Vietnamese Quoted-Readable
VIetnamese Quoted-Readable, usually abbreviated VIQR, is a convention for writing in Vietnamese over the Internet. VIQR uses characters that can be typed using the keyboard to add diacritical marks:
Diacritical Marks in VIQR | ||
Diacritical mark | Typed character | Examples |
trăng (breve) | (
| a( → ă |
mũ (circumflex) | ^
| a^ → â |
móc (horn) | + or *
| o+ → ơ |
huyền (grave) | `
| a` → à |
sắc (acute) | ' or /
| a' → á |
hỏi (hook) | ?
| a? → ả |
ngã (tilde) | ~
| a~ → ã |
nặng (dot below) | .
| a. → ạ |
VIQR uses DD
for the Vietnamese letter Đ, and dd
for the Vietnamese letter đ. To type certain punctuation marks (namely, the period, question mark, apostrophe, forward slash, opening parenthesis, or hyphen) directly after most Vietnamese words, a backslash (\
) must be typed directly before the punctuation mark, so that it will not be interpreted as a diacritical mark.
See Mnemonic Encoding Specification for Vietnamese.
External links
- The VIQR Convention (