List of left-wing internationals
This is a list of socialist, communist, and anarchist internationals.
Historic internationals
- Communist League, created in 1847 from the League of the Just.
- International Workingmen's Association (First International)
- Second International
- International Working Union of Socialist Parties (2½ International) 1921-1923
- Comintern (Third International), 1919-1943
- Fourth International, created in 1938 by Leon Trotsky.
- Labour and Socialist International 1923-1940
- International Revolutionary Marxist Centre 1932-?(1940s?)
Existing internationals
- Socialist International founded in 1956
- International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (Stalinist, Albanianist)
- International Federation of Anarchists (anarcho-communist)
- International Leninist Current (Leninist)
- International Workers Association (anarcho-syndicalist)
- World Socialist Movement (Marxist, anti-Leninist)