Category:Natural sciences

Natural science is the study of the physical, nonhuman aspects of the Earth and the universe around us. Natural sciences generally attempt to explain the workings of the world via natural processes rather than divine processes. The term natural science is also used to identify "science" as a discipline following the scientific method, or in contrast with social sciences.
See Category:Science for articles about the individual Natural sciences
General subfields within the Natural sciences |
Astronomy | Biology | Chemistry | Earth Sciences | Ecology | Physics |
ast:Category:Ciencies naturales ca:Categoria:Ciències naturals da:Kategori:Naturvidenskab de:Kategorie:Naturwissenschaft el:Κατηγορία:Φύση και Φυσικές επιστήμες eo:Kategorio:Naturscienco es:Categoría:Ciencias naturales fr:Category:Sciences naturelles csb:Kategòrëjô:Nôtërné ùczbë nl:Categorie:Exacte wetenschap ja:Category:自然科学 ka:კატეგორია:საბუნებისმეტყველო მეცნიერებები no:Kategori:Naturvitenskap pl:Kategoria:Nauki przyrodnicze fi:Luokka:Luonnontieteet sv:Kategori:Naturvetenskap vi:Category:Khoa học thiên nhiên zh:Category:自然科学