Image:Moment of inertia solid cylinder.png

MetaPost image of a cylinder, with dimensions and axes specified. Embedded in a TeX document, viewed with gv, rasterized via screenshot, saved as PNG with The Gimp, and compressed with optipng.
MetaPost source of the image follows.
u=18mm; textscale=u/12mm;
% this MetaPost script generates a PostScript file, which is then included in a % TeX document. if you want to generate EPS from this, you'll have to uncomment % the following line. (and probably do a couple more things, to boot.) %prologues := 1;
def cylinder = begingroup; save pmax,dmax,persp,persp_nt,arr; save harrtop,harrbot,rarrlft,rarrrt; save p,d; save axisprotrusion; save xax,yax,zax; pmax = 3; dmax = 0; persp_nt = 0.3; persp = persp_nt*u; arr = 0.2u; % how far to offset the arrows from the diagram axisprotrusion = 1u; % how far do the axes protrude? pair harrtop,harrbot,rarrlft,rarrrt; % endpoints for arrows path p[],d[]; % original, dotted pair xax[],yax[],zax[]; % x,y,z are taken; these are for the axes % solid paths p0 = (-1u,-1u)--(-1u,1u); p1 = (1u,-1u)--(1u,1u); p2 = fullcircle scaled u xscaled 2 yscaled (2*persp_nt) shifted (0,1u); p3 = halfcircle scaled u xscaled 2 yscaled (2*persp_nt) rotated 180 shifted (0,-1u); % dashed paths d0 = halfcircle scaled u xscaled 2 yscaled (2*persp_nt) shifted (0,-1u); % endpoints of dimension arrows harrtop = (-1u-arr,1u); harrbot = (-1u-arr,-1u); rarrlft = (0,1u); rarrrt = (1u,1u);
% actually draw pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; for i=0 upto pmax: draw p[i]; endfor; for i=0 upto dmax: draw d[i] dashed evenly; endfor; drawdblarrow (harrtop..harrbot); drawdblarrow (rarrlft..rarrrt); label.lft(btex $h$ etex scaled textscale,.5[harrtop,harrbot]); $r$ etex scaled textscale,.5[rarrlft,rarrrt]); % x axis xax0 = (0,0); xax1 = (1u,0); xax2 = (1u+axisprotrusion*0.5,0); drawarrow (xax1..xax2); draw xax0..xax1 dashed evenly; label.rt(btex $x$ etex scaled textscale,xax2); % y axis yax0 = (0,0); yax1 = point 1.5 of p3 shifted (0,1u); yax2 = (1.+axisprotrusion/u)[yax0,yax1]; drawarrow (yax1..yax2); draw yax0..yax1 dashed evenly; $y$ etex scaled textscale,yax2); % z axis zax0 = (0,0); zax1 = (0,1u); zax2 = (0,1u+axisprotrusion); drawarrow (zax1..zax2); draw zax0..zax1 dashed evenly; $z$ etex scaled textscale,zax2); endgroup; enddef;
beginfig(1) cylinder; endfig;
The original author (Grendelkhan) licenses the source, as well as the image generated from it, under the GFDL.
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