Chris Perry
In the fictional television series Charmed, Chris Perry is the second whitelighter of the Charmed Ones. Played by Drew Fuller.
A visitor from the future, he is the second son of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt. He was conceived while Piper and Leo were separated, after they admitted their true feeling to each other while Leo was near death.
Chris has the witch powers of telekinesis, spell casting, and seeing spirits. He also has the whitelighter ability to orb. He is the younger brother of Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. Some time early in the future, the Charmed Ones were vanquished and Wyatt, somehow, became evil.
According to Chris, Piper is killed when he is fourteen and he is adopted by his grandfather, Victor Bennet. He absolutely enjoys spending time with his grandfather. Chris reported that Leo was not present in his life when he was growing up, and has anger toward Leo because of that.
Fighting his older brother for a long time, he managed to find his way back into the past to save Wyatt. He saved the Charmed Ones from the Titans and arranged it so that Leo became an Elder, allowing him to step in as a Whitelighter.
As a Whitelighter, Chris told the Charmed ones that Evil will get to Wyatt soon and also helped them vanquish many demons in the underworld. While doing this, he had to hide his identity and his real plans from the Charmed Ones, especially from Leo who returned and was very suspicious of Chris.
Chris later admitted that he was half-witch and half-whitelighter to the Charmed Ones, and that he had to protect Wyatt from becoming evil. With Leo back, Chris wasn't trusted. Eventually, Phoebe found out from a vision that Chris was Piper's son and confronted him. She told Paige, and then Phoebe and Paige together informed Piper she was soon to be a mother again. Leo, taken away from the family by his Elder duties, did not discover he was going to have a second son until Piper was more than six months pregnant.
Chris later became close to his father. When he was about to return to the future, Chris learned that Gideon was after Wyatt. While Chris tried to protect him, Gideon had mortally wounded him, and he died in Leo's arms.
The infant Chris was born after Gideon's death, at the end of Charmed's sixth season. His exact birthday is not given onscreen, but fan speculation placed it in October, 2004, based on the amount of time skipped on the show during Piper's pregnancy. The name Christopher is after Leo's father; many fans believe Perry is his birth middle name, but this is not confirmed onscreen.
In season seven, Chris Perry returned as part of Leo's vision quest to let him know what has he been fighting for: his family.