Kamehameha (disambiguation)
Kamehameha is a political reference to:
- Albert Kamehameha
- House of Kamehameha
- Kamehameha I
- Kamehameha II
- Kamehameha III
- Kamehameha IV
- Kamehameha V
Kamehameha is an artistic reference to:
Kamehameha is a civil reference to:
- Kamehameha Day, a Hawaiian public holiday
- Kamehameha Schools, the largest private school in the United States
- King Kamehameha Celebration, a Hawaiian cultural festival established in 1872
- Royal Order of Kamehameha I, a Hawaiian royal society established in 1865
Kamehameha is a military reference to:
- Fort Kamehameha, now the Fort Kamehameha Historic District, a United States defense installation
- USS Kamehameha, a historic nuclear submarine of the United States Navy
Kamehameha is a scientific reference to:
- Kamehameha butterfly or Vanessa tameamea
Kamehameha is a popular culture reference to:
- Kamehameha Wave a special attack in the mangas and anime series Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and the anime Dragon Ball GT. It was named after the Hawaiian king.