Loof for PD images for these artists:
Understand when an image becomes Public domain for various countries, for works made by a single person (not a group, not a corporation and not anonymously) - to be resaerched later, database errors permitting:
Country Date published Author's death Date enters Public Domain? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- United States up to 1923 any year PD already United States 1923 to 1963 any year 2019 if renewals filed United States 1923 to 1963 any year 2019 if in copyright in 1998 United States 1923 to 1963 any year PD if in PD in 1998
Berne-C-States 1924 1924 1975 to to to 1933 1933 1981 ? 1934 1934 1982 ? or 2019 ?
Soviet Union up to 1973 any year PD because unenforceable? after 1973 any year ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bern-C-States = States agreeing to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
Contents |
Copyright Expiration Day - old text
In the United States, the copyright law causes all copyrighted works which have reached the end of their term of copyright protection to fall into the public domain on January 1 of the appropriate year.
Due to the accession by the United States to the Berne Convention (Berne Union treaty), the U.S. originally changed its laws to have all works created by an author fall out of copyright (into the public domain) at the same time, January 1, 50 years after they died, or either 75 years after publication or 100 years after creation, whichever is shorter, if the author was not a natural person or was a collective work or work for hire.
This was later changed as a result of the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act which increased protections for copyright holders by 20 years to harmonize with the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the equivalent extension made to the 1993 revisions to the Berne Convention.
As a result of these changes, in the case of a work created by an individual, the work goes into the public domain on January 1, 70 years after the author dies. Where the work is a joint effort of two or more authors, it goes into the public domain on January 1, 70 years after the death of the last surviving joint author.
In the case of a work made for hire, a pseudonymous work, or a collective work, the work goes into the public domain on January 1, 95 years after the date of first publication, or 120 years after creation, whichever is shorter.
External links
- U.S. copyright office web site:
Move Dore gallery to Commons
Slowly move the Dore images from wikipedia's English Bible gallery to commons
and upload to commons better images from:
full illustrated text from
Templates in progress
- User:Wikibob/District (Swiss)
- Template:Image description only used by me, so one day change uses to a standard template
- Template:GFDL image description ditto
- Template:Infobox ground-based telescope only used in two articles...
Orphans adopted
- Kenneth Richey now linked by List of reversed death sentences
- User:Wikibob/Saint Petersburg | User:Wikibob/Saint Petersburg 1 | User:Wikibob/Saint Petersburg 2 | User:Wikibob/Saint Petersburg 3 being used to merge de: data into en:
Brussels cinema in April
Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa | Su |
-- | -- | -- | 1 ( | 2 ( | 3 ( | 4 ( |
5 ( | 6 ( | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | - |
Wiki farms
- User:Wikibob/Wiki Farms tests accessibility of a few Wiki farms.
horizontal calendar, better calendar
msg syntax (see here) that isn't here, yet:
Template:Message name {{subst:ref_1 ABC}} Template:Merge XYZ Template:Stub not Template:Stub(no) Template:PAGE NAME Wikibob/todo
Edward Frederick Brewtnall paintings
- A Visit to the Witch
- A Visit to the Witch (detail)
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Sinbad
- Sleeping Beauty painting
- The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington
- The Princess and the Frog Prince
- Under the Mistletoe
- Where Next?
- Wimbledon Tennis Party
- The Honeymooners
Precising Rapunzel from the German 1857 version into English
User:Wikibob/Rapunel_precis, now redundant as someone has done it better.
Como Chiavare, Italy Lavagna, Italy Liguria/RivieraTigullio/Chiavari/ (
Titan notes
Huygens finds atmospheric pressure at 18 km (11 to 12 miles) altitude measured about 50 kilo Pascals (7.3 pounds per square inch). Earth has about 100 kilo Pascals at sea level, and pressure drops by about 50% for each 5 km altitude.
Altitude Earth Titan ------------------------- ground 100 150 5 km 50 10 km 25 15 km 12 18 km 9 50 20 km 6
very approximate Titan atmospheric density with altitude, from Yelle model.
