Eighteenth United States Congress
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1 Major Political Events |
Eighteenth United States Congress
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Major Political Events
Members of the Eighteenth United States Congress
- Joel Abbott (Representative), Republican, GA
- Parmenio Adams (Representative), -, NY
- Adam Rankin Alexander (Representative), Jacksonian Republican, TN
- Mark Alexander (Representative), Jacksonian, VA
- Robert Allen (Representative), -, TN
- Samuel Clesson Allen (Representative), Federalist, MA
- James Allison, Jr. (Representative), -, PA
- William Segar Archer (Representative), Whig, VA
- John Bailey (Representative), -, MA
- William Lee Ball (Representative), Republican, VA
- Noyes Barber (Representative), -, CT
- James Barbour (Senator), Republican, VA
- John Strode Barbour (Representative), Jacksonian, VA
- Philip Pendleton Barbour (Representative), Republican, VA
- Ichabod Bartlett (Representative), -, NH
- Mordecai Bartley (Representative), -, OH
- David Barton (Senator), Adams-Clay Republican, MO
- Burwell Bassett (Representative), Republican, VA
- Francis Baylies (Representative), -, MA
- Philemon Beecher (Representative), -, OH
- Samuel Bell (Senator), Adams-Clay Republican, NH
- Thomas Hart Benton (Senator), Jackson Republican, MO
- John Blair (Representative), Jacksonian, TN
- Elijah Boardman (Senator), Republican, CT
- Charles Dominique Joseph Bouligny (Senator), Adams-Clay Republican, LA
- William Czar Bradley (Representative), Republican, VT
- John Branch (Senator), Crawford Republican, NC
- Samuel Breck (Representative), -, PA
- William Leigh Brent (Representative), -, LA
- Ethan Allen Brown (Senator), Republican, OH
- James Brown (Senator), Adams-Clay Republican, LA
- John Brown (Representative), -, PA
- James Buchanan (Representative), Democrat, PA
- Daniel Azro Ashley Buck (Representative), -, VT
- Richard Aylett Buckner (Representative), -, KY
- William Burleigh (Representative), -, ME
- Hutchins Gordon Burton (Representative), -, NC
- John Watts Cady (Representative), -, NY
- Jacob Call (Representative), -, IN
- Richard Keith Call (Delegate), -, Florida Territory
- Churchill Caldom Cambreleng (Representative), Democrat, NY
- John Wilson Campbell (Representative), Republican, OH
- Robert Blair Campbell (Representative), Nullifier, SC
- John Carter (Representative), Jacksonian, SC
- George Cary (Representative), -, GA
- George Cassedy (Representative), -, NJ
- John Chandler (Senator), Crawford Republican, ME
- Lot Clark (Representative), -, NY
- Henry Clay (Representative), Republican, KY
- Thomas Clayton (Senator), Adams-Clay Federalist, DE
- Thomas Willis Cobb (Senator), Crawford Republican, GA
- John Cocke (Representative), -, TN
- Ela Collins (Representative), -, NY
- Lewis Condict (Representative), Republican, NJ
- Henry William Connor (Representative), Democrat, NC
- Henry Wharton Conway (Delegate), -, Arkansas Territory
- Daniel Pope Cook (Representative), -, IL
- Samuel Chandler Crafts (Representative), -, VT
- Hector Craig (Representative), Jacksonian, NY
- Benjamin Williams Crowninshield (Representative), -, MA
- John Culpepper (Representative), Federalist, NC
- Joshua Cushman (Representative), -, ME
- Alfred Cuthbert (Representative), Republican, GA
- Rowland Day (Representative), Jacksonian, NY
- James DE Wolf (Senator), Republican, RI
- Mahlon Dickerson (Senator), Crawford Republican, NJ
- Job Durfee (Representative), -, RI
- Henry Williams Dwight (Representative), -, MA
- Justin Dwinell (Representative), -, NY
- John Henry Eaton (Senator), Jackson Republican, TN
- Lewis Eaton (Representative), -, NY
- Samuel Eddy (Representative), -, RI
- Henry Waggaman Edwards (Senator), Jackson Republican, CT
- Ninian Edwards (Senator), Republican, IL
- Samuel Edwards (Representative), -, PA
- Weldon Nathaniel Edwards (Representative), Republican, NC
- John Elliott (Senator), Republican, GA
- William Cox Ellis (Representative), -, PA
- Patrick Farrelly (Representative), -, PA
- John Findlay (Representative), -, PA
- William Findlay (Senator), Jackson Republican, PA
- John Floyd (Representative), Republican, VA
- Samuel Augustus Foot (Representative), Adams, CT
- Charles Augustus Foote (Representative), -, NY
- Samuel Augustus Foote (Representative), Adams, CT
- John Forsyth (Representative), Republican, GA
- Walter Forward (Representative), -, PA
- Joel Frost (Representative), -, NY
