User:Nikola Smolenski/Cyrillic tables
Contents [hide] |
Ѐѐ Ѐѐ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1024 | 0400 | 002000 | 0000010000000000 |
Small | 1104 | 0450 | 002120 | 0000010001010000 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѐ or Ѐ for capital and ѐ or ѐ for small letter.
Ёё Ёё
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1025 | 0401 | 002001 | 0000010000000001 |
Small | 1105 | 0451 | 002121 | 0000010001010001 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 161 | a1 | 241 | 0010100001 |
Small | 241 | f1 | 361 | 0011110001 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 179 | b3 | 263 | 0010110011 |
Small | 163 | a3 | 243 | 0010100011 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 168 | a8 | 250 | 0010101000 |
Small | 184 | b8 | 270 | 0010111000 |
Its HTML entities are: Ё or Ё for capital and ё or ё for small letter.
Ђђ Ђђ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1026 | 0402 | 002002 | 0000010000000010 |
Small | 1106 | 0452 | 002122 | 0000010001010010 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 162 | a2 | 242 | 0010100010 |
Small | 242 | f2 | 362 | 0011110010 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 128 | 80 | 200 | 0010000000 |
Small | 144 | 90 | 220 | 0010010000 |
Its HTML entities are: Ђ or Ђ for capital and ђ or ђ for small letter.
Ѓѓ Ѓѓ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1027 | 0403 | 002003 | 0000010000000011 |
Small | 1107 | 0453 | 002123 | 0000010001010011 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 163 | a3 | 243 | 0010100011 |
Small | 243 | f3 | 363 | 0011110011 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 129 | 81 | 201 | 0010000001 |
Small | 131 | 83 | 203 | 0010000011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѓ or Ѓ for capital and ѓ or ѓ for small letter.
Єє Єє
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1028 | 0404 | 002004 | 0000010000000100 |
Small | 1108 | 0454 | 002124 | 0000010001010100 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 164 | a4 | 244 | 0010100100 |
Small | 244 | f4 | 364 | 0011110100 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 170 | aa | 252 | 0010101010 |
Small | 186 | ba | 272 | 0010111010 |
Its HTML entities are: Є or Є for capital and є or є for small letter.
Ѕѕ Ѕѕ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1029 | 0405 | 002005 | 0000010000000101 |
Small | 1109 | 0455 | 002125 | 0000010001010101 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 165 | a5 | 245 | 0010100101 |
Small | 245 | f5 | 365 | 0011110101 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 189 | bd | 275 | 0010111101 |
Small | 190 | be | 276 | 0010111110 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѕ or Ѕ for capital and ѕ or ѕ for small letter.
Іі Іі
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1030 | 0406 | 002006 | 0000010000000110 |
Small | 1110 | 0456 | 002126 | 0000010001010110 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 166 | a6 | 246 | 0010100110 |
Small | 246 | f6 | 366 | 0011110110 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 178 | b2 | 262 | 0010110010 |
Small | 179 | b3 | 263 | 0010110011 |
Its HTML entities are: І or І for capital and і or і for small letter.
Її Її
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1031 | 0407 | 002007 | 0000010000000111 |
Small | 1111 | 0457 | 002127 | 0000010001010111 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 167 | a7 | 247 | 0010100111 |
Small | 247 | f7 | 367 | 0011110111 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 175 | af | 257 | 0010101111 |
Small | 191 | bf | 277 | 0010111111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ї or Ї for capital and ї or ї for small letter.
Јј Јј
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1032 | 0408 | 002010 | 0000010000001000 |
Small | 1112 | 0458 | 002130 | 0000010001011000 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 168 | a8 | 250 | 0010101000 |
Small | 248 | f8 | 370 | 0011111000 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 163 | a3 | 243 | 0010100011 |
Small | 188 | bc | 274 | 0010111100 |
Its HTML entities are: Ј or Ј for capital and ј or ј for small letter.
Љљ Љљ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1033 | 0409 | 002011 | 0000010000001001 |
Small | 1113 | 0459 | 002131 | 0000010001011001 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 169 | a9 | 251 | 0010101001 |
Small | 249 | f9 | 371 | 0011111001 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 138 | 8a | 212 | 0010001010 |
Small | 154 | 9a | 232 | 0010011010 |
Its HTML entities are: Љ or Љ for capital and љ or љ for small letter.
Њњ Њњ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1034 | 040a | 002012 | 0000010000001010 |
Small | 1114 | 045a | 002132 | 0000010001011010 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 170 | aa | 252 | 0010101010 |
Small | 250 | fa | 372 | 0011111010 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 140 | 8c | 214 | 0010001100 |
Small | 156 | 9c | 234 | 0010011100 |
Its HTML entities are: Њ or Њ for capital and њ or њ for small letter.
Ћ/ћ (done)
Ћћ Ћћ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1035 | 040b | 002013 | 0000010000001011 |
Small | 1115 | 045b | 002133 | 0000010001011011 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 171 | ab | 253 | 0010101011 |
Small | 251 | fb | 373 | 0011111011 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 142 | 8e | 216 | 0010001110 |
Small | 158 | 9e | 236 | 0010011110 |
Its HTML entities are: Ћ or Ћ for capital and ћ or ћ for small letter.
