List of islands of Ontario
This is a list of islands of Ontario.
- Lake Abitibi
- Balsam Lake
- Lake of Bays
- Buckhorn Lake
- Cataraqui River
- Charleston Lake
- Lake Chemong
- Lake Clear
- Lake Couchiching
- Cranberry Lake
- Detroit River
- Lake Erie
- Fairbank Lake
- French River
- Georgian Bay
- Aberdeen Island
- Badgeley Island
- Barrier Island
- Bateau Island
- Bears Rump Island
- Beausoliel Island
- Beckwith Island
- Big Burnt Island
- Bone Island
- Bustard Islands
- Centre Island
- Champlain Island
- Champlain Monument Island
- Christian Island
- Churchill Islands
- Club Island
- Dead Island
- Echo Island
- Elmtree Island
- Foster Island
- Fox Island
- Franklin Island
- French River Island
- Fryingpan Island
- Flowerpot Island
- George Island
- Giants Tomb Island
- Governor Island
- Gray Island
- Griffith Island
- Halfmoon Island
- Hatch Island
- Hay Island
- Hen and Chicken Island
- Hertzberg Island
- Hope Island
- King's Island
- Kokanongwi Island
- Lonely Island
- Lookout Island
- Loon Island
- Maxwell Island
- McCoy Islands
- McLaren Island
- McQuade Island
- Mink Islands
- Minnicognashene Island
- Moon Island
- North Limestone Island
- North Otter Island
- North Watcher Island
- Northwest Burnt Island
- Nottawasaga Island
- Oak Islands
- Parry Island
- Pine Island
- Pleasant Island
- Portage Island
- Rabbit Island
- Rose Island
- Sandy Bay
- Sans Souci Island
- Sharp Island
- Shawanaga Island
- Smooth Island
- Snake Island
- South Limestone Island
- South Watcher Island
- Tanvat Island
- Thirty Thousand Islands
- Tonches Island
- Umbrella Islands
- Wall Island
- Western Islands
- White Cloud Island
- Wreck Island
- Gloucester Pool
- Gull Lake
- Hay Bay
- Lake Huron
- Argyle Island
- Beament Island
- Burke Island
- Chantry Island
- Cockburn Island
- Cove Island
- Cranberry Island
- Devil Island
- Duck Island
- Evelyn Island
- Fitzwilliam Island
- Garden Island
- Ghegheto Island
- Greene Island
- Herschel Island
- Indian Island
- Jack Island
- Kitchener Island
- Kolfage Island
- Little Kitchener Island
- Lonely Island
- Lucas Island
- Lyal Island
- Main Station Island
- Manitoulin Island
- McCallum Island
- Middle Duck Island
- Outer Duck Island
- Perseverance Island
- Russell Island
- Smokehouse Island
- Stevens Island
- Thibault Island
- Tyson Island
- Vimy Island
- Western Duck Island
- Whitefish Island
- Yeo Island
- Lake Joseph
- Lake Kagawong
- Kawagama Lake
- Larder Lake
- Lower Buckhorn Lake
- Mindemoya Lake
- Mississippi River
- Lake Muskoka
- Niagara River
- Lake Nipigon
- Lake Nipissing
- North Channel
- Amedroz Island
- Barren Island
- Barrie Island
- Batture Island
- Bears Back Island
- Beauty Island
- Beaver Island
- Bedford Island
- Belleau Island
- Bourinot Island
- Carpmael Island
- Crawford Island
- Crescent Island
- Darch Island
- Eastern Island
- East Rous Island
- Egg Island
- Elm Island
- Fanny Island
- Five Islands
- Galt Island
- Gertrude Island
- Great La Cloche Island
- Griffith Island
- Goat Island
- Gooseberry Island
- Henry Island
- Heywood Island
- High Island
- Hog Island
- Little La Cloche Island
- Louisa Island
- Matheson Island
- McGregor Island
- McTavish Island
- Meredith Island
- Ned Island
- Partridge Island
- Sagamok Island
- Schreiber Island
- St. Joseph Island
- St. Just Island
- Strawberry Island
- Vidal Island
- Wabos Island
- West Mary Island
- West Rous Island
- Lake Ontario
- Ottawa River
- Parry Sound
- Pigeon Lake
- Bay of Quinte
- Rice Lake
- Rideau River
- Lake Rosseau
- Lake Scugog
- Severn Sound
- Lake Simcoe
- Skootamatta Lake
- Lake St. Clair
- St. Clair River
- St. Lawrence River
- Adelaide Island
- The Admiralty Islands
- Aubrey Island
- Beaurivage Island
- Camelot Island
- Cedar Island
- Club Island
- Constance Island
- Cornwall Island
- Endymion Island
- Garden Island
- Georgina Island
- Gordon Island
- Grenadier Island
- Hamilton Island
- Hickory Island
- Hill Island
- Howe Island
- The Lake Fleet Islands
- McDonald Island
- Mermaid Island
- Mille Roches Island
- Milton Island
- Mouline Island
- Mud Island
- Mulcaster Island
- The Navy Islands
- Stave Island
- Stovin Island
- Tar Island
- Thwartway Island
- Treasue Island
- Wolfe Island
- Stoney Lake
- Lake Superior
- Lake Temagami
- Trent River
- Lake Vernon
- Wanapitei Lake
- West Lake
- Whitefish Lake
- Windy Lake
- Lake of the Woods