Problem solved

  • Delete. According to WHEELER, "The question is 'Should people be voting on something they have not a clue on?'." On Wikipedia, the answer is "Yes, that's our policy." You've been around long enough to know this. You talk about the commercial ethos and the warrior ethos. Well, the Wiki ethos is that of open source. The theory is that, if we let a bunch of people without professional qualifications write and edit and delete pretty much as they please, a good encyclopedia will somehow emerge. I know you disagree with the theory and with the policy. That's certainly your privilege, and you have good company, such as the Encyclopedia Britannica pooh-bahs. As long as you stay here, though, you have to recognize that that's the way it works here. The MediaWiki software is available under the GFDL for anyone who wants to start a similar project but with stricter quality controls. By the way, to save you the trouble of clicking through to my user page, I'll admit right now that I'm not qualified as a classicist. JamesMLane 08:46, 11 Mar 2005 (UTC)
I see your point. And it is very clear to me. This is in a sense "stricter quality control". Yes. But the "quality control" on wikipedia is Marxist and Fabian, Humanist and Modern. You have laid out very clearly to me that "who is in control here". The standards being that people who are ignorant of any subject but with a bias to protect can delete stuff off of Wikipedia. And that is not professional, academic, righteous (justice) or truthful. I understand perfectly what you are saying. I will not start another page nor work for Wikipedia (though I will transfer stuff here). I see clearly where this is going. I can do better and stop wasting my time here because surely I am. Thanks Mr. James MLane. You have certainly opened my eyes to the fundamental core of Wikipedia. And that yes, then Wikipedia is run by a cabal. And it is a fundamental lie that Mr. James MLane has exposed the fallacy "of free and open content". Wikipedia is not "an encylcopaedia" it's a "controlled information platform".WHEELER 14:49, 11 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Furthermore, you have exposed the "hypocrisy" here. All evil is hypocritical as Cicero has pointed out. "Coherence" and "Consistency" are hallmarks of truth which is missing here at Wikipedia. If this is "Free and Open content" and "Open Source" then why is there a deletion notice on vanavsos and why did the Classical definition of republic get deleted? There is a major flaw in the system. Quite prescient of those who practise "dissimulation". You say one thing but do another and this is the sign of it. See, Consistency and whole heartedness coherency is the foundation of logic which is the foundation of truth. Illogicity shows forth!WHEELER 15:51, 11 Mar 2005 (UTC)

08:42 UTC, Monday, 10 March 2025


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Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I am a Doric Kretan who is a reactionaryist-nationalist-monarchist/classical republican; a Catholic for 40 years, now a convert to Greek Orthodoxy. I consider myself both protestant, catholic, and orthodox; avoiding the errors of each and learning the truths they teach.

Eagle Scout; Former U.S. Marine participated in the Embassy Rescue Raid in 1980 aboard USS CORAL SEA; Traveled by Backpack across America and Europe for 4 years; 1 yr philosophy at Lateran University Rome; Spent five months in the French Foreign Legion; Milked goats and cows by hand and made hay with a scythe in Switzerland; Joined back up for Desert Storm; 2 yrs at Berea College, KY; Worked as a Shabbas goy for two and a half years; Worked with concrete and mostly as a farm laborer.

Most of my learning came from reading books and not from any classroom. I have a PH D in the School of Nature and Hard Knocks.

I thank God I don't have a college degree and spent very little time in the classroom of the Comprachicos (an essay by Ayn Rand).

The whole Bible is the Word of God and is a book of Truth. Truth is Absolute. Truth is everything. My philosophy is formed by Socrates, Plato and Jacque Maritain, Aristotelian-Thomism. My politics is formed by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn. As a monarchist, he teaches that Nazism, Fascism and the like are all leftist in character: his research and insight is diagramed here: Nazi Movement Origin and Indentitariansim and Equalitarianism chart. Konrad Heiden, in Der Fuhrer reports that "They occassionaly referred to their party as a 'party of the Left." (pg 94)

As a Greek, I see both Spiritual and Physical truth as a Unitary whole. I do not divorce Divine revelation from the physical truth. I am a philosopher trained under the rules of Socrates in Plato's Republic. I am a "Lover of Truth" ("...and they will love the truth." Jowett, Republic, §485 pg 216) and a "Hater of Lies" (And will the love of a lie be any part of a philosopher's nature? Will he not utterly hate a lie?" Jowett, Republic, §490, pg 223). I have a deep sense of truth and getting to the bottom of things.