Ќќ Ќќ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1036 | 040c | 002014 | 0000010000001100 |
Small | 1116 | 045c | 002134 | 0000010001011100 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 172 | ac | 254 | 0010101100 |
Small | 252 | fc | 374 | 0011111100 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 141 | 8d | 215 | 0010001101 |
Small | 157 | 9d | 235 | 0010011101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ќ or Ќ for capital and ќ or ќ for small letter.
Ѝѝ Ѝѝ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1037 | 040d | 002015 | 0000010000001101 |
Small | 1117 | 045d | 002135 | 0000010001011101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѝ or Ѝ for capital and ѝ or ѝ for small letter.
Ўў Ўў
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1038 | 040e | 002016 | 0000010000001110 |
Small | 1118 | 045e | 002136 | 0000010001011110 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 174 | ae | 256 | 0010101110 |
Small | 254 | fe | 376 | 0011111110 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 161 | a1 | 241 | 0010100001 |
Small | 162 | a2 | 242 | 0010100010 |
Its HTML entities are: Ў or Ў for capital and ў or ў for small letter.
Џџ Џџ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1039 | 040f | 002017 | 0000010000001111 |
Small | 1119 | 045f | 002137 | 0000010001011111 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 175 | af | 257 | 0010101111 |
Small | 255 | ff | 377 | 0011111111 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 143 | 8f | 217 | 0010001111 |
Small | 159 | 9f | 237 | 0010011111 |
Its HTML entities are: Џ or Џ for capital and џ or џ for small letter.
А/а (done)
Аа Аа |
Аа Аа Аа Аа |
Аа Аа Аа Аа |
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1040 | 0410 | 002020 | 0000010000010000 |
Small | 1072 | 0430 | 002060 | 0000010000110000 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 176 | b0 | 260 | 0010110000 |
Small | 208 | d0 | 320 | 0011010000 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 225 | e1 | 341 | 0011100001 |
Small | 193 | c1 | 301 | 0011000001 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 192 | c0 | 300 | 0011000000 |
Small | 224 | e0 | 340 | 0011100000 |
Its HTML entities are: А or А for capital and а or а for small letter.
Б/б (done)
Бб Бб
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1041 | 0411 | 002021 | 0000010000010001 |
Small | 1073 | 0431 | 002061 | 0000010000110001 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 177 | b1 | 261 | 0010110001 |
Small | 209 | d1 | 321 | 0011010001 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 226 | e2 | 342 | 0011100010 |
Small | 194 | c2 | 302 | 0011000010 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 193 | c1 | 301 | 0011000001 |
Small | 225 | e1 | 341 | 0011100001 |
Its HTML entities are: Б or Б for capital and б or б for small letter.
В/в (done)
Вв Вв
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1042 | 0412 | 002022 | 0000010000010010 |
Small | 1074 | 0432 | 002062 | 0000010000110010 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 178 | b2 | 262 | 0010110010 |
Small | 210 | d2 | 322 | 0011010010 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 247 | f7 | 367 | 0011110111 |
Small | 215 | d7 | 327 | 0011010111 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 194 | c2 | 302 | 0011000010 |
Small | 226 | e2 | 342 | 0011100010 |
Its HTML entities are: В or В for capital and в or в for small letter.
Г/г (done)
Гг Гг
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1043 | 0413 | 002023 | 0000010000010011 |
Small | 1075 | 0433 | 002063 | 0000010000110011 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 179 | b3 | 263 | 0010110011 |
Small | 211 | d3 | 323 | 0011010011 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 231 | e7 | 347 | 0011100111 |
Small | 199 | c7 | 307 | 0011000111 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 195 | c3 | 303 | 0011000011 |
Small | 227 | e3 | 343 | 0011100011 |
Its HTML entities are: Г or Г for capital and г or г for small letter.
Д/д (done)
Дд Дд
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1044 | 0414 | 002024 | 0000010000010100 |
Small | 1076 | 0434 | 002064 | 0000010000110100 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 180 | b4 | 264 | 0010110100 |
Small | 212 | d4 | 324 | 0011010100 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 228 | e4 | 344 | 0011100100 |
Small | 196 | c4 | 304 | 0011000100 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 196 | c4 | 304 | 0011000100 |
Small | 228 | e4 | 344 | 0011100100 |
Its HTML entities are: Д or Д for capital and д or д for small letter.
Ее Ее
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1045 | 0415 | 002025 | 0000010000010101 |
Small | 1077 | 0435 | 002065 | 0000010000110101 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 181 | b5 | 265 | 0010110101 |
Small | 213 | d5 | 325 | 0011010101 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 229 | e5 | 345 | 0011100101 |
Small | 197 | c5 | 305 | 0011000101 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 197 | c5 | 305 | 0011000101 |
Small | 229 | e5 | 345 | 0011100101 |
Its HTML entities are: Е or Е for capital and е or е for small letter.
Ж/ж (done)
Жж Жж
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1046 | 0416 | 002026 | 0000010000010110 |
Small | 1078 | 0436 | 002066 | 0000010000110110 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 182 | b6 | 266 | 0010110110 |
Small | 214 | d6 | 326 | 0011010110 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 246 | f6 | 366 | 0011110110 |
Small | 214 | d6 | 326 | 0011010110 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 198 | c6 | 306 | 0011000110 |
Small | 230 | e6 | 346 | 0011100110 |
Its HTML entities are: Ж or Ж for capital and ж or ж for small letter.
