Extreme points of the United States
This is a list of the extreme points of the United States, the points that are farther north, south, east or west than any other location in the country.
The geographic center of the 48 contiguous states is located approximately four miles (6 km) west of Lebanon, Kansas, at 98°35'W 39°50'N.
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50 states — Map of the U.S., with dots showing where the extreme points/towns are
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Map of the contiguous 48 states (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) — dots show where the extreme points/towns are
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Map of the U.S., with dots show where the extreme points/towns on the mainland of North America are
50 states
- Northernmost point — Point Barrow, Alaska (71°23'N)
- Northernmost town — Barrow, Alaska
- Southernmost point — Ka Lae, Hawaii (18°55'N)
- Southernmost town — Naalehu, Hawaii
- Westernmost point — Attu Island, Alaska
- Westernmost town — Adak Station, Alaska*
- Easternmost point — West Quoddy Head, Maine
- Easternmost town — Lubec, Maine
48 contiguous states
- Northernmost point — Angle Inlet, Minnesota
- Northernmost town — Angle Township, Minnesota
- Southernmost point — Ballast Key, Florida Template:Coor dms
- Southernmost town — Key West, Florida
- Westernmost point — Cape Alava, Washington
- Westernmost town — Ozette, Washington
- Easternmost point — West Quoddy Head, Maine
- Easternmost town — Lubec, Maine
United States mainland on the North American continent
- Northernmost point — Point Barrow, Alaska
- Southernmost point — Cape Sable, Florida
- Westernmost point — Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska
- Easternmost point — West Quoddy Head, Maine
United States including territories and insular areas
- Northernmost point — Point Barrow, Alaska
- Southernmost point — Steps Point, American Samoa
- Westernmost point — Farallon de Pajaros, Northern Mariana Islands
- Eastermost point — Point Udall, US Virgin Islands
* Adak Station is the westernmost major town with a population of 316 (as of 2000). However, Attu Station is farther west, but it only has a population of 20 (as of 2000).