Waterman is the name of a popular online flash-animated cartoon, created by Bryan Waterman. The cartoons, sometimes compared to Family Guy and other adult-oriented cartoons, can be found at http://www.watermanstudios.com/
Waterman is the name of a luxury pen company, Waterman pens.
Waterman refers to harvesters of seafood in the Chesapeake Bay region.
Waterman is a suburb of Perth, Western Australia. Its Local Government Area is the City of Stirling. Originally named Waterman Bay, the suburb was named after Alfred Waterman, a fisherman who built the first house in the area in 1908. Its post code is 6020.
The term waterman (or, more recently, waterperson) is sometimes used in the extreme sports community to denote a skilled athlete of broad and multiple aquatic skill, e.g., in surfing, free diving, canoe paddling, whitewater rafting, etc.
Contents |
Waterman as Familyname
- Allan T. Waterman
- Dennis Waterman
- Hannah Waterman
- Pete Waterman
- Rachelle Waterman
- Robert Waterman
- Waldo Waterman