Зз Зз
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1047 | 0417 | 002027 | 0000010000010111 |
Small | 1079 | 0437 | 002067 | 0000010000110111 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 183 | b7 | 267 | 0010110111 |
Small | 215 | d7 | 327 | 0011010111 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 250 | fa | 372 | 0011111010 |
Small | 218 | da | 332 | 0011011010 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 199 | c7 | 307 | 0011000111 |
Small | 231 | e7 | 347 | 0011100111 |
Its HTML entities are: З or З for capital and з or з for small letter.
Ии Ии
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1048 | 0418 | 002030 | 0000010000011000 |
Small | 1080 | 0438 | 002070 | 0000010000111000 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 184 | b8 | 270 | 0010111000 |
Small | 216 | d8 | 330 | 0011011000 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 233 | e9 | 351 | 0011101001 |
Small | 201 | c9 | 311 | 0011001001 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 200 | c8 | 310 | 0011001000 |
Small | 232 | e8 | 350 | 0011101000 |
Its HTML entities are: И or И for capital and и or и for small letter.
Й/й (done)
Йй Йй
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1049 | 0419 | 002031 | 0000010000011001 |
Small | 1081 | 0439 | 002071 | 0000010000111001 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 185 | b9 | 271 | 0010111001 |
Small | 217 | d9 | 331 | 0011011001 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 234 | ea | 352 | 0011101010 |
Small | 202 | ca | 312 | 0011001010 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 201 | c9 | 311 | 0011001001 |
Small | 233 | e9 | 351 | 0011101001 |
Its HTML entities are: Й or Й for capital and й or й for small letter.
Кк Кк
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1050 | 041a | 002032 | 0000010000011010 |
Small | 1082 | 043a | 002072 | 0000010000111010 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 186 | ba | 272 | 0010111010 |
Small | 218 | da | 332 | 0011011010 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 235 | eb | 353 | 0011101011 |
Small | 203 | cb | 313 | 0011001011 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 202 | ca | 312 | 0011001010 |
Small | 234 | ea | 352 | 0011101010 |
Its HTML entities are: К or К for capital and к or к for small letter.
Лл Лл
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1051 | 041b | 002033 | 0000010000011011 |
Small | 1083 | 043b | 002073 | 0000010000111011 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 187 | bb | 273 | 0010111011 |
Small | 219 | db | 333 | 0011011011 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 236 | ec | 354 | 0011101100 |
Small | 204 | cc | 314 | 0011001100 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 203 | cb | 313 | 0011001011 |
Small | 235 | eb | 353 | 0011101011 |
Its HTML entities are: Л or Л for capital and л or л for small letter.
Мм Мм
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1052 | 041c | 002034 | 0000010000011100 |
Small | 1084 | 043c | 002074 | 0000010000111100 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 188 | bc | 274 | 0010111100 |
Small | 220 | dc | 334 | 0011011100 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 237 | ed | 355 | 0011101101 |
Small | 205 | cd | 315 | 0011001101 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 204 | cc | 314 | 0011001100 |
Small | 236 | ec | 354 | 0011101100 |
Its HTML entities are: М or М for capital and м or м for small letter.
Нн Нн
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1053 | 041d | 002035 | 0000010000011101 |
Small | 1085 | 043d | 002075 | 0000010000111101 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 189 | bd | 275 | 0010111101 |
Small | 221 | dd | 335 | 0011011101 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 238 | ee | 356 | 0011101110 |
Small | 206 | ce | 316 | 0011001110 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 205 | cd | 315 | 0011001101 |
Small | 237 | ed | 355 | 0011101101 |
Its HTML entities are: Н or Н for capital and н or н for small letter.
Оо Оо
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1054 | 041e | 002036 | 0000010000011110 |
Small | 1086 | 043e | 002076 | 0000010000111110 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 190 | be | 276 | 0010111110 |
Small | 222 | de | 336 | 0011011110 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 239 | ef | 357 | 0011101111 |
Small | 207 | cf | 317 | 0011001111 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 206 | ce | 316 | 0011001110 |
Small | 238 | ee | 356 | 0011101110 |
Its HTML entities are: О or О for capital and о or о for small letter.
Пп Пп
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1055 | 041f | 002037 | 0000010000011111 |
Small | 1087 | 043f | 002077 | 0000010000111111 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 191 | bf | 277 | 0010111111 |
Small | 223 | df | 337 | 0011011111 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 240 | f0 | 360 | 0011110000 |
Small | 208 | d0 | 320 | 0011010000 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 207 | cf | 317 | 0011001111 |
Small | 239 | ef | 357 | 0011101111 |
Its HTML entities are: П or П for capital and п or п for small letter.
Рр Рр
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1056 | 0420 | 002040 | 0000010000100000 |
Small | 1088 | 0440 | 002100 | 0000010001000000 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 192 | c0 | 300 | 0011000000 |
Small | 224 | e0 | 340 | 0011100000 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 242 | f2 | 362 | 0011110010 |
Small | 210 | d2 | 322 | 0011010010 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 208 | d0 | 320 | 0011010000 |
Small | 240 | f0 | 360 | 0011110000 |
Its HTML entities are: Р or Р for capital and р or р for small letter.
Сс Сс
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1057 | 0421 | 002041 | 0000010000100001 |
Small | 1089 | 0441 | 002101 | 0000010001000001 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 193 | c1 | 301 | 0011000001 |
Small | 225 | e1 | 341 | 0011100001 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 243 | f3 | 363 | 0011110011 |
Small | 211 | d3 | 323 | 0011010011 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 209 | d1 | 321 | 0011010001 |
Small | 241 | f1 | 361 | 0011110001 |
Its HTML entities are: С or С for capital and с or с for small letter.
