Colin McGinn
Colin McGinn (born 1950) is a British philosopher at Rutgers University. He is primarily known for promoting the view known as New Mysterianism, which is a view of the Philosophy of mind that states that the human mind is fundamentally incapable of comprehending itself entirely. This is his explanation as to why we humans have had such difficulty understanding our own consciousness. McGinn's answer to the hard problem of consciousness is that humans are ultimately unable to find the answer.
Colin McGinn is also a novelist.
- Colin McGinn's Bio (and Bibliography) at Rutgers (
- Conscious Entities - Colin McGinn (
- Colin McGinn in ZhurnalWiki ( - a review of his autobiography
- "Apes, Humans, Aliens, Vampires and Robots (". In Paola Cavalieri & Peter Singer (eds.), The Great Ape Project, New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1993, pp. 146-151.