List of people by name: Ant
List of people by name
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Aa | Ab | Ac | Ad | Ae | Af | Ag | Ah | Ai | Aj | Ak | Al | Am | An | Ao | Ap | Aq | Ar | As | At | Au | Av | Aw | Ax | Ay | Az
Ana-Anc | And | Ane-Ans | Ant | Anu-Anz
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People named Ant
- Ant, Adam, pop musician
Ante - Anth
- Antel, Franz, Austrian filmmaker
- Anterus, Pope, (235-236)
- Anthan, George, journalist
- Antheil, George, (1900-1959), composer
- Anthemius, (ruled 467-472), Roman Emperor
- Anthemius of Tralles, (died 534), architect
- Anthimus I, Patriarch, patriarch of Constantinople
- Anthimus II, Patriarch, patriarch of Constantinople
- Anthimus III, Patriarch, patriarch of Constantinople
- Anthimus IV, Patriarch, patriarch of Constantinople
- Anthimus V, Patriarch, patriarch of Constantinople
- Anthimus VI, Patriarch, patriarch of Constantinople
- Anthimus VII, Patriarch, patriarch of Constantinople
- Anthony, (1572-1581), Metropolitan of Moscow
- Anthony of Saxony, (1755-1836), King of Saxony (1827-1836)
- Anthony, James, musician
- Anthony, Piers, (born 1934), US science fiction and fantasy author
- Anthony, Ray, musician
- Anthony, Susan B., (1820-1906), US feminist
- Antin, Steve, (born 1961)
- Antinori, Severino, (born 1945), Italian gynecologist and embryologist
- Antinori, Vincenzo, (1792-1865), Italian science administrator
- Antiochus
- Antipater, (397-319 BC), Macedonian general and regent
- Antipater of Sidon, (floruit circa 120 BC)
- Antipater of Tarsus, (fl 100 BC), Stoic philosopher
- Antipater of Thessalonica (fl 11 BC), Greek epigrammatist
- Antipater of Tyre, (fl 100 BC), Stoic philosopher
- Antipater the Idumaean, (fl 50 BC), Idumaean politician
- Antiphanes, (fl 385 BC), Greek playwright
- Antiphilus of Byzantium, Greek epigrammatist
- Antiphon, (c. 480-411 BC), Attic orator
- Antiphon, Athenian sophist
- Antiphon, Greek tragic poet
- Antisthenes (c. 445-360 BC), Greek philosopher
- Antisthenes of Rhodes (fl 150 BC), Greek historian
Anto - Anty
- Antoinette, Marie, (1755-1793), Austrian born Queen of France
- Antoku, emperor of Japan
- Antonescu, Ion, (1882-1946), Romanian military dictator
- Antonescu, Mihai, Deputy prime minister of Romania during WWII
- Antoninus Pius, (86-161), Roman Emperor
- Antoninus, Brother, poet
- Antonio, Luis, fashion designer
- Antonioni, Michelangelo, (born 1912), Italian film director
- Antonov, Alexei, Chief of General Staff at the end of the war
- Antony I, patriarch of Constantinople
- Antony I, Patriarch, patriarch of Constantinople
- Antony II, Patriarch, patriarch of Constantinople
- Antony III, Patriarch, patriarch of Constantinople
- Antony IV, patriarch of Constantinople
- Antony IV, Patriarch, patriarch of Constantinople
- Antony, Mark, (c. 83 BC-30 BC)
- Antrim, Richard, (1907-1969), US naval officer
- Antson, Ants, Estonian Olympic champion
- Antunes, António Lobo, novelist
- Antuofermo, Vito, (born 1953), world champion boxer
- Antyllus, 2nd century Greek physician