Inner Healing Movement



Usually referred to as a counseling movement within the Christian church which involves various counseling methods that are basically used for the calling up of suppressed or hurtful memories in order to deal with them.

Agnes Sanford (1897-1982) is considered to be the mother of the Inner Healing Movement. She was the daughter of a Presbyterian missionary in China, and the wife of an Episcopal rector. Her first book, The Healing Light, is often considered classic in its field. Agnes is the mother of Jungian analyst, John "Jack" A. Sanford (

The inner healing movement is often compared and associated with Inner Healing, Healing of Memories, Theophostic Prayer Ministry (TPM), Recovered Memory Therapy (RMT), and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and so some of these topics temporarily redirect here.

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Arguments for

Arguments against

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Related books

Books for

  • Ed. M. Smith, "Healing Life's Deepest Hurts: Let the Light of Christ Dispel the Darkness in Your Soul," Vine Books, (2003) ISBN 1569553416
  • Ed M. Smith and E. James Wilder, "Keeping your ministry out of court: Avoiding unnecessary litigation while ministering to emotionally hurting people."

Books against

  • Martin & Deidre Bobgan, "TheoPhostic Counseling: Divine Revelation" or Psycho Heresy?," Eastgate Publishers, (1999) ISBN 0941717151
  • Jan Fletcher, "Lying Spirits: A Christian journalist's report on Theophostic® Ministry,"

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