User:Mr impossible
Part time historian, museum-type and renaissance man (I like The O.C. and William of Ockham so I must be) full time busy-body and raving egotist.
My film website (usually in need of a good update) can be found at
My lovely - but very intermittent - live journal can be found at
My articles so far have mostly concentrated on 20th century history, Egyptology and some other bits and pieces. In fact I've now clocked up over 200 edits which is terribly sad but which I'm strangely chuffed about.
I've written a lot of biography, one the best of which is probably Lord Halifax which I actually did some fairly sound research for. Yes it's quite dull, but it's also quite accurate(ish). I'm also very pleased with the special relationship article which I began and which then became a rather nice little collaboration; so lots of back-patting there. Colley Cibber was another article I worked on and it got featured! If only I hadn't only written about 1% of it...
Take care of yourselves and each other
Mr impossible 15:40, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)