In the fictional world of Macross, the VF-0 was an advanced prototype for the VF-1 Valkyrie which served as a flight test unit and later in 2008 as a front-line fighter, before the Valkyrie's mass production in November 2008. In most respects, the VF-0 resembled the VF-1, although its legs were longer because the EGF-127 conventional turbofan engines used by the fighter were larger and bulkier than the VF-1's FF-2001 thermonuclear engines.
The VF-0's maximum speed is Mach 2.74 at 11,000 meters MSL altitude. Because it uses conventional turbofan engines and not thermonuclear turbines like the later VF-1, the VF-0 is not a true spacecraft (although it can operate for short periods of time underwater).
The VF-0's armament was virtually identical to the VF-1's (although the VF-1S's laser armament was bumped up from two to four barrels), but slightly older in design: A 35mm gun pod (GPU-9) in place of the VF-1's 55mm GU-11, and AIM-120 AMRAAM air to air missiles in place of the VF-1's AMM-1s.
Several VF-0s deployed from the aircraft carrier Asuka II (CVN-99) were destroyed in combat in the South Pacific against Anti-U.N. forces piloting Sukhoi SV-51 variable fighters in early 2008, under the command of Roy Focker.
The VF-0 was succeeded in service by the VF-1 Valkyrie in late 2008/early 2009. After Space War I, the idea of an inexpensive atmospheric-use Valkyrie was resurrected with the VF-3000 Star Crusader and VF-5000 "Star Mirage."
- VF-0A - standard version, single seat, single head laser
- VF-0B - two-seat version of the VF-0A
- VF-0D - improved two-seat version with canards, new wing design
- VF-0S - single seat version for squadron commanders, two head lasers