Altitude Earth Titan --------------------------------------------- ground 283K 1.2 kg/m3 93K 0.006 g/cm3 =6 kg/m3 5 km 250K 0.72 kg/m3 10 km 218K 0.4 kg/m3 Press=265 mb 20 km ?K 0.002 g/cm3 =2 kg/m3 40 km ?K 0.0008 g/cm3 =0.8 kg/m3 50 km ?K 0.0005 g/cm3 =0.5 kg/m3 100 km ?K 0.00002 g/cm3 = 0.02 kg/m3 200 km ?K 0.0000015 g/cm3 = 0.0015 kg/m3
At 10 km, p=p0.(1- 65/218) ** (290/(8.3 * 6.5)) p=101325 Pa (0.7)** 5.375 p=14897 Pa density = p/(R*T) = 14897/(8.314 * 218) = what units? Density of air article has wrong formula! density = p*M/(R*T*1000) = (14897*29)/(8.314 * 218 * 1000) density = 0.238 kg/m3 (at 10 km altitude)
Huygens probe early results
Quick and dirty transcription of Claudio Sollazzo transcript (
Claudio Sollazzo is head of Huygens operations unit, who has been babysitting the probe for many years, from ESA, from GPL. As Jean Pierre (sp?) has announced we have seen data from at least the first half hour of descent. During entry phase. Parachute deployed 15 seconds earlier than prediction, very close to expected profile. We are waiting to see the History data, the telemetry that was recorded on the probe before even the back cover came off so we can reconstruct the atmospheric entry phase.
From Chain B batteries are Ok, computer, software and instrument states are all good. Internal probe temperature was 25 degrees C, while outside was -180 degrees C, so our instruments were operating in a mild temperature. This explains the long life of the probe on the the ground.
The spin rate started at 9.5 revolutions per minute. and by the time we left it was 4.3 revolutions per minute. The variations told us that the third parachute was deployed correctly. When we left the probe was at 50 km altitude, and the radar altimeter was to be locked (?).
We have little information from Chain A, which we are investigating. The chains are totally independent, meaning there are effectively two independent probe, within the same housing - there is full redundancy.
The counter of lost packets was zero, meaning no packets were lost during the probe's transmission. Applause.
Audio ends at this point.
Decoding Mars images
Mars Exploration Rover image ('s filename can be decoded using JPL Nasa's notes ( as follows. The filename 1N156861737EFF4000P0605L0M1 means:
1 = Opportunity
1 Spacecraft ID 1 = Opportunity 2 = Spirit
2 Camera F = Forward HAZCAM R = Rear HAZCAM N = NAVCAM P = PANCAM M = Microscopic Imager E - EDLcam (Descent Imager)
156861737 seconds = 1 815.52936 days = 4.97075466 years. January 1, 2000 at 11:58:55.816 UTC is 946724335 seconds. 946724335 + 156861737 seconds is 2004-12-21 0:41:12
3 to 11 Spacecraft clock This is the number of seconds since January 1, 2000 at 11:58:55.816 UTC.
EFF = full frame EDR
12 to 14 Product type a) Beginning E - Type of EDR, which are raw with no camera model linearization or radiometric correction. If no beginning E, then it is a Reduced Data Record (RDR).
15 to 16 Site number Site location count (indicates rover's location). Valid values: 00, 01, 02,...99, A0, A1,..., A9, AA, AB...etc.
17 to 18 Drive number Position-within-Site count (indicates rover's position within site) Valid values: 00, 01, 02,...99, A0, A1,..., A9, AA, AB...etc.
P = PMA & Remote Sensing instr. (Pancam, Navcam, Hazcam, MI, Mini-TES)
19 to 23 Command sequence number (one letter, 4 numbers) Denotes a group of images that were all obtained within a single command sequence.
0605 = 0500 through 0999 - Unallocated, for possible future use
L = Left Camera eye
0 = Camera Filter (PANCAM only, 0 otherwise)
M = Product producer MIPL (OPGS) at JPL
1 = Product version number
John Allison Pete Abrams Sluggy Freelance Brunostrip ( (1996 to 2004 continuing) Bruno ( by Christopher Baldwin 1996 January 01-2004 March 02 Bruno comic timeline [1] (
Expand Near Earth Asteroid Tracking.
- Wikipedia:Blank maps
- Image:Blank_map_of_world_no_country_borders.PNG
- Image:Falkland island detail.png used to make:
Maps I've uploaded from CIA World Factbook (public domain)
Maps others have uploaded from CIA World Factbook
- Image:Oceania.jpg
- Image:Pacificocean.PNGlooks identical to [2] (
Example Google Map Image search (
Great circle mapper ( with ETOPS flight rule selection and airport locator.
Notes on Jules Verne 1828 born in Nantes 11 year old stole aboard boat to India, caught by his father Paris in the 20th century manuscript found in safe published 1994 about faxes, copying machines hero is Michel ... impoverished writer.
manuscript was rejected by publishers
joined group named the 11 without women worked in theatre, studied geology, geography, ... after marriage worked in stock exchange and hated it balloonist felix touracean? NADAR 1863 wrote 5 weeks in a balloon, published by Hetzel new novel titled Voyages Extradinaire
1886 shot by his own nephew death of his publisher piere hetzel and his mother the next year
elected as town councillor the year of 2829
verne turns to death castle of carpathians 1892 lord of castle infatuated with opera singer but it's just a hologram and recording
new article on the Britain - Australian Toulmin packet ( mail service 1844-1848.