Тт Тт
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1058 | 0422 | 002042 | 0000010000100010 |
Small | 1090 | 0442 | 002102 | 0000010001000010 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 194 | c2 | 302 | 0011000010 |
Small | 226 | e2 | 342 | 0011100010 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 244 | f4 | 364 | 0011110100 |
Small | 212 | d4 | 324 | 0011010100 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 210 | d2 | 322 | 0011010010 |
Small | 242 | f2 | 362 | 0011110010 |
Its HTML entities are: Т or Т for capital and т or т for small letter.
Уу Уу
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1059 | 0423 | 002043 | 0000010000100011 |
Small | 1091 | 0443 | 002103 | 0000010001000011 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 195 | c3 | 303 | 0011000011 |
Small | 227 | e3 | 343 | 0011100011 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 245 | f5 | 365 | 0011110101 |
Small | 213 | d5 | 325 | 0011010101 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 211 | d3 | 323 | 0011010011 |
Small | 243 | f3 | 363 | 0011110011 |
Its HTML entities are: У or У for capital and у or у for small letter.
Фф Фф
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1060 | 0424 | 002044 | 0000010000100100 |
Small | 1092 | 0444 | 002104 | 0000010001000100 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 196 | c4 | 304 | 0011000100 |
Small | 228 | e4 | 344 | 0011100100 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 230 | e6 | 346 | 0011100110 |
Small | 198 | c6 | 306 | 0011000110 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 212 | d4 | 324 | 0011010100 |
Small | 244 | f4 | 364 | 0011110100 |
Its HTML entities are: Ф or Ф for capital and ф or ф for small letter.
Хх Хх
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1061 | 0425 | 002045 | 0000010000100101 |
Small | 1093 | 0445 | 002105 | 0000010001000101 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 197 | c5 | 305 | 0011000101 |
Small | 229 | e5 | 345 | 0011100101 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 232 | e8 | 350 | 0011101000 |
Small | 200 | c8 | 310 | 0011001000 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 213 | d5 | 325 | 0011010101 |
Small | 245 | f5 | 365 | 0011110101 |
Its HTML entities are: Х or Х for capital and х or х for small letter.
Цц Цц
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1062 | 0426 | 002046 | 0000010000100110 |
Small | 1094 | 0446 | 002106 | 0000010001000110 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 198 | c6 | 306 | 0011000110 |
Small | 230 | e6 | 346 | 0011100110 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 227 | e3 | 343 | 0011100011 |
Small | 195 | c3 | 303 | 0011000011 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 214 | d6 | 326 | 0011010110 |
Small | 246 | f6 | 366 | 0011110110 |
Its HTML entities are: Ц or Ц for capital and ц or ц for small letter.
Чч Чч
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1063 | 0427 | 002047 | 0000010000100111 |
Small | 1095 | 0447 | 002107 | 0000010001000111 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 199 | c7 | 307 | 0011000111 |
Small | 231 | e7 | 347 | 0011100111 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 254 | fe | 376 | 0011111110 |
Small | 222 | de | 336 | 0011011110 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 215 | d7 | 327 | 0011010111 |
Small | 247 | f7 | 367 | 0011110111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ч or Ч for capital and ч or ч for small letter.
Шш Шш
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1064 | 0428 | 002050 | 0000010000101000 |
Small | 1096 | 0448 | 002110 | 0000010001001000 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 200 | c8 | 310 | 0011001000 |
Small | 232 | e8 | 350 | 0011101000 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 251 | fb | 373 | 0011111011 |
Small | 219 | db | 333 | 0011011011 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 216 | d8 | 330 | 0011011000 |
Small | 248 | f8 | 370 | 0011111000 |
Its HTML entities are: Ш or Ш for capital and ш or ш for small letter.
Щщ Щщ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1065 | 0429 | 002051 | 0000010000101001 |
Small | 1097 | 0449 | 002111 | 0000010001001001 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 201 | c9 | 311 | 0011001001 |
Small | 233 | e9 | 351 | 0011101001 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 253 | fd | 375 | 0011111101 |
Small | 221 | dd | 335 | 0011011101 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 217 | d9 | 331 | 0011011001 |
Small | 249 | f9 | 371 | 0011111001 |
Its HTML entities are: Щ or Щ for capital and щ or щ for small letter.
Ъъ Ъъ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1066 | 042a | 002052 | 0000010000101010 |
Small | 1098 | 044a | 002112 | 0000010001001010 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 202 | ca | 312 | 0011001010 |
Small | 234 | ea | 352 | 0011101010 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 255 | ff | 377 | 0011111111 |
Small | 223 | df | 337 | 0011011111 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 218 | da | 332 | 0011011010 |
Small | 250 | fa | 372 | 0011111010 |
Its HTML entities are: Ъ or Ъ for capital and ъ or ъ for small letter.
Ыы Ыы
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1067 | 042b | 002053 | 0000010000101011 |
Small | 1099 | 044b | 002113 | 0000010001001011 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 203 | cb | 313 | 0011001011 |
Small | 235 | eb | 353 | 0011101011 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 249 | f9 | 371 | 0011111001 |
Small | 217 | d9 | 331 | 0011011001 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 219 | db | 333 | 0011011011 |
Small | 251 | fb | 373 | 0011111011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ы or Ы for capital and ы or ы for small letter.