(If anybody out there likes my work and attention to detail and research abilities, I am looking for a better job. Right now, I am doing menial labor and would like to use my intellectual abilities. Am willing to relocate.)

My contributions

I am a stickler for referencing. I believe credit should be given where credit is due. There is a second point:

The reason I stress my contributions and protect authorship of my contributions is that they are the only proof of my expertise. I don't have a college degree that I can point to. Most of the contributors here have college degrees and can point to that as a matter of substance. I am a second class citizen and have nothing. The only way to gain honor and respect is the quality, depth, and significance of my contributions. This is in lieu of a college degree. My submissions are a sign of my learning and professionalism and are necessary for my honor and respect in this community. They are a witness. I don't care where and how the material is used by somebody else but in the starting of new pages and new information, I would like the credit because it is central to honor and respect of the hard work that I have done and establish my grasp of subject material.

Favorite Quotes

"On my Honor I will do my Best to do my Duty, to God and my Country". Boy Scout Oath.
"Where Money is Prized, Virtue is despised". Socrates
"Iron Sharpens Iron". Septuagint Prov 27.17
"Ours not to question why, Ours but to do and die". Tennyson, Charge of the Light Brigade. An allusion to the Spartan Oath--Stand in place, win or die.
"True American Liberalism utterly denies the whole creed of socialism", Herbert Hoover, The Challenge to Liberty.
"There is nothing compatible between Christianity and Socialism", Pope Pius XII.


  • "You can't parlay peace with the Devil with half a loave".
  • "If you can't lead people to liberty in this life, you sure can't lead people to liberty in the next."
  • "Knowledge is like manure, it does no good piled in a heap; it only does good when spread around."
  • "Knowledge is in pyramid mode. One can't reach the pinacle, without stepping on the lower stones."
  • "Knowledge is like a spider's web, you can't reach the center unless you cross many strands."
  • "Government is not a mechanical process, it is a living breathing entity."
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Horse and Plough

Photo credit: Marcela

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Sites started on Wikinfo ( or moved to Wikinfo due to censorship at Wikipedia

White Panther Party, Lawrence (Pun) Plamondon, Myson of Chen, Cultural imprinting on politics (, National Socialism (, Classical definition of republic (

As for the Article on "National Socialism", if you look at the Early Nazi Timeline, you will see that National Socialism developed in Bohemia first in 1896. The Germans there copied them! If you read Zeev Sternhell, he records that a Frenchman used the same term two years later. Now, in Wikipedia, there is no article that discusses this. Every thing goes straight to Hitler. Wikipedians did not like this article and so it was deleted. Where amongst the Wikipedian articles do you find any thing on the pre-history of National socialism. Only my article answers begins to answer this mystery. These people have blinders on and can not figure out how this term developed almost simultaneously 20 years before Hitler. Can't have that. They are soooo blinded by ideology that they can't see a major discrepancy in their own theory. National Socialism developed long before Hitler came around and it is a major fault and error not to recognize it. Ideology not fidelity to facts runs Wikipedia.

Pages started

The Kyklos, Classical definition of republic, Paideia, Golden Mean, Kalos Kagathos, Arete (excellence), Classical definition of effeminacy, Western culture, vanavsos, Fascism#The Origin and Ideology of Fascism, Nazi Songs, Jacques Maritain, Kultur, Philodorian, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Hermann Rauschning, Family as a model for the state, Kampfbund, von, Nazi 25-point program, Louis Leo Snyder, Hermann Esser, Rudolf Jung, Proposed policy suggestion:User Talk:WHEELER/Principles of Definition, Dinergy, Josef Pfitzner, Michael Freund, Franz Kemper, K. H. Bremer, Georges Sorel, Hubert Lagardelle, Hans Knirsch, Hans Krebs, J. Salwyn Schapiro, Zeev Sternhell, ex-Nazis, Czech National Socialist Party, Fascio, Doctrine of Fascism, Constitution of Fiume, Protestant work ethic, Weimar political parties, Weimar paramilitary groups, Most, Czech Republic, Glossary of the Weimar Republic, Sudeten German National Socialist Party, Conservative Revolutionary movement, Weimar Timeline, Reinhard Gehlen, Talk:Nazism/Revolutionary not Reactionary, Early Nazi Timeline, Romanitas, censored as politically incorrect:Cultural imprint on politics, Xenelasia, Category:Classical studies, Category:Virtue, Category:Vice, Category:English constitutionalists, Category:Fascist/Nazi era scholars and writers, William Stoughton (English constitutionalist), John Hooker (English constitutionalist), John A. Stormer, Platsis Symposium, Martin Classical Lectures

