
changed username -- was "revdeath" -- now "revdeath0"

...ok, so i forgot my password. for what little i've done see user revdeath (without the "0")...

The origin of the name Revdeath is commonly disputed. The fact that the actual Revdeath refused comment when asked does nothing to alleviate the questions. All that is certain, however, is that the individual going by that name is a legally ordained reverend - one who is frequently solicited to perform weddings and other such ceremonies (among other things...).

Revdeath is indeed the creator of the seminal and now (in)famous Extreme Jesus - a work of artistic and creative genious that has yet to be matched to this very day. "Utterly hillarious...", wrote the Glenview Picayune. [Of note] It in fact caused Revdeath to be rebuked by a white member of an Asian cult.


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