Ьь Ьь
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1068 | 042c | 002054 | 0000010000101100 |
Small | 1100 | 044c | 002114 | 0000010001001100 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 204 | cc | 314 | 0011001100 |
Small | 236 | ec | 354 | 0011101100 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 248 | f8 | 370 | 0011111000 |
Small | 216 | d8 | 330 | 0011011000 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 220 | dc | 334 | 0011011100 |
Small | 252 | fc | 374 | 0011111100 |
Its HTML entities are: Ь or Ь for capital and ь or ь for small letter.
Ээ Ээ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1069 | 042d | 002055 | 0000010000101101 |
Small | 1101 | 044d | 002115 | 0000010001001101 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 205 | cd | 315 | 0011001101 |
Small | 237 | ed | 355 | 0011101101 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 252 | fc | 374 | 0011111100 |
Small | 220 | dc | 334 | 0011011100 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 221 | dd | 335 | 0011011101 |
Small | 253 | fd | 375 | 0011111101 |
Its HTML entities are: Э or Э for capital and э or э for small letter.
Юю Юю
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1070 | 042e | 002056 | 0000010000101110 |
Small | 1102 | 044e | 002116 | 0000010001001110 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 206 | ce | 316 | 0011001110 |
Small | 238 | ee | 356 | 0011101110 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 224 | e0 | 340 | 0011100000 |
Small | 192 | c0 | 300 | 0011000000 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 222 | de | 336 | 0011011110 |
Small | 254 | fe | 376 | 0011111110 |
Its HTML entities are: Ю or Ю for capital and ю or ю for small letter.
Яя Яя
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1071 | 042f | 002057 | 0000010000101111 |
Small | 1103 | 044f | 002117 | 0000010001001111 | |
ISO 8859-5 | Capital | 207 | cf | 317 | 0011001111 |
Small | 239 | ef | 357 | 0011101111 | |
KOI 8 | Capital | 241 | f1 | 361 | 0011110001 |
Small | 209 | d1 | 321 | 0011010001 | |
Windows 1251 | Capital | 223 | df | 337 | 0011011111 |
Small | 255 | ff | 377 | 0011111111 |
Its HTML entities are: Я or Я for capital and я or я for small letter.
Ѡѡ Ѡѡ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1120 | 0460 | 002140 | 0000010001100000 |
Small | 1121 | 0461 | 002141 | 0000010001100001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѡ or Ѡ for capital and ѡ or ѡ for small letter.
Ѣѣ Ѣѣ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1122 | 0462 | 002142 | 0000010001100010 |
Small | 1123 | 0463 | 002143 | 0000010001100011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѣ or Ѣ for capital and ѣ or ѣ for small letter.
Ѥѥ Ѥѥ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1124 | 0464 | 002144 | 0000010001100100 |
Small | 1125 | 0465 | 002145 | 0000010001100101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѥ or Ѥ for capital and ѥ or ѥ for small letter.
Ѧѧ Ѧѧ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1126 | 0466 | 002146 | 0000010001100110 |
Small | 1127 | 0467 | 002147 | 0000010001100111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѧ or Ѧ for capital and ѧ or ѧ for small letter.
Ѩѩ Ѩѩ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1128 | 0468 | 002150 | 0000010001101000 |
Small | 1129 | 0469 | 002151 | 0000010001101001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѩ or Ѩ for capital and ѩ or ѩ for small letter.
Ѫѫ Ѫѫ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1130 | 046a | 002152 | 0000010001101010 |
Small | 1131 | 046b | 002153 | 0000010001101011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѫ or Ѫ for capital and ѫ or ѫ for small letter.
Ѭѭ Ѭѭ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1132 | 046c | 002154 | 0000010001101100 |
Small | 1133 | 046d | 002155 | 0000010001101101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѭ or Ѭ for capital and ѭ or ѭ for small letter.
Ѯѯ Ѯѯ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1134 | 046e | 002156 | 0000010001101110 |
Small | 1135 | 046f | 002157 | 0000010001101111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѯ or Ѯ for capital and ѯ or ѯ for small letter.
Ѱѱ Ѱѱ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1136 | 0470 | 002160 | 0000010001110000 |
Small | 1137 | 0471 | 002161 | 0000010001110001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѱ or Ѱ for capital and ѱ or ѱ for small letter.
Ѳѳ Ѳѳ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1138 | 0472 | 002162 | 0000010001110010 |
Small | 1139 | 0473 | 002163 | 0000010001110011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѳ or Ѳ for capital and ѳ or ѳ for small letter.
Ѵѵ Ѵѵ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1140 | 0474 | 002164 | 0000010001110100 |
Small | 1141 | 0475 | 002165 | 0000010001110101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѵ or Ѵ for capital and ѵ or ѵ for small letter.
Ѷѷ Ѷѷ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1142 | 0476 | 002166 | 0000010001110110 |
Small | 1143 | 0477 | 002167 | 0000010001110111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѷ or Ѷ for capital and ѷ or ѷ for small letter.
Ѹѹ Ѹѹ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1144 | 0478 | 002170 | 0000010001111000 |
Small | 1145 | 0479 | 002171 | 0000010001111001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѹ or Ѹ for capital and ѹ or ѹ for small letter.
Ѻѻ Ѻѻ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1146 | 047a | 002172 | 0000010001111010 |
Small | 1147 | 047b | 002173 | 0000010001111011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѻ or Ѻ for capital and ѻ or ѻ for small letter.