Sites of major contributions

Reactionary, beard, Junker, Classics, Macrocosm/microcosm, Seven Sages of Greece, Beer Hall Putsch, Nazi Party, Glossary of the Third Reich, Ochlocracy

Criticisms of Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a Marxist controlled website. Sexual perverts can run wild and label all people flamming homosexuals and its okay. Marxists can write anything on this website and it is Okay. It says "Free Content". It is not. When a Christian patriot attempts to put information pertinent to his community, like how many liberal, socialist, marxist writers and academia are going to write books on "How we destroyed Christian society" and their techniques, and then gang up and then vote to delete my work as original research. hypocrites. WHEELER 20:02, 14 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Of course, the silliness has been exposed at Wikipedia and their "voting process". With a Majority of academics thru out the Academia, everyone will have the Marxist slant, a majority of students will have the marxist slant. And the majority, which are marxists, will delete material unfavorable to them. Truth does very well in a democracy. Socrates found out the hard way. I go the way of Socrates.WHEELER 20:15, 14 Feb 2005 (UTC)

A Cry for Intellectual Honesty

Josef Pfitzner, a Sudetenland German Nazi author, wrote that "the synthesis of the two great dynamic powers of the century, of the socialist and national idea, had been perfected in the German borderlands which thus were far ahead of their motherland." (2)WHEELER 21:23, 29 Jun 2004 (UTC)
Gee if he says it it must be true. WHEELER, you have to stop relying on quotations as *facts*. This is a reply from a contributor.

This is a classic tale of the lack of Intellectual honesty. Let me tell you wha this is saying. "SHUT UP WHEELER, Joseph Pfitzner doesn't know what he is talking about, let me tell you what to think, to hell with what an actual Nazi does say. But we need to all rely and bow to North American Academia to please **INTERPRET** what he actually said." See Joseph Pfitzer an actual Nazi living in Nazi Germany doesn't know really what he is saying, because Mr. Pfitzer contradicts American Academia Propaganda and GROUPSpeak, we must all listen while they re-interpret and explain to us how Mr. Pftizer is really a flaming rightwing fanatic. Neither Fascism nor Nazism had anything to do with socialism. Wheeler.

As in the words of another person, "For crissakes" the damn party even had in it the adjective that is was "socialist" and yet we all want to sit around and say that there was no socialism at all in Nazism or Fascism.


The above is an example of what follows:
Pick up the book by Gene Veith, Modern Fascism, Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview. He has a subchapter on *Deconstruction* It is preceeded by a chapter on *Relativism*. "...deconstruction begins with the existentialist dictum that there is no transcendent meaning, that meaning is a human construction. Deconstructionists go on to show that the way meaning is constructed is through language. Who is the originator of this. Paul de Man. Henri De Man was is uncle. "Henri was mentioned in the same breath as Heidegger as major thinkers for the new fascist order"

  • "The act of writing, the simple assertion of meaning, becomes not only a "power play", but an act of "arbitrary power". pp 135-139
  • "Deconstruction encourages this kind of moral detachment. It also tends to minimize the past. In a discussion of Nietzsche, De Man wrote that "the bases for historical knowledge are not empirical facts but written texts, even if these texts masquerade in the guise of wars or revolutions." Just as literary texts have no determinate meaining in themselves and are ultimately unknowable, the same must be true of texts such as wars and revolutions." pg 140.

Veith continues:"...the major theorist of deconstruction is not De Man but Jacques Derrida, a Jew. "This Jewish approach is far different from Hellenic thought, which has dominated Western philosophy with its attempt to go beyond language to posit rational systems and idealized truths. Herbert Schneidau relates Derrida's deconstruction to the radical iconoclasm of the Biblical tradition. G. Douglas Atkins, supporting both Handleman and Schneidau, employs Thorleif Boman's Hebrew Thought Compared to Greek to place Derrida in the Hebraic traditon."pg 141.

