Bangui, estimated population 560,000 (1994), is the capital city of the Central African Republic. The city is located on the Ubangi River, at a series of rapids that limit major commercial shipping farther upriver. The Ubangi river marks the border between the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The DRC town of Zongo lies directly across from Bangui. Bangui is located at 4°22' North, 18°35' East (4.36667, 18.58333). [1] (
Bangui's manufactures include textiles, food products, beer, shoes, and soap. The main exports are cotton, timber, coffee, and sisal. The city was founded in 1889 and is named for local rapids. The University of Bangui is located there.
The city centre lies near the river and houses a large triumphal arch dedicated to Bokassa, the Presidential Palace and the central market. Km 5, lying 5km further north, is the heart of the residential area and is home to the largest market and most of the city's nightlife. Further north still lie rolling hills.
Other attractions in Bangui include Boganda Museum and Bokassa Palace. The city is also home to an international airport, while ferries sail to Brazzaville and Zongo.
In October 1985, a conference of public health officials including representatives of the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organisation met in Bangui and defined AIDS in Africa as, "prolonged fevers for a month or more, weight loss of over 10% and prolonged diarrhoea". About half the AIDS cases in Africa based on the Bangui definition are HIV eo:Bangui fr:Bangui io:Bangui he:בנגואי ja:バンギ nl:Bangui pl:Bangi sv:Bangui