
NOTE: Please, do not edit this page. If you'd like to leave me a message, put it on my Talk page. Thanks.

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Current Wikipedia stats: it's 11:35 on March 6, 2025, and we've got a total of 809 articles in the english Wikipedia.


About me

I'm an arctic wolf furry, non-morphic deep in my soul, but also often encountered as an anthro. I've got thick white fur which keeps me warm at night, blue eyes and a navel piercing, and consider myself to be friendly, peaceful, shy and a bit unsure. I've also been described as compassionate and sensitive, and I certainly am very cuddly indeed. ^.^

I've been a Wikipedian since May 16 2003; my Wikipedia:Are You a Wikipediholic Test score is 47, and I possess a small amount of Wikipedia:WikiMoney, too (23 Zorkmids at the time of this writing). I'm an occasional contributor to WikiProject Elements and WikiProject Mathematics, but most of the time, I edit / amend / create whatever articles I find interesting at the moment. As of August 19 2003, I'm also a sysop.

As of March 12 2004, I'm number 145 in the list of most active Wikipedians (up from #189 on August 8 2003). Yay! ^_^ I'm also number 156 in the list of Wikipedians by most recent edit.

I'm interested in a variety of themes ranging from mathematics to animals (in particular, wolves) to pacifism, privacy and human rights; a more detailed list (which might then also be useful as a starting point for exploring Wikipedia) will follow (or maybe not).

Feel free to talk to me, or send me an email (! ^_^


These include User:ContiE, User:Ralesk and User:Schissel, among others. Yay for friends!

Useful stuff

The following is a list of useful things, provided for your (and my) convenience.


Interesting Wikimedia projects etc. that are not mentioned on the frontpage (yet)

Missing image

Missing image

Entry points for contributions





Articles I started

For anyone interested, here's a list of articles for which I wrote the initial version (not counting pure redirects, shortcuts, templates, moved pages, temporary pages and pages that I created in the process of breaking up existing pages, but including stubs, disambiguation pages, and pages that contained only nonsense or a redirect before my first edit, as well as pages that I started while not logged in); new articles appear at the beginning of the list. The total number of articles I started is 383, last I counted, but it's been quite a while since then.