My Contempt for Academia

"Former President Bill Clinton challenged graduating Cornell University students to pursue the "'the eternal mission of American democracy'". (Detroit News, pg 4a, May 30, 2004).
Susan McManus, a PHD in Political Science and a professor at Tampa University, who is on every talk show and news show in Florida, goes around talking about how great democracy is and that our Founding Fathers started the greatest democracy and democracy this and democracy that.
President Bush says the same thing and his 2nd inaugural is about "celebrating democracy".

I believe democracy can take hold in parts of the world that have been condemned to tyranny. And I believe when democracies take hold, it leads to peace. That's been the proven example around the world. Democracies equal peace. President Bush in the Oval Office, quoted by Pat Buchanan, "Does Wilson's fate await Bush?" Posted: January 19, 2005

Another winner is Rush Limbaugh who sits in his Atilla the Hun chair in the Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies.....and then calls himself the "Doctor of Democracy".

All the schools teach that we have a democracy to little kids, (they lie to them of course) and textbooks trumpet democracy and our democratic institutions coming from Athens and then have them turn around and say the Pledge of Allegiance (to the Republic). That a Republic is a democracy.

Then, I can not believe that people who created and wrote the Nazism ariticle never read, never quote or reference the 25point program. I am astounded. Tons of books on Nazi's and noone has a copy or comments on the "25 point program". Wow.

Then get this from Fascism in Europe, edited by S. J. Wolf, an article by K. R. Stadler, pg 97, Austrian fascism is "reactionary, anti-revolutionary movement". This from the actual program of the NDSAP: "On their meeting in Trautenau (August 15, 1905) they declared solemnly that they were: ...a liberal, nationalistic party which fights with all powers at its disposal against all reactionary movements, against all feudal, clerical, and capitalistic priviledges,..." When the party, in l915, adopted the name "Deutsche Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei" (the party Hitler would later join), it echoed the sentiments of l905:

"It is a liberal and strictly racial (völkische) Party fighting against all reactionary efforts, the clerical, feudal, and capitalistic priviledges..." (3)

Clearly, the roots of German National Socialism were anti-reactionary, what about being anti-revolutionary--Adolf Hitler in the Beer Putsch, Yells out "Let the Revolution begin". There are countless references and scholars, J. Salwyn Schapiro, that show that Nazism is revolutionary. It was a revolutionary Mass Movement.

I have nothing but contempt for these people. George Bush with a Yale history degree. Bill Clinton who has two degrees and a lawyer with over eight years of higher education and Susan McManus with countless years in Academia. And teachers????---teaching little kids falsehood and lying to them. Publishing companies et al... What is a college degree worth? Toilet paper. All these people in media, colleges, government, CIA talking about democracy, countless years in Academia and none have ever stumbled across information that I have as recorded in the "Classical definition of republic" ---What fools.

It is no wonder that Ayn Rand calls them the "Comprachicos". I have nothing but disgust and contempt for somebody with a college degree and the whole american academia. Education is not what is going on but pure propaganda. That is why classical departments are closing everywhere. Can't let the cat out of the bag.

The Classical definition of a republic shows the insanity and ignorance reigning in the American classroom and the whole American populace. There is rampant deceivement going on.

docta ignorantia

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn writes, "Talking to a professor of a big American university, a specialist in modern German history, I remarked that Hilter was a demogogue like Cleon. 'Cleon?' (He remarked.) "Yes, Cleon of Athens", (professor:) 'Ah, that's antiquity. It's none of my business." This phenomena of specialization is by no means restricted to the United States; it is beginning to be worldwide, invading all studies and knowledge as a new form of docto ignorantia. Leftism Revisited, pg 443.

Why the "hokey-pokey"

"The view that democracy and Socialism are inwardly related spread far and wide in the decades which preceded the Bolshevist revolution. Many came to believe that democracy and Socialism meant the same thing, and that democracy without Socialism or Socialism without democracy would not be possible." Socialism, Ludwig von Mises, pg 67.

