International Federation of Anarchists
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Member Organizations
- Argentina - Argentinian Libertarian Federation (Federación Libertaria Argentina, FLA)
- Belgium - Anarchist Federation - French-Speaking Belgium Regional Union (Union Règionale Belgique Francophone de la Fédération Anarchiste)
- Britain - Anarchist Federation (AF)
- Bulgaria - Federation of Anarchists of Bulgaria (Federatsia na Anarkhistite v Bulgariya, FAB)
- Czech Republic - Czechoslovak Anarchist Federation (Ceskoslovenská anarchistická federace, CSAF)
- France - Anarchist Federation (France) (Fédération Anarchiste, FA)
- Germany - Federation of German Speaking Anarchists (Föderation deutschsprachiger AnarchistInnen, FdA)
- Italy - Italian Anarchist Federation (Federazione Anarchica Italiana, FAI)
- Portugal - Federation of Anarchist Groups of the Portuguese Region - Iberian Anarchist Federation (Federação de Grupos Anarquistas da Região Portuguesa - Federação Anarquista Ibérica, FGARP-FAI)
- Slovakia - Czechoslovak Anarchist Federation (Ceskoslovenská anarchistická federace, CSAF)
- Spain - Iberian Anarchist Federation (Federación Anarquista Ibérica, FAI)
- Cuba - Cuban Libertarian Movement (Movimiento Libertario Cubano, MLC)
- Norway - Anarchist Federation of Norway
- Australia - Federation of Australian Anarchists, Libertarian Socialist Federation
- Belgium - Anarchist Movement of Belgium
- Brazil - Libertarian Movement of Brazil
- Bulgaria - Federation of Anarcho-Communists of Bulgaria
- Canada - Anarchist Movement of Canada
- Chile - Federation of Libertarian Groups of Chile
- China - Anarchist Federation of China
- Colombia - Anarchist Movement of Colombia
- Costa Rica - Anarchist Movement of Costa Rica
- Denmark - Anarchist Federation in Denmark
- Finland - Libertarian Movement of Finland
- Germany - Regional Anarchist Federation of Baden
- Greece - Greek Anarchist Movement
- Japan - Japanese Anarchist Federation, Libertarian Socialist Council
- Mexico - Anarchist Federation of Mexico
- Netherlands - Federation of Libertarian Socialists
- New Zealand - New Zealand Federation of Anarchists
- Norway - Norwegian Anarchist Movement
- Peru - Libertarian Organisations of Peru
- Portugal - Portuguese Anarchist Movement, Portuguese Libertarian Movement
- Quebec - Anarchist Federation of Quebec
- Scotland - Anarchist Federation of Scotland
- Sweden - Anarcho-Communist Organization of Stockholm
- Switzerland - Federation of Libertarian Socialists
- Uruguay - Libertarian Alliance of Uruguay
- Venezuela - Anarchist Federation of Venezuela
- Vietnam - Anarchist Movement of Vietnam / Neutralist Tribune