Holyhedron, Glaisher-Kinkelin constant, Barnes G-function, K-function, Hyperfactorial, Superior highly composite number, Highly abundant number, Colossally abundant number, Superabundant number, Rooted product (graph theory), Rooted graph, Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant, Vertex operator algebra, List of TIME Magazine's 100 most influential people of the 20th century, Zeno machine, PCF theory, Tame group, Bad group, Dott, G-Cans project, Bat detector, Ingrain wallpaper, Olf (unit), Kripke-Platek axioms, Axiom of real determinacy, Tim the Enchanter, Triakel, Strong pseudoprime, Lilo Wanders, List of alkanes, Tricosane, Docosane, Benjamin Frankel, Frankel, Bose gas, Laver table, Icosane, Nonadecane, Octadecane, Heptadecane, Hexadecane, Pentadecane, Tetradecane, Tridecane, Dodecane, Hentriacontane, Spark-chamber detector, Compet-N, Whetstone (benchmark), Axiom of determinacy, Dunkl operator, Property B, Eric Conspiracy, Modular group Gamma0, Goddard-Thorn theorem, Griess algebra, Supersingular prime, Modular group Lambda, Modular function, Half-period ratio, Monstrous moonshine, T-Online, Telepolis, Strafgesetzbuch, Holger Voss, Ottmar Freiherr von Verschuer, FM Towns, New Mersenne conjecture, Wagstaff prime, Arctic wolf, Dactyloscopy, Sharon Underwood, List of statements undecidable in ZFC, Diamondsuit, Clubsuit, Rusty Russell, Ingo Molnar, Futex, Givens rotation, Generalized Taxicab number, Cabtaxi number, Taxicab number, Syntactic monoid, Aperiodic monoid, Star height, Generalized star height problem, Grand Riemann hypothesis, Irrational base discrete weighted transform, Stoneham number, Champernowne constant, Message Parsing Interpreter, MUF, Fuzzball MUCK, Ich hasse Musik, Tribute to uns selbst, Hasenchartbreaker, The Schlechtst of Knorkator, Ring epimorphism, Ring monomorphism, Ring isomorphism, BFG9000, Remarkable cardinal, Hyper-Woodin cardinal, Weakly hyper-Woodin cardinal, Shelah cardinal, Von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel axioms, Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel, Half-month, Richard Baer, Canes Venatici cloud, Galaxy cluster cloud, Void (astronomy), Filament (astronomy), Solar radius, Yellow dwarf, Smarandache-Wellin prime, Smarandache-Wellin number, Palutena, Erich von Bach-Zelewski, Dave Dudley, Arthur Axmann, Hans Aumeier, Heinz Auerswald, Benno von Arent, Max Amann, Ludolf von Alvensleben, Gunter d'Alquen, Oswald Pohl, Friedrich Wilhelm Krüger, Rudolf Höß, Theodor Eicke, Ronald Schill, Lanz von Liebenfels, Karl Harrer, Gottfried Feder, Carl Schmitt, Eta function, Hurwitz zeta function, Synchrotron function, Transport function, Digamma function, Polygamma function, Incomplete Fermi-Dirac integral, Complete Fermi-Dirac integral, Carlson symmetric form, Legendre form, Debye function, Dawson function, Clausen function, Airy function, Discrete Hankel transform, Dietrich Eckart, Fixed-point lemma for normal functions, Normal function, RSA-617, RSA-500, RSA-490, RSA-480, RSA-470, RSA-460, RSA-450, RSA-440, RSA-430, RSA-420, RSA-410, RSA-400, RSA-390, RSA-380, RSA-370, RSA-360, RSA-350, RSA-340, RSA-330, RSA-320, RSA-310, RSA-309, RSA-300, RSA-290, RSA-280, RSA-270, RSA-260, RSA-250, RSA-240, RSA-232, RSA-230, RSA-220, RSA-210, RSA-200, RSA-190, RSA-180, RSA-170, RSA-2048, RSA-1536, RSA-1024, RSA-896, RSA-768, RSA-704, RSA-640, RSA-120, RSA-110, RSA-100, RSA-150, RSA-129, RSA-576, RSA-160, RSA-155, RSA-140, RSA-130, RSA number, HDCD, Triple fault, Ladenschlussgesetz, Janko group, Schmitt trigger, Neue Deutsche Welle, Friedrich Gulda, Magic hypercube, Multimagic square, Trimagic square, Bimagic square, Semiperfect magic tesseract, Perfect magic tesseract, Magic tesseract, Multimagic cube, Semiperfect magic cube, Trimagic cube, Bimagic cube, Perfect magic cube, Magic cube, Emma Härdelin, Lina Medina, Rubik's Magic, Turán's theorem, Turán graph, Gimel function, Dancing Stage, Internet Exchange Point, Schnirelmann density, Sexy prime, Cousin prime, Heike Makatsch, Wunder von Lengede, Patrick Dalzel-Job, Larry Walters, Wilhelm Liebknecht, Theodor Liebknecht, August Bebel, Karl Kautsky, Eduard Bernstein, USPD, Faraday, Almost prime, Semiprime, H. C. Artmann, Josef Hiršal, Simon Muzenda, Hugo Young, Robert Lochner, Lucas-Lehmer test, Modular group Gamma, Dust puppy, Bimonster, Baby Monster group, Newman-Shanks-Williams prime, Unique prime, Wolstenholme prime, Wall-Sun-Sun prime, Wilson prime, Wieferich prime, Hyperperfect number, Almost perfect number, Woodall number, Primeval number, Weird number, Primitive semiperfect number, Semiperfect number, Quasiperfect number, Cullen number, Deficient number, Abundant number, Multiply perfect number, Cunningham chain, Tarkus, Pictures at an Exhibition (album), Emerson, Lake and Palmer Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970, The best of Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Raticate, Rat Pokémon, Rattata, Pidgeot, Bird Pokémon, Pidgeotto, Tiny Bird Pokémon, Normal Pokémon, Pidgey, Poison Bee Pokémon, Beedrill, Kakuna, Hairy Bug Pokémon, Weedle, Stage 2 Pokémon, Stage 1 Pokémon, Bug Pokémon, Water Pokémon, Flying Pokémon, Fire Pokémon, Poison Pokémon, Grass Pokémon, Butterfly Pokémon, Cocoon Pokémon, Worm Pokémon, Shellfish Pokémon, Turtle Pokémon, Tinyturtle Pokémon, Flame Pokémon, Lizard Pokémon, Seed Pokémon, Butterfree, Metapod, Caterpie, List of esoteric programming languages, Peter Struck, Reverse domain hijacking, Karl Arnold, Theodor Heuss, Heinrich Lübke, Walter Scheel, Richard von Weizsäcker, Roman Herzog, Daraf, Soundness theorem, Postfix, Cramér's conjecture, SCO v. IBM Linux lawsuit/Press coverage 1 E-25 s and less, 1 E-24 s, 1 E-23 s, 1 E-22 s, 1 E-21 s, 1 E-20 s, 1 E-19 s, 1 E-17 s, 1 E-14 s, Blue giant, Symphonic death metal, Qu You, Ubbo-Sathla, Tulzscha, Nodens (Cthulhu Mythos), Daoloth, Jubilex, Abhoth, n-Mahlo cardinal, Cthylla, Yog-Sothoth, Tsathoggua, Boss (computer game), Hastur, Dagon (Cthulhu Mythos), Chaugnar Faugn, Boss, Cipangu, Cathay, Tove, Huge cardinal, Supercompact cardinal, Superstrong cardinal, Woodin cardinal, Strong cardinal, Totally indescribable cardinal, Zero sharp, Mahlo cardinal, Strongly inaccessible cardinal, Weakly inaccessible cardinal, 2 to the power of C, Adamov, Car Button Cloth, The secret life of Evan Dando, Ebert, Magic: The Gathering/World Championship, DoomConnector, List of Integrals (hyperbolic functions), List of Integrals (logarithmic functions), List of Integrals (arc functions), List of Integrals (area functions), List of Integrals (exponential functions), List of Integrals (trigonometric functions), Texas (disambiguation), List of Integrals (irrational functions), List of Integrals (rational functions), List of Integrals, Burrito (food), Burrito, Mustang, XM, XM (mod format), Sarpo Laggo glacier, Muztagh Tower, Green Party fraction (Bundestag), Thomas Gottschalk, Alf Poier, Weakon, Borwein's algorithm (others), Borwein's algorithm, Salamin-Brent algorithm, Bogofilter, Apogee Games, John Romero, Spear Of Destiny Computer Game, Corridor 7, ZDoom