- Timothy Fuller (Representative), Republican, MA
- John Gaillard (Senator), Crawford Republican, SC
- Robert Selden Garnett (Representative), Republican, VA
- Daniel Garrison (Representative), -, NJ
- Alfred Moore Gatlin (Representative), Crawford Republican, NC
- James William Gazlay (Representative), -, OH
- Joseph Gist (Representative), -, SC
- Andrew Robison Govan (Representative), -, SC
- Henry Hosford Gurley (Representative), -, LA
- Thomas H. Hall (Representative), Republican, NC
- James Hamilton, Jr. (Representative), -, SC
- Robert Harris (Representative), -, PA
- Matthew Harvey (Representative), -, NH
- Moses Hayden (Representative), -, NY
- Robert Young Hayne (Senator), Jackson Republican, SC
- William Hayward, Jr. (Representative), -, MD
- Joseph Hemphill (Representative), Federalist, PA
- Robert Pryor Henry (Representative), -, KY
- John Herkimer (Representative), Republican, NY
- Ebenezer Herrick (Representative), -, ME
- Aaron Hobart (Representative), -, MA
- James Lawrence Hogeboom (Representative), -, NY
- George Holcombe (Representative), -, NJ
- David Holmes (Senator), Jackson Republican, MS
- John Holmes (Senator), Crawford Republican, ME
- Charles Hooks (Representative), Republican, NC
- Samuel Houston (Representative), Democrat, TN
- Samuel Delucenna Ingham (Representative), Jackson Republican, PA
- Jacob C. Isacks (Representative), Jacksonian, TN
- Andrew Jackson (Senator), Republican, TN
- Lemuel Jenkins (Representative), -, NY
- Jonathan Jennings (Representative), -, IN
- Francis Johnson (Representative), -, KY
- Henry Johnson (Senator), Adams-Clay Republican, LA
- John Telemachus Johnson (Representative), -, KY
- Joseph Johnson (Representative), Jacksonian, VA
- Richard Mentor Johnson (Senator), Jackson Republican, KY
- Josiah Stoddard Johnston (Senator), Adams-Clay Republican, LA
- William Kelly (Senator), Republican, AL
- Joseph Kent (Representative), Republican, MD
- David Kidder (Representative), -, ME
- Rufus King (Senator), Adams-Clay Federalist, NY
- William Rufus de Vane King (Senator), Jackson Republican, AL
- Nehemiah Rice Knight (Senator), Crawford Republican, RI
- George Kremer (Representative), -, PA
- James Lanman (Senator), Republican, CT
- Samuel Lathrop (Representative), -, MA
- Samuel Lawrence (Representative), -, NY
- John Lee (Representative), -, MD
- Jabez Leftwich (Representative), -, VA
- Robert Perkins Letcher (Representative), -, KY
- Enoch Lincoln (Representative), Republican, ME
- Elisha Litchfield (Representative), -, NY
- Peter Little (Representative), Republican, MD
- Arthur Livermore (Representative), Republican, NH
- Edward Livingston (Representative), -, LA
- Edward Lloyd (Senator), Crawford Republican, MD
- James Lloyd (Senator), Adams-Clay Federalist, MA
- John Locke (Representative), -, MA
- John Long (Representative), -, NC
- Stephen Longfellow (Representative), -, ME
- Walter Lowrie (Senator), Republican, PA
- Nathaniel Macon (Senator), Crawford Republican, NC
- Rollin Carolas Mallary (Representative), -, VT
- Willie Person Mangum (Representative), Jacksonian, NC
- Philip Swenk Markley (Representative), -, PA
- Henry Clinton Martindale (Representative), Anti Mason, NY
- Dudley Marvin (Representative), Whig, NY
- James Matlack (Representative), -, NJ
- Aaron Matson (Representative), -, NH
- Duncan McArthur (Representative), -, OH
- William McCoy (Representative), Jacksonian, VA
- George McDuffie (Representative), Democrat, SC
- Joseph McIlvaine (Senator), Adams-Clay Republican, NJ
- Samuel McKean (Representative), Jacksonian, PA
- John McKee (Representative), -, AL
- Isaac McKim (Representative), Jacksonian, MD
- Louis McLane (Representative), -, DE
- John McLean (Senator), Crawford Republican, IL
- William McLean (Representative), -, OH
- Charles Fenton Mercer (Representative), Whig, VA
- Thomas Metcalfe (Representative), Whig, KY
- Daniel H. Miller (Representative), Jacksonian, PA
- Elijah Hunt Mills (Senator), Adams-Clay Federalist, MA
- George Edward Mitchell (Representative), Jacksonian, MD
- James S. Mitchell (Representative), -, PA
- Gabriel Moore (Representative), -, AL
- John Jordan Morgan (Representative), Jacksonian, NY
- Raphael Neale (Representative), -, MD
- Jeremiah Nelson (Representative), Federalist, MA
- Thomas Newton, Jr. (Representative), Republican, VA
- James Noble (Senator), Crawford Republican, IN
- Jeremiah O'Brien (Representative), -, ME
- Henry Olin (Representative), -, VT
- George Outlaw (Representative), -, NC
