Category:Social sciences
The social sciences comprise the scientific study of the human aspects of the world. They are also known as social studies. See the list of academic disciplines for a list of social sciences, including some not yet categorized below.
Main subcategories: Economics, History, Geography Template:Catmore
General subfields within Social sciences |
Anthropology |Economics | Geography| History | Linguistics | Politics | Sociology |
Template:Commonscatan:Category:Zenzias sozials ast:Category:Ciencies sociales bg:Категория:Социални науки ca:Categoria:Cincies socials da:Kategori:Samfundsvidenskab el:Κατηγορία:Κοινωνικές επιστήμες fr:Catgorie:Sciences humaines io:Category:Sociala cienci it:Categoria:Scienze sociali ja:Category:社会科学 ka:კატეგორია:საზოგადოებრივი მეცნიერებები nl:Categorie:Sociale wetenschap no:Kategori:Samfunnsvitenskap pl:Kategoria:Nauki społeczne tr:Category:Sosyoloji zh:Category:社会科学