Flag of Saudi Arabia
Flag ratio: 2:3
The script on the flag is Arabic, written in the Thuluth script. It contains the shahada or Islamic declaration of faith:
- لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
- La ilaha Ila Allah Muhammada Rasulu allah
- "There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah"
This creed is considered holy, and as such the flag should not be used on t-shirts or any other items. Saudi Arabia protested against its inclusion on a planned football to be issued by FIFA, bearing all the flags of the participants of the 2002 Football World Cup. Saudi officials said that kicking the creed with the foot was completely unacceptable.
Since it bears the "Word of God", the flag is never lowered to half-mast as a sign of mourning.
Green flags bearing this or other Arabic scripts are frequently seen in Islam and should not be confused with the Saudi national flag. These other flags normally do not bear the sword symbol.
The green color of this and other Islamic flags is said to be derived from the fact that the Prophet Muhammad wore a green cloak.
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it:Bandiera saudita he:דגל ערב הסעודית ms:Bendera Arab Saudi ja:サウジアラビアの国旗 nl:Vlag van Saoedi-Arabi pl:Flaga Arabii Saudyjskiej pt:Bandeira da Arbia Saudita sv:Saudiarabiens flagga zh:沙特阿拉伯国旗