European exploration of Australia
Some of the major explorations conducted in Australia.
Pre-European settlement
- Aboriginal exploration and colonization - unknown - 40,000 years ago?
- Joseph Banks
- Jan Carstensz
- James Cook
- William Dampier
- Willem de Vlamingh
- Willem Jansz
- François Pelsaert
- Abel Tasman
- William Patrick Auld
- Francis Barrallier
- George Bass
- John Batman
- Thomas Baudin
- Gregory Blaxland
- Robert O'Hara Burke
- Francis Cadell
- James Calvert
- David Carnegie
- Emily Caroline Creaghe
- Allan Cunningham
- Robyn Davidson
- Louis de Rougemont
- Paul Edmund de Strzelecki
- Jules Dumont d'Urville
- George Evans
- Edward John Eyre
- Ernest Favenc
- Hedley Herbert Finlayson
- Matthew Flinders
- Alexander Forrest
- John Forrest
- George Frankland
- Alfred Gibson
- Ernest Giles
- William Gosse
- John Graham
- Augustus Gregory
- Frank Gregory
- George Grey
- John Ainsworth Horrocks
- William Hovell
- Alfred Howitt
- Hamilton Hume
- Robert Logan Jack
- Jackey Jackey
- Alexander Jardine
- Frank Jardine
- Edmund Kennedy
- John King
- Phillip King
- Gerard Krefft
- William Landsborough
- William Lawson
- Ludwig Leichhardt
- John Lhotsky
- Edmund Lockyer
- Carl Lumholtz
- John MacGillivray
- Cecil Madigan
- Thomas Livingstone Mitchell
- Georg Neumayer
- John Oxley
- W. J. Peasley
- Nicholas Pateshall
- François Péron
- Arthur Phillip
- Olive Pink
- John Price
- George Augustus Robinson
- Arthur Bowes Smyth
- John McDouall Stuart
- Charles Sturt
- Watkin Tench
- Michael Terry
- William Tietkins
- Frederick Walker
- William Wall
- Peter Egerton Warburton
- Warrup
- Lawrence Wells
- Charles Wentworth
- William Wentworth
- William Wills
- Tommy Windiitj
- Charles Winnecke