Ѽѽ Ѽѽ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1148 | 047c | 002174 | 0000010001111100 |
Small | 1149 | 047d | 002175 | 0000010001111101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѽ or Ѽ for capital and ѽ or ѽ for small letter.
Ѿѿ Ѿѿ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1150 | 047e | 002176 | 0000010001111110 |
Small | 1151 | 047f | 002177 | 0000010001111111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ѿ or Ѿ for capital and ѿ or ѿ for small letter.
Ҁҁ Ҁҁ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1152 | 0480 | 002200 | 0000010010000000 |
Small | 1153 | 0481 | 002201 | 0000010010000001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҁ or Ҁ for capital and ҁ or ҁ for small letter.
҂҃ ҂҃
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1154 | 0482 | 002202 | 0000010010000010 |
Small | 1155 | 0483 | 002203 | 0000010010000011 |
Its HTML entities are: ҂ or ҂ for capital and ҃ or ҃ for small letter.
҄҅ ҄҅
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1156 | 0484 | 002204 | 0000010010000100 |
Small | 1157 | 0485 | 002205 | 0000010010000101 |
Its HTML entities are: ҄ or ҄ for capital and ҅ or ҅ for small letter.
҆҇ ҆҇
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1158 | 0486 | 002206 | 0000010010000110 |
Small | 1159 | 0487 | 002207 | 0000010010000111 |
Its HTML entities are: ҆ or ҆ for capital and ҇ or ҇ for small letter.
҈҉ ҈҉
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1160 | 0488 | 002210 | 0000010010001000 |
Small | 1161 | 0489 | 002211 | 0000010010001001 |
Its HTML entities are: ҈ or ҈ for capital and ҉ or ҉ for small letter.
Ҋҋ Ҋҋ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1162 | 048a | 002212 | 0000010010001010 |
Small | 1163 | 048b | 002213 | 0000010010001011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҋ or Ҋ for capital and ҋ or ҋ for small letter.
Ҍҍ Ҍҍ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1164 | 048c | 002214 | 0000010010001100 |
Small | 1165 | 048d | 002215 | 0000010010001101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҍ or Ҍ for capital and ҍ or ҍ for small letter.
Ҏҏ Ҏҏ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1166 | 048e | 002216 | 0000010010001110 |
Small | 1167 | 048f | 002217 | 0000010010001111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҏ or Ҏ for capital and ҏ or ҏ for small letter.
Ґґ Ґґ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1168 | 0490 | 002220 | 0000010010010000 |
Small | 1169 | 0491 | 002221 | 0000010010010001 | |
Windows-1251 | Capital | 165 | a5 | 245 | 0010100101 |
Small | 180 | b4 | 264 | 0010110100 | |
KOI8-U | Capital | 189 | bd | 275 | 0010111101 |
Small | 173 | ad | 255 | 0010101101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ґ or Ґ for capital and ґ or ґ for small letter.
Ғғ Ғғ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1170 | 0492 | 002222 | 0000010010010010 |
Small | 1171 | 0493 | 002223 | 0000010010010011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ғ or Ғ for capital and ғ or ғ for small letter.
Ҕҕ Ҕҕ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1172 | 0494 | 002224 | 0000010010010100 |
Small | 1173 | 0495 | 002225 | 0000010010010101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҕ or Ҕ for capital and ҕ or ҕ for small letter.
Җҗ Җҗ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1174 | 0496 | 002226 | 0000010010010110 |
Small | 1175 | 0497 | 002227 | 0000010010010111 |
Its HTML entities are: Җ or Җ for capital and җ or җ for small letter.
Ҙҙ Ҙҙ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1176 | 0498 | 002230 | 0000010010011000 |
Small | 1177 | 0499 | 002231 | 0000010010011001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҙ or Ҙ for capital and ҙ or ҙ for small letter.
Ққ Ққ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1178 | 049a | 002232 | 0000010010011010 |
Small | 1179 | 049b | 002233 | 0000010010011011 |
Its HTML entities are: Қ or Қ for capital and қ or қ for small letter.
Ҝҝ Ҝҝ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1180 | 049c | 002234 | 0000010010011100 |
Small | 1181 | 049d | 002235 | 0000010010011101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҝ or Ҝ for capital and ҝ or ҝ for small letter.
Ҟҟ Ҟҟ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1182 | 049e | 002236 | 0000010010011110 |
Small | 1183 | 049f | 002237 | 0000010010011111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҟ or Ҟ for capital and ҟ or ҟ for small letter.
Ҡҡ Ҡҡ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1184 | 04a0 | 002240 | 0000010010100000 |
Small | 1185 | 04a1 | 002241 | 0000010010100001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҡ or Ҡ for capital and ҡ or ҡ for small letter.
Ңң Ңң
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1186 | 04a2 | 002242 | 0000010010100010 |
Small | 1187 | 04a3 | 002243 | 0000010010100011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ң or Ң for capital and ң or ң for small letter.
Ҥҥ Ҥҥ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1188 | 04a4 | 002244 | 0000010010100100 |
Small | 1189 | 04a5 | 002245 | 0000010010100101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҥ or Ҥ for capital and ҥ or ҥ for small letter.
Ҧҧ Ҧҧ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1190 | 04a6 | 002246 | 0000010010100110 |
Small | 1191 | 04a7 | 002247 | 0000010010100111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҧ or Ҧ for capital and ҧ or ҧ for small letter.