Chase French copyright on some nice old photos of Annecy, France following wiki's PD list, find out whether the French Caisse nationale des Monuments historiques copyright allows use of images. Is there a Wiki group that looks at this?
[3] (
Copyright notice says:
Type : image fixe, recueil de pièces Auteur(s) : Seeberger frères. Photographe Titre(s) : [Chamonix, Haute-Savoie, et région Rhône-Alpes, 1900-1925] [Image fixe numérisée] / Frères Séeberger, photogr. Publication : [St Cyr] : [Direction du Patrimoine. Archives du patrimoine photographique], [1900-1925] Description matérielle : 28 photogr. pos. sur film (internégatifs) et 4 photogr. neg. sur verre : n. et b. ; 13 x 18 cm Note(s) : Acq. : Archives photographiques (Médiathèque du Patrimoine) (c) Caisse nationale des Monuments historiques Tournage : 19000000-19250000 Sujet(s) : Grande Chartreuse Logement rural Randonnée pédestre Tramways Marchés Vie religieuse et monastique Ponts Gares Annecy (Haute-Savoie) -- Scènes Annecy, Lac de (France) Chamonix-Mont-Blanc (Haute-Savoie) Mer de Glace (France) Grenoble (Isère) Chambéry (Savoie) Domaine(s) : Société ; Tourisme ; Notice n° : FRBNF38497067
Audio Video clips
BBC World service Discovery programme with Jeffrey Hoffman on the Shuttle:
Many BBC Dr Who clips links appear to be broken, or the webserver is. Here are a few that worked 2004 July 11.
Here is a compilation playlist file that worked with Real Audio.
rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp://
Reference: [4] (
pnm:// ?title=My Song &author=My Artist ©right=2004 My Company &abstract=Under the (i) button!
rtsp://"My Artist"©right="2004 My Company"&abstract="Under the (i) button!"
These clips appear not to work
for article on Codice fiscali
Sergo Zaqariadze
DVD includes Parade on Red Square, 7 November 1941 and Victory Celebration has
Серго Закариадзе 1 июля 1909 - 13 апреля 1971 В 1926 г. начал свою сценическую деятельность в Театре им. Руставели (Тбилиси). С 1928 г - актер 2-го Государственного театра в Кутаиси (впоследствии Театр имени К. Марджанишвили). В 1956 г. возвращается в Театр имени Руставели. Народный артист СССР (1958). Лауреат Ленинской (1960) и Государственной премий (1946, 1952). Лауреат Всесоюзного кинофестиваля в номинации "Первый приз за мужскую роль" за 1960 год. Серебряная премия Московского МКФ в 1965 г. По морям ходит корабль "Серго Закариадзе", приписанный к Новороссийскому морскому пароходству. Снимался в фильмах: * Последние крестоносцы (1933) * Дарико (1937) * Родина (1940) * Дружба (1941) * Георгий Саакадзе (1943) * Кутузов (1943) * Великий воин Албании Скандербег (1953) * День последний, день первый (1959) * Морская тропа (1962) * Палиастоми (1964) * Отец солдата (1964) * Встреча с прошлым (1966) * Не горюй! (1969) * Ватерлоо (1970) СССР/Италия * Скоро придет весна (?) Ссылки: * Ну и денек!
Sergo To zakariadze on 1 July 1909 - on 13 April 1971 In 1926 began its stage activity in the theater im. Rustavelli (Tbilisi). With 1928 g - actor 2- GO of state theater in Kutaisi (subsequently theater im. K. Mardjanishvili). In 1956 Rustavelli returns to the theater to name. People artist OF THE USSR (1958). Laureate Leninskoy (1960) and State Prize (1946, 1952). Laureate of All-Union film festival in the nomination the "first prize for the man role" in 1960. The silver reward of Moscow MKF in 1965 on the seas walks ship "sergo Zakariadze", assigned to Novorossisk sea steam navigation. It were removed in the films: * last crusaders (1933) * Dariko (1937) * native land (1940) * friendship (1941) * of Georgiy saakadze (1943) * Kutuzov (1943) * the great soldier of Albania Skanderbeg (1953) * day the latter, day the first (1959) * sea path (1962) * By paliastomi (1964) * the father of soldier (1964) * encounter with the past (1966) * do not grieve! (1969) * Waterloo (1970) SSSR/Italiya * soon will arrive spring (?) References: * Well and day!
Old stuff deleted
- Alexa traffic links 19:01, 2004 Jun 12 (UTC)