Abdel-Razak al-Yehiyeh
Abdel-Razak al-Yehiyeh, formerly Interior Minister for the Palestinian Authority, is a military and security strategist experienced in negotiations.
Abdel Razak al-Yehiyeh, involved in security talks with Israel, heads a centralized security apparatus for the Palestinian Authority instead of Mohammad Dahlan (tied to U.S. officials and a back channel with Israel). Yasser Arafat remains in charge of the various security forces as head of a supreme security council.
Yehiyeh left the PA cabinet in late 2002 after Yasser Arafat prevented him from making any significant reforms.
External links and references
- Sedan, Gil, "Israel doubts Arafat will deliver on reform efforts (http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/18372/edition_id/368/format/html/displaystory.html)". Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Friday June 7, 2002.
- "New Palestinian interior minister a retired military man (http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/meast/06/09/al.yahya.profile/)", CNN. June 10, 2002.