Ҩҩ Ҩҩ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1192 | 04a8 | 002250 | 0000010010101000 |
Small | 1193 | 04a9 | 002251 | 0000010010101001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҩ or Ҩ for capital and ҩ or ҩ for small letter.
Ҫҫ Ҫҫ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1194 | 04aa | 002252 | 0000010010101010 |
Small | 1195 | 04ab | 002253 | 0000010010101011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҫ or Ҫ for capital and ҫ or ҫ for small letter.
Ҭҭ Ҭҭ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1196 | 04ac | 002254 | 0000010010101100 |
Small | 1197 | 04ad | 002255 | 0000010010101101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҭ or Ҭ for capital and ҭ or ҭ for small letter.
Үү Үү
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1198 | 04ae | 002256 | 0000010010101110 |
Small | 1199 | 04af | 002257 | 0000010010101111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ү or Ү for capital and ү or ү for small letter.
Ұұ Ұұ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1200 | 04b0 | 002260 | 0000010010110000 |
Small | 1201 | 04b1 | 002261 | 0000010010110001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ұ or Ұ for capital and ұ or ұ for small letter.
Ҳҳ Ҳҳ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1202 | 04b2 | 002262 | 0000010010110010 |
Small | 1203 | 04b3 | 002263 | 0000010010110011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҳ or Ҳ for capital and ҳ or ҳ for small letter.
Ҵҵ Ҵҵ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1204 | 04b4 | 002264 | 0000010010110100 |
Small | 1205 | 04b5 | 002265 | 0000010010110101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҵ or Ҵ for capital and ҵ or ҵ for small letter.
Ҷҷ Ҷҷ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1206 | 04b6 | 002266 | 0000010010110110 |
Small | 1207 | 04b7 | 002267 | 0000010010110111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҷ or Ҷ for capital and ҷ or ҷ for small letter.
Ҹҹ Ҹҹ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1208 | 04b8 | 002270 | 0000010010111000 |
Small | 1209 | 04b9 | 002271 | 0000010010111001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҹ or Ҹ for capital and ҹ or ҹ for small letter.
Һһ Һһ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1210 | 04ba | 002272 | 0000010010111010 |
Small | 1211 | 04bb | 002273 | 0000010010111011 |
Its HTML entities are: Һ or Һ for capital and һ or һ for small letter.
Ҽҽ Ҽҽ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1212 | 04bc | 002274 | 0000010010111100 |
Small | 1213 | 04bd | 002275 | 0000010010111101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҽ or Ҽ for capital and ҽ or ҽ for small letter.
Ҿҿ Ҿҿ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1214 | 04be | 002276 | 0000010010111110 |
Small | 1215 | 04bf | 002277 | 0000010010111111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ҿ or Ҿ for capital and ҿ or ҿ for small letter.
Ӏ/Ӏ (done)
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1216 | 04c0 | 002300 | 0000010011000000 |
Small | 1216 | 04c0 | 002300 | 0000010011000000 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӏ or Ӏ for capital and Ӏ or Ӏ for small letter.
Ӂӂ Ӂӂ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1217 | 04c1 | 002301 | 0000010011000001 |
Small | 1218 | 04c2 | 002302 | 0000010011000010 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӂ or Ӂ for capital and ӂ or ӂ for small letter.
Ӄӄ Ӄӄ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1219 | 04c3 | 002303 | 0000010011000011 |
Small | 1220 | 04c4 | 002304 | 0000010011000100 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӄ or Ӄ for capital and ӄ or ӄ for small letter.
Ӆӆ Ӆӆ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1221 | 04c5 | 002305 | 0000010011000101 |
Small | 1222 | 04c6 | 002306 | 0000010011000110 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӆ or Ӆ for capital and ӆ or ӆ for small letter.
Ӈӈ Ӈӈ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1223 | 04c7 | 002307 | 0000010011000111 |
Small | 1224 | 04c8 | 002310 | 0000010011001000 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӈ or Ӈ for capital and ӈ or ӈ for small letter.
Ӊӊ Ӊӊ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1225 | 04c9 | 002311 | 0000010011001001 |
Small | 1226 | 04ca | 002312 | 0000010011001010 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӊ or Ӊ for capital and ӊ or ӊ for small letter.
Ӌӌ Ӌӌ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1227 | 04cb | 002313 | 0000010011001011 |
Small | 1228 | 04cc | 002314 | 0000010011001100 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӌ or Ӌ for capital and ӌ or ӌ for small letter.
Ӎӎ Ӎӎ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1229 | 04cd | 002315 | 0000010011001101 |
Small | 1230 | 04ce | 002316 | 0000010011001110 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӎ or Ӎ for capital and ӎ or ӎ for small letter.
ӏӐ ӏӐ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1231 | 04cf | 002317 | 0000010011001111 |
Small | 1232 | 04d0 | 002320 | 0000010011010000 |
Its HTML entities are: ӏ or ӏ for capital and Ӑ or Ӑ for small letter.
Ӑӑ Ӑӑ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1232 | 04d0 | 002320 | 0000010011010000 |
Small | 1233 | 04d1 | 002321 | 0000010011010001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӑ or Ӑ for capital and ӑ or ӑ for small letter.
