Wulfstan II, Archbishop of York
Wulfstan II, Archbishop of York, Bishop of London, Bishop of Worcester. Died May 28 1023 at Ely.
This Wulfstan is not to be confused with Wulfstan I, Archbishop of York or St. Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester.
Wulfstan wrote numerous works in Old English, the vernacular. His best known is Sermo Lupi ad Anglos. In Sermo Lupi ad Anglos (Sermon of the Wolf to the English), he proclaims the depredations of the "Danes" (who were, at that point, primarily Norwegian invaders) a scourge from God to lash the English for their sins. He calls upon them to repent their sinful ways. Wulfstan was very involved in the reform of the English church, as well, and was a powerful force for setting up the power of the bishopric of York, in particular. He is the author of many of the early law codes of England, as well as a treatise on the organization of society, entitled "The Institutes of Polity."