What is really going on is that "democracy" is Marxism/Socialism. George Bush who considers himself a "Christian" is busy spreading socialism everywhere---What a yahoo. What dumb is, dumber does.

I am not deceived, people.

Why I love Old Books

I don't trust any modern Books written by "modern" people. I had to read a book from 1839 to learn that Cicero called Sparta a republic. Do you think that any "modern" academic would teach or let on to their students that Sparta is a republic? NEVER in a million years. Do you think that information is in any "modern" textbook???? NEVER.

That is why I like reading old books. Only a book from 1839 had that information.

And another reason is that old books are not tainted with political correctness, and socialist/marxist methodology of criticisms, theories, slant, obscurantism etc ad nausem.


I've just realized the consequences of what I wrote the day before. How is it that I had to read a book from 1839 in order to learn that Cicero called Sparta a republic?????? UHHHHH. How come both The OXFORD Classical Dictionary and The OXFORD Companion to Classical Literature has no reference at all to Cicero calling Sparta a Republic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am mad as Hell and smell scandal scandal scandal in the Classical world. There is not even one reference to "mixed government". Where in the hell is their research and their expertise??? Where?????????? I don't read Latin or Greek but these people do and in all their time and professionality, they couldn't put that information into their reference material??? What the Hell is going on. Only Harpers Classical reference book says anything about "mixed" government. Not even W. G. Forest in his A History of Sparta does he mention any of this. How come Paul Cartledge in his book on the Spartans doesn't mention this???? What the hell is going on???? Why did it take for me to read a book from 1839 to find this important information.

Oxford University with all this scholary degrees and professionality and none did this???? All their degrees in Latin, and Greek???? How come modern textbooks don't have this information???? I am told "only recent information allowed". Yes it took me to read 200 year old books, The Federalist Papers and the Muller's book on the Dorians, to find out this information. This is a major scandal of major proportions.WHEELER 15:36, 21 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Discrepancies with "Doctrine of Fascism" text

Herbert Hoover, in his book Challenge to Liberty (1934) has the phrase "Century of the Left" quoting from the Doctrine of Fascism. He quotes the "London Quarterly" where he got his source from.

The Doctrine of Fascism as printed now has the phrase "Century of the <<Right>>". These marks <<>> are in the text.

The Plot Thickens

Mussolini recalled and destroyed all available copies of the Doctrine of Fascism in April l940 after he had second thoughts about certain phrases in it. This from in Fascsim by Noel O'Sullivan, l983 pg 138 who references, Mussolini's Roman Empire, by Mack Smith Penguin, ed., l979, first published in l976, pg 247.

Questions abound Did Mussolini publish an edited version? Can we get some help from the people at Encyclopadia Italiana? Are the copies of the l932 Enciclopadia Italiana originals, reprints with the new revised doctrine in it. Are there TWO doctrines of Fascism out there and can theses documents be put side by side and a comparison made? Also, I would like to know how and why the London Quarterly got it wrong.

Can someone help clarify these issues? I need help in this matter.


  • In 1789, Nationalism was a revolutionary tool of the French revolution.
  • When revolutionary socialism, i.e. Marxism appeared, in 1848, Nationalism became a rallying cry for the conservatives and reactionaries and became a sign of the right.
  • But under the Habsburg monarchy, nationalism reappeared as a revolutionary force to dismantle and breakaway from the Dual monarchy in 1898. Nationalism was a tool of revolution therefore it became leftist in character and method.
    • Confusion reigns because of the subtle shifts in the meaning and no one picked up on it because no one knows the whole general history of national socialism because we only concentrate on the most profound aspect of it.
    • Nationalism swung back and forth like a pendulum.
    • If it swang one way, it could also swing back. And no one recognizes this.
  • Nationalism has always existed. It is used by the left and the right. It is not the exclusive domain of the right. It was first of all leftist in use.
  • As Zeev Sternhell pointed out that WWI "opened the eyes" of many to see the power that nationalism unleashes. Mussolini and Hitler used nationalism for revolutionary purposes.

Cite Sources and Appropriating other people's work

From Wikipedia:Text of the GNU Free Documentation License Section 4D: Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document. Section 4I: Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. Section 4J: Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. - That is directly from the license text. You have to do it or the work violates the GFDL. Sorry, but it's true. SkArcher 13:40, 1 Jul 2004 (UTC)

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