Vocational education
Vocational education (or Vocational Education and Training (VET)) prepares learners for careers or professions that are traditionally non-academic and directly related to a trade, occupation or 'vocation' in which the learner participates.
Vocational education is in most cases a form of secondary or post-secondary education. In some cases, vocational education can contribute towards a tertiary education at a university as academic credit however, it is rarely considered in its own form to fall under the traditional defintion of a higher education.
Up until the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused on trades, for example building, agriculture and crafts, and was therefore associated with the activities of lower social classes. As a consequence, it has attracted a level of stigma.
However, as the labour market becomes more specialised and economies are demanding more skills, governments and business are increasingly investing in the future of vocational education through publicy funded training organisations and subsidised apprenticeship or traineeship initiatives for businesses.
Vocational education has diversified over the last century and now exists in industries such as retail, tourism, IT, funeral services and cosmetics.
Vocational education is related to the age-old apprenticeship system of learning.
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VET internationally
The largest and the most unified system of vocational education was created in Soviet Union (see PTU, Tehnikum). But it became less effective with the transition of post-Soviet countries to market economy.
In Australia vocational education and training is post-secondary and provided through the Technical and Further Education system.
- Achilles, C. M.; Lintz, M.N.; and Wayson, W.W. "Observations on Building Public Confidence in Education." EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION AND POLICY ANALYSIS 11 no. 3 (1989): 275-284.
- Banach, Banach, and Cassidy. THE ABC COMPLETE BOOK OF SCHOOL MARKETING. Ray Township, MI: Author, 1996.
- Brodhead, C. W. "Image 2000: A Vision for Vocational Education." VOCATIONAL EDUCATION JOURNAL 66, no. 1 (January 1991): 22-25.
- Buzzell, C.H. "Let Our Image Reflect Our Pride." VOCATIONAL EDUCATION JOURNAL 62, no. 8 (November-December 1987): 10.
- O'Connor, P.J., and Trussell, S.T. "The Marketing of Vocational Education." VOCATIONAL EDUCATION JOURNAL 62, no. 8 (November-December 1987): 31-32.
- Ries, E. "To 'V' or Not to 'V': for Many the Word 'Vocational' Doesn't Work." TECHNIQUES 72, no. 8 (November-December 1997): 32-36.
- Ries, A., and Trout, J. THE 22 IMMUTABLE LAWS OF MARKETING. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993.
- Sharpe, D. "Image Control: Teachers and Staff Have the Power to Shape Positive Thinking." VOCATIONAL EDUCATION JOURNAL 68, no. 1 (January 1993): 26-27.
- Shields, C.J. "How to Market Vocational Education." CURRICULUM REVIEW (November 1989): 3-5
- Silberman, H.F. "Improving the Status of High School Vocational Education." EDUCATIONAL HORIZONS 65, no. 1 (Fall 1986): 5-9.
- Tuttle, F.T. "Let's Get Serious about Image-Building." VOCATIONAL EDUCATION JOURNAL 62, no. 8 (November-December 1987): 11.
- "What Do People Think of Us?" TECHNIQUES 72, no. 6 (September 1997): 14-15.
See also
- Home economics
- Finishing school
- Polytechnic
- Technical and Further Education (Australia)
- Training
- IEK: Vocational education schools in Greece.
External Links
Vocational guidance
- Choosing a Career or Vocational School (http://www.fact-sheets.com/education/choosing_vocational_school/)
ERIC Articles
- Constructivism, Workplace Learning, and Vocational Education (http://www.ericdigests.org/1998-1/learning.htm)
- The Business of Vocational Education (http://www.ericdigests.org/2003-3/business.htm)
- Employers' Expectations of Vocational Education (http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-9213/vocational.htm)
- Reducing the Dropout Rate through Career and Vocational Education (http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-925/rate.htm)
- Vocational Education's Image for the 21st Century (http://www.ericdigests.org/1999-2/21st.htm)
- Vocational Education Performance Standards (http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-9215/vocational.htm)
National and International organisations and agencies
- European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) (http://www.cedefop.eu.int)
- European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EFVET) (http://www.efvet.org)
- UK Department for Education and Skills (http://www.dfes.gov.uk/index.htm)
- US Dept of Labor ö Employment and Training Administration - Office of Apprenticeship Training, Employer and Labor Services (OATELS) (http://www.doleta.gov/atels_bat/)
- US Dept of Education - Office of Vocational and Adult Education (http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ovae/index.html)
- U.S. Job Training and Vocational Education Programs (http://www.policyalmanac.org/economic/job_training.shtml)
- Related information (http://www.ncver.edu.au/publications/957.html) Useful web sites for VET information in Australia and overseas.de:Berufsausbildung