Ӓӓ Ӓӓ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1234 | 04d2 | 002322 | 0000010011010010 |
Small | 1235 | 04d3 | 002323 | 0000010011010011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӓ or Ӓ for capital and ӓ or ӓ for small letter.
Ӕӕ Ӕӕ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1236 | 04d4 | 002324 | 0000010011010100 |
Small | 1237 | 04d5 | 002325 | 0000010011010101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӕ or Ӕ for capital and ӕ or ӕ for small letter.
Ӗӗ Ӗӗ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1238 | 04d6 | 002326 | 0000010011010110 |
Small | 1239 | 04d7 | 002327 | 0000010011010111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӗ or Ӗ for capital and ӗ or ӗ for small letter.
Әә Әә
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1240 | 04d8 | 002330 | 0000010011011000 |
Small | 1241 | 04d9 | 002331 | 0000010011011001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ә or Ә for capital and ә or ә for small letter.
Ӛӛ Ӛӛ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1242 | 04da | 002332 | 0000010011011010 |
Small | 1243 | 04db | 002333 | 0000010011011011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӛ or Ӛ for capital and ӛ or ӛ for small letter.
Ӝӝ Ӝӝ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1244 | 04dc | 002334 | 0000010011011100 |
Small | 1245 | 04dd | 002335 | 0000010011011101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӝ or Ӝ for capital and ӝ or ӝ for small letter.
Ӟӟ Ӟӟ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1246 | 04de | 002336 | 0000010011011110 |
Small | 1247 | 04df | 002337 | 0000010011011111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӟ or Ӟ for capital and ӟ or ӟ for small letter.
Ӡӡ Ӡӡ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1248 | 04e0 | 002340 | 0000010011100000 |
Small | 1249 | 04e1 | 002341 | 0000010011100001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӡ or Ӡ for capital and ӡ or ӡ for small letter.
Ӣӣ Ӣӣ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1250 | 04e2 | 002342 | 0000010011100010 |
Small | 1251 | 04e3 | 002343 | 0000010011100011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӣ or Ӣ for capital and ӣ or ӣ for small letter.
Ӥӥ Ӥӥ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1252 | 04e4 | 002344 | 0000010011100100 |
Small | 1253 | 04e5 | 002345 | 0000010011100101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӥ or Ӥ for capital and ӥ or ӥ for small letter.
Ӧӧ Ӧӧ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1254 | 04e6 | 002346 | 0000010011100110 |
Small | 1255 | 04e7 | 002347 | 0000010011100111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӧ or Ӧ for capital and ӧ or ӧ for small letter.
Өө Өө
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1256 | 04e8 | 002350 | 0000010011101000 |
Small | 1257 | 04e9 | 002351 | 0000010011101001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ө or Ө for capital and ө or ө for small letter.
Ӫӫ Ӫӫ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1258 | 04ea | 002352 | 0000010011101010 |
Small | 1259 | 04eb | 002353 | 0000010011101011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӫ or Ӫ for capital and ӫ or ӫ for small letter.
Ӭӭ Ӭӭ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1260 | 04ec | 002354 | 0000010011101100 |
Small | 1261 | 04ed | 002355 | 0000010011101101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӭ or Ӭ for capital and ӭ or ӭ for small letter.
Ӯӯ Ӯӯ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1262 | 04ee | 002356 | 0000010011101110 |
Small | 1263 | 04ef | 002357 | 0000010011101111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӯ or Ӯ for capital and ӯ or ӯ for small letter.
Ӱӱ Ӱӱ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1264 | 04f0 | 002360 | 0000010011110000 |
Small | 1265 | 04f1 | 002361 | 0000010011110001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӱ or Ӱ for capital and ӱ or ӱ for small letter.
Ӳӳ Ӳӳ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1266 | 04f2 | 002362 | 0000010011110010 |
Small | 1267 | 04f3 | 002363 | 0000010011110011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӳ or Ӳ for capital and ӳ or ӳ for small letter.
Ӵӵ Ӵӵ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1268 | 04f4 | 002364 | 0000010011110100 |
Small | 1269 | 04f5 | 002365 | 0000010011110101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӵ or Ӵ for capital and ӵ or ӵ for small letter.
Ӷӷ Ӷӷ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1270 | 04f6 | 002366 | 0000010011110110 |
Small | 1271 | 04f7 | 002367 | 0000010011110111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӷ or Ӷ for capital and ӷ or ӷ for small letter.
Ӹӹ Ӹӹ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1272 | 04f8 | 002370 | 0000010011111000 |
Small | 1273 | 04f9 | 002371 | 0000010011111001 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӹ or Ӹ for capital and ӹ or ӹ for small letter.
Ӻӻ Ӻӻ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1274 | 04fa | 002372 | 0000010011111010 |
Small | 1275 | 04fb | 002373 | 0000010011111011 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӻ or Ӻ for capital and ӻ or ӻ for small letter.
Ӽӽ Ӽӽ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1276 | 04fc | 002374 | 0000010011111100 |
Small | 1277 | 04fd | 002375 | 0000010011111101 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӽ or Ӽ for capital and ӽ or ӽ for small letter.
Ӿӿ Ӿӿ
Code positions
Character encoding | Case | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal | Binary |
Unicode | Capital | 1278 | 04fe | 002376 | 0000010011111110 |
Small | 1279 | 04ff | 002377 | 0000010011111111 |
Its HTML entities are: Ӿ or Ӿ for capital and ӿ or ӿ for small letter.