Kiith Somtaaw
In the fictional universe of the Homeworld series of computer games, Kiith Somtaaw is one of many kiithid or extended family-clans that belong to the Kushan race. Originally a major religious kiith the Somtaaw made their living mining metal for another one of the kiithid, Kiith Soban, an ally of theirs during the terrible Heresy Wars.
After the events of Homeworld however the Somtaaw were left with a substantially smaller portion of their kiith, most having been destroyed in the Kharak Genocide. After fighting against their own government to achieve rights to the Mothership facilities they managed to build three ships, two of command ship class and one science vessel.
They continued to use mining as their trade (though now it was asteroid resources they mined for, not iron) but were dispatched to rescue a Kiith Manaan destroyer that was stranded outside the Hiigaran System. When they got there they discovered an artifact that contained a tiny portion of the Beast and unleashed it on the galaxy.
In Homeworld: Cataclysm they were forced to deal with this plague and destroy it and played the protagonist role throughout the entire single player campaign.