List of people by name: Cor
List of people by name
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Ca | Cb | Cc | Cd | Ce | Cf | Cg | Ch | Ci | Cj | Ck | Cl | Cm | Cn | Co | Cp-Cq | Cr | Cs-Ct | Cu | Cv-Cx | Cy | Cz
Coa-Cok | Col | Com | Con | Coo-Coq | Cor | Cos-Coz
Contents [hide] |
Cora - Corc
- Corallini, Paolo, martial artist
- Corbeil, William de, (died 1136), Archbishop of Canterbury
- Corbett, Glenn, (1930-1933), actor
- Corbett, James J., (died 1933), world champion boxer
- Corbett, Ronnie, British comedian
- Corbiere, Tristan, (1845-1875), poet
- Corbin, Barry, (born 1940), actor
- Corbin, Eymard G., Canadian senator
- Corbusier, Le, (1887-1965), architect
- Corcoran, Frank, Irish cultural figure
- Cord, Errett Lobban, (1894-1974), automobile entrepreneur
- Corda, Alberto, Cuban photographer
- Corda, Mario
- Corday, Charlotte, (1768-1793), French assassin
- Cordero, Angel, (1942, Puerto Rican jockey
- Cordero Badillo, Atilano, (born c. 1943), Perto Rican supermarket entrepreneur
- Cordero, Joaquin, Mexican actor
- Cordero, Paquito, (born 1932), Puerto Rican comedian and television producer
- Cordoba, Hernandez Gonzalo de, (died 1515), "El Gran Capitan", Spanish General.
- Cordobes, El, (born 1936), bullfighter
- Cordus, Aulus Cremutius, 25 AD
- Cordus, Valerius, (died 1544)
- Cordy, Jane, Canadian senator
Core - Corm
- Corea, Chick, (born 1941), musician
- Corelli, Arcangelo, (1653-1713), Baroque composer
- Corelli, Marie, (1855-1924), best-selling novelist
- Corgan, Billy, (born 1967), alternative musician
- Coria, Guillermo, (born 1982), Argentinian tennis player
- Corigliano, John, (born 1938), composer
- Corinth, Lovis, (1858-1925), painter and graphic artist
- Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave, (born 1792), French engineer, scientist
- Corley, Demarcus, (born 1974), world champion boxer
- Corley, Eric
- Corman, Roger, American movie producer
- Cormeau, Yvonne, (1909-1998), Special Operations Executive agent, WW II heroine
- Cormier, Ernest (1885-1980) Canadian architect
- Cormier, Rheal
- Corneille, (born 1922), painter
- Corneille, Pierre, (1606-1684), classicist playwright
- Corneille, Thomas, (1625-1709)
- Cornelius, Don, (born 1936), television host
- Cornelius of Petra, Metropolitan, religious leader
- Cornelius, Pope, (251-253)
- Cornell, Alonzo Barton, (1832-1904), American Republican politician
- Cornell, Chris, (born 1964), musician
- Cornell, Don, (1919-2004)
- Cornell, Eric Allin (born 1961)
- Cornell, Ezekial, (1732-1800), American politician
- Cornell, Ezra, (1807-1874), American communications entrepreneur & philanthopist
- Cornell, Joseph, (1903-1972), painter
- Cornell, Paul, (born 1967), English author
- Cornell, Thomas, (born 1937), American painter
- Corner, Alexis, musician
- Corning, Erastus, (1794-1872), American businessman & politician
- Corning, Erastus, II, (died 1983), American politician
- Cornish, Joe, (born 1968), comedian
- Cornu, Marie Alfred, (1841-1902), French physicist
- Cornwallis, Charles, (1738-1805), 1st Marquess Cornwallis
- Cornwallis, Frederick, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Cornwell, Bernard, (born 1944), author
- Cornwell, Jack, (1900-1916), British sailor
- Cornwell, Patricia, (born 1956), American pathologist and novelist
Coro - Corr
- Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille, (1796-1879), French painter
- Corr, Andrea, musician
- Correa, Antonio de los Reyes (1680), Puerto Rican soldier
- Correggio, Antonio da, (1488-1534)
- Correia, Maritza, (fl. 1981), Puerto Rican Olympic Swimmer
- Corretja, Alex, Spanish tennis player
- Corretjer, Juan Antonio, (1908-1985), Puerto Rican poet
- Corretjer, Millie, Puerto Rican singer
- Corrette, Michel (1709 - 1795), composer
- Corrie, Rachel, (1979-2003), American activist
- Corro, Hugo, Argentine world boxing champion
- Corrolla, Adam, comedian
- Corrothers, James D., poet
Cors - Cory
- Corso, Gregory, (1930-2001), poet
- Cort, Bud, (born 1950), actor
- Corte-Real, Gaspar
- Cortes, Alberto, singer
- Cortés, Hernán, Spanish soldier
- Cortes, Nestor, comedian
- Cortes, Joaquin, (born 1969), Spanish dancer
- Cortes, Mapita, (born 1930), Puerto Rican actress
- Cortes, Mapy, (1910-1998), Puerto Rican singer and actress
- Cortez, Jayne, poet
- Cortez, Joe, Puerto Rican boxing referee
- Cortijo, Rafael (1928-1982), Puerto Rican musician, orchestra director
- Cortona, Pietro da, (1596-1669), architect, painter
- Coryell, Larry, musician