Alpha Flight

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Cover to Alpha Flight #1. Art by John Byrne.

Alpha Flight is a Canadian team of super heroes, created for Marvel Comics by Chris Claremont and John Byrne (Byrne is himself Canadian).

Their first appearance was in "Uncanny X-Men", #120-#121, and their popularity with fans ultimately led, in 1983, to the creation of their own series.


Volume One

Though reluctant to take the job, Byrne wrote and drew the series for 29 issues before handing it off to another creative team. During that time, the series attracted fans by doing something different than many Marvel team-based comics series. The storylines dealt with one or two characters at a time, only occasionally bringing all the members of the team together. This was a contrast to other team series like the X-Men, the Avengers, or the Fantastic Four.

The initial makeup of Alpha Flight was deliberately pan-Canadian, including:

After Byrne left, the series was written by many others, including Bill Mantlo, Fabian Nicieza, and Scott Lobdell. It continued for 130 issues, before ending in 1994. During this run, dozens of characters and villains were introduced, including cross-overs with other characters in the Marvel universe.

Volume Two

In 1997, Marvel started the series up again as a Volume 2, with largely different characters. This series ended in 1999 after only twenty issues and an annual. The new additions to the roster included:

Volume Three - "All-New, All-Different" Alpha Flight

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The "All-New, All-Different" Alpha Flight. Clockwise from top left: Yukon Jack, Centennial, Sasquatch, Puck II, Major Mapleleaf and Nemesis

In 2004, Marvel started a new volume of Alpha Flight, with the "All-New, All-Different" prefix. The first six-issue story arc, which shows Sasquatch attempting to construct the new team, is called "You Gotta Be Kiddin' Me." The series is slated to be cancelled at issue #12 due to low sales.

The new team recruited by Sasquatch includes:

  • Centennial, a 97 year old man whose Supermanesque mutant powers manifested after being awoken from a coma by Sasquatch.
  • Major Mapleleaf, the son of a WW2 super-hero of the same name and a stereotypical goody-two shoes (secretly a normal human who rides a superpowered horse).
  • Nemesis, an old Alpha Flight ally.
  • Puck, the daughter of the Alpha Flight member of the same name.
  • Yukon Jack, a mysterious man from a primitive tribe, bought from his father by Sasquatch.

Other Appearances

Alpha Flight was seen on the X-men animated episode Repo Man. Vindicator and the Canadian Alpha Flight capture Wolverine. The Canadian government demand their project back. Either he joins their team as originally planned or they repossess his indestructible, adamantium skeleton.

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