Anal-oral contact

Anal-oral contact (commonly referred to as anilingus, misspelled as analingus, and colloquially known as rimming, rimjob or tossing the salad) is sexual activity involving contact between the anus or perianal areas of one person and the mouth of another. Thus, anilingus is simultaneously anal sex and oral sex.
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Rimming is practiced by humans of all sexual orientations. In both sexes, the human anus contains pleasurable nerve endings similar to those in the genitalia.
Unprotected anilingus involves risks of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, as well as intestinal parasites and poisoning by contact with faeces. However, the risks are mitigated by simple thorough washing with soap and water, and virtually eliminated with the use of a dental dam. If hepatitis vaccinations have been taken, anilingus is usually regarded as a low-risk sexual activity, for example with regard to the risk of transmission of HIV.
Public notoriety
Famously, the Starr Report made mention of “oral-anal contact” between President Bill Clinton and intern Monica Lewinsky.[1] ( However, no mention was made in the report of who was on the giving and who was on the receiving end of the act.
References to anilingus were made in the sitcom Sex and the City, where the character Carrie uses the euphemism “tuckus lingus,” and in the first several minutes of the first episode of the British Queer as Folk. It is also mentioned in South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut.
Reference to "tossing the salad" is made in Chris Rock's comedy routine "Tossed Salad Man".
The misspelling "analingus" is commonly encountered. The correct form is with -i- (anus → ani, + lingus) as in cunnilingus (cunnus → cunni, + lingus).
The act of simultaneously performing anilingus and a handjob on a man is referred to as a rusty trombone.
"Ass to mouth"
- Main article: Ass to mouth
Ass to mouth is the removal of the penis or another object from the passive partner's anus followed by the immediate insertion of the penis or object into the passive partner's or another person's mouth. It is also known as A2M or ATM. Ass to mouth generally excludes cleaning the penis or other object after its removal from the anus but before its imposition in the mouth. This results in indirect oral-anal contact through the medium of the penis (or other object).
"Dirty Sanchez"
On a related note, a Dirty Sanchez is when a man and a woman engage in anal sex, then the man takes his penis out and rubs it on the girls upper lip, leaving a moustache. This term is also used as the title of a British MTV show similar to Jackass.
External links
- Article on health risks of anilingus (
- Article on techniques for anilingus (
- Advice on anilingus including illustrations (
- article (