Out of these, at least four were mentioned in the "New Articles" section of the Mainpage, namely, Simon Muzenda, Hyperperfect number, Green Party fraction (Bundestag) and Thomas Gottschalk.

Pages that I created during breaking up existing pages or factored out of existing pages include (at least, although I think the list is more or less complete):

Master of City Planning, Micro$oft Certified Professional, Almost Ramsey cardinal, Wino (slang term), Wino (particle), Nessus (computer security tool), Nessus (greek mythology), Chaos (Sesame Park character), Chaos (chinese god), Chaos (greek god), Dactyl (poetry), Dactyl (greek mythology), Mathieu group, Morpheus (Matrix character), Morpheus (Computer program), Morpheus (God), M107 (galaxy), M107 (projectile), M14 (galaxy), M14 (rifle), Autonomous system (Internet), Autonomous system (Mathematics), List of mathematical topics (G-I), List of mathematical topics (J-L), List of mathematical topics (M-O), List of mathematical topics (P-R), List of mathematical topics (S-U), List of mathematical topics (V-Z)

Major contributions

Articles I have made major contributions to include at least the following (*not* including articles I started; again, new articles appear at the beginning of the list):

Magic square, Karl Liebknecht, Hermann Brill, Yiff, Blastoise, Wartortle, Squirtle, Charizard, Charmeleon, Charmander, Venusaur, Ivysaur, Bulbasaur, List of Pokemon characters, List of NES games, Menger sponge, Dysprosium, Terbium, Gadolinium, Europium, Samarium, Promethium, Neodymium, Protactinium, Praseodymium, Mozilla, Cthulhu Mythos, List of dramatists, Snobol, Claudia Roth, Kiel, Kazimir Malevich, Harald Schmidt, Future Crew, M. C. Escher, Doom computer game, Wolfenstein 3D

List of all articles I edited

See User:Schneelocke/All articles.


Missing articles

English politicians etc. from the 14th century


Other stuff

(probably only of interest to me, but I want to keep links handy)

cy:User:Schneelocke da:Bruger:Schneelocke de:Benutzer:Schneelocke hu:User:Schneelocke fi:Käyttäjä:Schneelocke is:Notandi:Schneelocke nl:Gebruiker:Schneelocke sv:Användare:Schneelocke


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