William Dobbie
Sir William Dobbie, during World War II, was a Lieutenant General, of the British Army, who served as the military governor of Malta. Dobbie was a member of the Protestant Plymouth Brethren and was a veteran of the Boer War and World War I. He was also the former Commandant of the British School of Military Engineering. He was General Officer Commanding Malaya (1935 - 1939). He has been criticized for his religious approach to leadership and for what critics argue to have been an unacceptable delay in the creation of bomb shelters; as well as in implementing efficient food-rationing and creating an effective civil-defense system.
- Prime Minister Churchill
- "[Dobbie is] a Governor of outstanding character who inspired all ranks and classes, military and civil, with his...determination...a soldier who...in...leadership and religious zeal...recalled memories of General Gordon and...the Ironsides and Convenanters."
- Lord Mountbatten
- Mabel Strickland