Hans-Emil Schuster
Hans-Emil Schuster (born September 19 1934 in Hamburg) is a German astronomer (retired since October 1991). Worked at Hamburg Observatory at Bergedorf and European Southern Observatory (ESO); former director of La Silla Observatory.
Discovered periodic comet 106P/Schuster. He also discovered the comet C/1976 D2 (in the contemporary nomenclature, it was known as Comet 1975 II or 1976c), which was notable for its large perihelion distance of 6.88 AU [1] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/02900/02923.html#Item1) [2] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/02900/02958.html#Item1), the largest yet observed at the time.
Discovered 24 asteroids, including notably the Apollo asteroid 2329 Orthos and the Amor asteroids 2608 Seneca, 3271 Ul, 3288 Seleucus, and 3908 Nyx. First observed the near-earth asteroid 1978 CA (lost and recovered in 2003).
Participated in the exploration, selection and testing of the sites of two ESO observatories: La Silla Observatory and Paranal Observatory (the latter is the VLT site).
Participated in two ESO Southern Sky Surveys: the ESO-B survey ("Quick-Blue Survey") completed in 1978 was the first deep optical survey of the southern sky; and the "Red Sky Survey". Photographic plates were taken with the ESO's 1-meter Schmidt Telescope at La Silla.
Co-discovered (with Richard M. West) the Phoenix Dwarf galaxy.
The asteroid 2018 Schuster was named in his honour.