from our Dad) to put it back. So here it is. Consider yourselves warned.

It has since been re-removed.

The cartoon deviates from the more modern cartoons, largely in the portrayal of Strong Bad and Strong Mad. The pair were depicted as violent thugs, and not the small-time troublemakers they have become. Other differences include Homestar's lack of a propellor cap, and Strong Mad's character design including a black singlet (instead of blue) and chest hair.


While eating marshmallows at Marshmallow's Last Stand, Homestar Runner and Pom Pom are challenged to a tag-team wrestling match by Strong Bad and Strong Mad. At first, Homestar declines; but Strong Bad rips the star off of Homestar's shirt, and Homestar and Pom Pom agree to fight.

A crowd gathers at the arena for the fight. Homestar enjoys some initial success against Strong Bad. When Strong Mad is tagged in, however, Homestar is tossed out of the arena. Pom Pom jumps in and sends Strong Mad flying. Realizing his team is losing, Strong Bad grabs a cartoon bomb. His plan backfires, though, when the bomb blasts a chunk out of the side of his head. Homestar and Pom Pom are declared the victors.

Unwilling to accept defeat, Strong Bad rips Homestar's star to shreds. This prompts Homestar to deliver one final beating to Strong Bad, which left the villain "seeing stars." Homestar then leaps into the air where one of Strong Bad's stars is floating, and it takes its place as Homestar's new star.


In the strong bad e-mail "personal favorites", it shows strong bad in the type of aniamtion he is in Marshmallow's Last Stand. He is answering a e-mail asking what his favorite phrase is. This Cameo is not an easter egg and you will see it no matter what.

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