- George Washington Owen (Representative), -, AL
- William Adams Palmer (Senator), Republican, VT
- John Fabyan Parrott (Senator), Republican, NH
- John Patterson (Representative), -, OH
- Thomas Patterson (Representative), Republican, PA
- George Plumer (Representative), -, PA
- William Plumer, Jr. (Representative), -, NH
- Joel Roberts Poinsett (Representative), -, SC
- William Prince (Representative), -, IN
- John Randolph (Representative), -, VA
- Christopher Rankin (Representative), -, MS
- John Reed Jr. (Representative), Whig, MA
- James B. Reynolds (Representative), Republican, TN
- Charles Rich (Representative), Republican, VT
- Gabriel Richard (Delegate), -, Michigan Territory
- John Richards (Representative), -, NY
- William Cabell Rives (Representative), Jacksonian, VA
- William Beatty Rochester (Representative), -, NY
- Thomas Jones Rogers (Representative), Republican, PA
- Robert Selden Rose (Representative), Anti Mason, NY
- Thomas Randolph Ross (Representative), -, OH
- Benjamin Ruggles (Senator), Crawford Republican, OH
- James T. Sandford (Representative), -, TN
- Romulus Mitchell Saunders (Representative), Republican, NC
- John Scott (Representative), -, MO
- Horatio Seymour (Senator), Adams-Clay Republican, VT
- Peter Sharpe (Representative), -, NY
- Jonas Sibley (Representative), -, MA
- John Sloane (Representative), -, OH
- Arthur Smith (Representative), -, VA
- Samuel Smith (Senator), Crawford Republican, MD
- William Smith (Representative), -, VA
- Alexander Smyth (Representative), Republican, VA
- Richard Dobbs Spaight, Jr. (Representative), -, NC
- John Selby Spence (Representative), Whig, MD
- James Israel Standifer (Representative), Jacksonian, TN
- James Stephenson (Representative), Federalist, VA
- Ansel Sterling (Representative), -, CT
- Andrew Stevenson (Representative), -, VA
- Andrew Stewart (Representative), Anti Mason, PA
- Ebenezer Stoddard (Representative), -, CT
- Henry Randolph Storrs (Representative), Federalist, NY
- James Strong (Representative), -, NY
- Samuel Swan (Representative), -, NJ
- Isham Talbot (Senator), Adams-Clay Republican, KY
- John Taliaferro (Representative), Republican, VA
- Edward Fenwick Tattnall (Representative), Crawford Republican, GA
- John Taylor (Senator), Crawford Republican, VA
- John W. Taylor (Representative), Republican, NY
- Waller Taylor (Senator), Republican, IN
- Littleton Waller Tazewell (Senator), Jackson Republican, VA
- Egbert TEN Eyck (Representative), -, NY
- John Test (Representative), -, IN
- Jesse Burgess Thomas (Senator), Crawford Republican, IL
- Philip Thompson (Representative), -, KY
- Wiley Thompson (Representative), Jacksonian, GA
- Alexander Thomson (Representative), -, PA
- John Tod (Representative), -, PA
- Gideon Tomlinson (Representative), -, CT
- Albert Haller Tracy (Representative), Whig, NY
- David Trimble (Representative), Republican, KY
- George Tucker (Representative), -, VA
- Starling Tucker (Representative), Jacksonian, SC
- Jacob Tyson (Representative), -, NY
- Daniel Udree (Representative), Republican, PA
- Martin Van Buren (Senator), Crawford Republican, NY
- Nicholas Van Dyke (Senator), Adams-Clay Federalist, DE
- Stephen Van Rensselaer (Representative), -, NY
- William William Van Wyck (Representative), -, NY
- Joseph Vance (Representative), Anti Jacksonian, OH
- Robert Brank Vance (Representative), -, NC
- Samuel Finley Vinton (Representative), Whig, OH
- Nicholas Ware (Senator), Republican, GA
- Henry Ridgely Warfield (Representative), -, MD
- Isaac Wayne (Representative), -, PA
- Daniel Webster (Representative), -, MA
- Thomas Whipple, Jr. (Representative), -, NH
- David White (Representative), -, KY
- Lemuel Whitman (Representative), -, CT
- Elisha Whittlesey (Representative), Whig, OH
- Charles Anderson Wickliffe (Representative), Jacksonian, KY
- Richard Henry Wilde (Representative), Republican, GA
- Isaac Williams, Jr. (Representative), Republican, NY
- Jared Williams (Representative), -, VA
- Lewis Williams (Representative), Whig, NC
- Thomas Hill Williams (Senator), Jackson Republican, MS
- Henry Wilson (Representative), -, PA
- Isaac Wilson (Representative), -, NY
- James Wilson (Representative), -, PA
- John Wilson (Representative), -, SC
- William Wilson (Representative), -, OH
- George Wolf (Representative), -, PA
- Silas Wood (Representative), -, NY
- William Woods (Representative), -, NY
- John Crafts Wright (Representative), -, OH
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