List of people by name: Ab
List of people by name
A | B |
C | D |
E | F |
G | H |
I | J |
K | L |
M | N |
O | P |
Q | R |
S | T |
U | V |
W | X |
Y | Z
Aa | Ab | Ac | Ad | Ae | Af | Ag | Ah | Ai | Aj | Ak | Al | Am | An | Ao | Ap | Aq | Ar | As | At | Au | Av | Aw | Ax | Ay | Az
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- Abacha, Sani, (1943-1998), dictator of Nigeria (1993-1998)
- Abaco, Evaristo, (1675-1742), Italian composer and violinist
- Abagnale, Frank, (born 1948), US impostor and cheque fraud
- Abancourt, Charles d', (1758-1792), French statesman
- Abaris, (circa 8th century BC), priest of Apollo
- Abati aka Niccolo Dell'Abbato, (1512-1571), artist
- Abauzit, Firmin, (1679-1767), French scientist
Abba - Abbe
- Abba Mari ben Moses ben Joseph, (circa 14th century), French rabbi
- Abbandando, Frank, (1910-1942), Mafia hitman
- Aberigh-Mackay, George Robert, (1848-1881), author
- Abbadie, Antoine Thomson d', (1810-1897), traveler
- Abbadie, Jakob, (1654?-1727), Swiss Protestant preacher
- Abbas I, (1813-1854), pasha of Egypt
- Abbas I, (1557-1629), shah of Persia
- Abbas II, (1874-1944), khedive of Egypt
- Abbas, Khwaja Ahmad, (1914-1987), film director
- Abbe, Ernst, (1840-1905), physicist
- Abbey, Edwin Austin, (1852-1911), artist, painter
- Abbey, Lynn, (born 1948), US author
- Abbot, Archbishop George, (1562-1633), Archbishop of Canterbury
- Abbot, Ezra, (1819-1884), American biblical scholar
- Abbot, George, (1603-1648), English writer
- Abbot, Robert, (1588?-1662?), English Puritan divine
- Abbot, William, (1798-1843), British actor
- Abbott, Bud, (1895-1974), US actor
- Abbott, Darrell, (1966-2004), US musician
- Abbott, Diane Julie, (born 1953), British Labour MP
- Abbott, Edwin Abbott, (1838-1926), British schoolmaster & theologian
- Abbott, Emma, (1849-1891), American singer
- Abbott, Jacob, (1803-1879), American writer
- Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, (1805-1877), American writer
- Abbott, Lyman, (1835-1922), American divine and author
- Abbott, Russ, (born 1947), British comedian
- Abd-ar-rahman I, (died 788), Muslim Spain ruler
- Abd-ar-rahman II, (died 852), Spanish Umayyad
- Abd-ar-rahman III, (912-961), prince of the Ummayad dynasty in Spain
- Abd-ar-rahman IV, (circa 1017), Muslim Spain ruler
- Abd-ar-rahman V, (1023-1024), Muslim Spain ruler
- Abd-el-Aziz IV, (1880-), sultan of Morocco
- Abd-el-Kader, (circa 1807-1883), Emir of Mascara
- Abd-el-latif, (1162-1231), physician and traveller
- Abdo, Hussam, (born 1989), Palestine suicide bomber
- Abdul, Paula, (born 1962), US musician
- Abdulali, Humayun, (1914-2001), Indian ornithologist
- [[`Abdu'l-Bahá, (died 1921), religious leader
- Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, (born 1947), US athlete
- Abdulkhaleq, Rosa Mustafa, (born 1976), Yemeni pilot
- Abe Kobo, (1924-1993), Japanese author of The Woman In the Dunes, The Magic Chalk
- Abegg, Richard Wilhelm Heinrich (1869-1910), chemist
- Abeille, Louis, (1765-1832), German composer
- Abeken, Heinrich, (1809-1872), German theologian
- Abel, Clarke, (1780-1826), English surgeon and naturalist
- Abel, Frederick Augustus (1827-1902), chemist
- Abel, John Jacob (1857-1938), pharmacologist
- Abel, Karl Friedrich, (1723-1787), German composer
- Abel, Niels Henrik, (1802-1829), Norwegian mathematician
- Abel, Thomas, (circa 1497-1540), an English priest
- Ab鬡rd, Pierre, (1079-1142), French scholastic philosopher
- Abell, George Ogden, (1927-1983), astronomer
- Abelson, Philip Hauge (1913-2004)
- Abercrombie, James, (1706-1781), British General in French and Indian War
- Abercrombie Junior, James, (died 1775), British Colonel, killed at Bunker Hill.
- Abercrombie, John, (1780-1844), musician
- Abercromby, Robert, (1532-1613), Jesuit
- Aberhart, William, (1878-1943), Canadian politician
- Abernathy, Ralph, (1936-1996), US civil rights leader
Abg - Abo
- Abgar I Piqa, (circa 20 BC), King of Osroene
- Abgar II bar Abgar, (circa 20 BC), King of Osroene
- Abgar III, (circa 20 BC), King of Osroene
- Abgar IV Sumaqa, (circa 20 BC), King of Osroene
- Abgar V Ukkama bar Ma'nu, (fl. early 1st century), King of Osroene
- Abgar VI bar Ma'nu, (circa 80), King of Osroene
- Abgar VIII, (circa 200), King of Osroene
- Abgar IX (the great), (circa 200), King of Osroene
- Abgar X Severus bar Ma'nu, (circa 200), King of Osroene
- Abhijeet Kale, cricketer from Maharashtra, India, in the center of a selection scam
- Abhishek Bachchan, (born 1976), actor from India, son of Amitabh Bachchan
- Abich, Otto Wilhelm Hermann von, (1806-1886), German mineralogist, geologist
- Abington, Frances, (1737-1815), actor\
- Aboro, Michele, (born 1969), British women's boxing world champion
Abp - Abu
- Abplanalp, Robert H. (1922-2003)[1] (
- Abraham, (circa 1800 BC), Biblical figure
- Abraham of Alexandria, (died 978), Coptic Pope
- Abraham, F. Murray, (born 1939), actor
- Abraham, Ralph, (born 1936), mathematician
- Abrahams, Harold, (1899-1978), track and field athlete
- Abram, Joze, (1875-1938), poet
- Abramovic, Marina, (born 1946), performance artist
- Abramovich, Roman (born 1966), Russian business oligarch
- Abrams, Albert, (1863-1924), fraudulent doctor
- Abrams, Creighton, (1914-1974), U.S. General
- Abrams, Norm
- Abrams, Pete, cartoonist
- Abramson, Abraham (c. 1753-1811)
- Abramson, Norman
- Abreu, Luis, actor
- Absalom, (circa 1000 BC), Biblical figure, third son of David
- Absalon, (circa 1128-1201), Danish archbishop
- Abse, Dannie, (born 1923), British poet
- Abu Bakr Mohammad Ibn Zakariya al-Razi, (864-930), Persian natural philosopher
- Abu Nidal, (1937-2002), Syrian terrorist
- Abu-Jamal, Mumia, (born 1954), US journalist, activist, and convicted murderer
- Abulfeda, (1273-1331), geographer