Houses from A Song of Ice and Fire
The Houses in the fictional universe of the fantasy book series A Song of Ice and Fire are families and their households. They vary in size, and the most political, economic, and military power is wielded by the Great Houses, and their whims form the story of A Song of Ice and Fire. Smaller houses often pledge as bannermen to the Great Houses in return for some protection of their own interests. The smallfolk, or common folk, find themselves under the domain of these houses.
The Great Houses, and some of the most prominent Houses sworn to them, are:
- Arryn
- Baelish
- Belmore
- Corbray
- Egen
- Hersy
- Hunter
- Melcolm
- Redfort
- Royce
- Waynwood
- Baratheon
- Bar Emmon
- Celtigar
- Seaworth
- Sunglass
- Velaryon
- Greyjoy
- Blacktyde
- Botley
- Drumm
- Goodbrother
- Harlaw
- Merlyn
- Saltcliffe
- Sparr
- Stonehouse
- Sunderly
- Wynch
- Lannister
- Banefort
- Broom
- Clegane
- Crakehall
- Lefford
- Lydden
- Marbrand
- Payne
- Prester
- Serrett
- Swyft
- Westerling
- Martell
- Allyrion
- Dayne
- Fowler
- Jordayne
- Santagar
- Toland
- Wyl
- Yronwood
- Stark
- Bolton
- Glover
- Karstark
- Manderly
- Mormont
- Tallhart
- Umber
- Targaryen (historically, the royal House)
- Tully
- Blackwood
- Bracken
- Darry
- Frey
- Mallister
- Piper
- Ryger
- Vance
- Whent
- Tyrell
- Crane
- Florent
- Fossoway
- Hightower
- Mullendore
- Oakheart
- Redwyne
- Rowan
- Tarly
- Vyrwel