User:Jzhang/Virtual Safari 1.5/Fake Virtual Safari



Pumbaa: Oooh! Our new ride is finally finished! Come on! Let's go in!

Part 1

Timon: Welcome to the Lion King Pridelands Adventure!

Pumbaa: Yeah! And you're the very first riders!

Ma: Oh, this is so exciting! Timon, I am so proud! I can't wait to see what you've made!

Uncle Max: I've got a bad feeling about this!

Timon: Oh, Thanks, Uncle Max! Always nice to have that family support, so warm, so friendly, so...

(You slam into a painted door!)


(Camera zooms out to a crane camera)

Uncle Max (Distant): Why are you making a ride when the real thing's right there!

Timon (Distant): You know your problem, Uncle Max? You've got no vision (Spiritually)!

(Camera on the Wildebeast Car)

Uncle Max: I have a better vision if I wasn't squished into a giant, painted door!

Timon: Ok, ok! So there's a few glitches, Keep your tails on!

Pumbaa: Timon! I think you're sitting on the OFF button!

Timon: I wondered what that was!

(Doors finally open!)

Pumbaa: Ok, everyone! Here we go!

(You arrive in the jungle, Fake Timon and Pumbaa are swinging)

Pumbaa: Ooh! Pretty colors!

Ma: Oh, Timon, this is wonderful!

Uncle Max: Not bad, actually.

Timon: See, and you thought I wasn't cut out for this! Get it? Cut out? Haha!

(Switches to a camera facing Timon and Pumbaa and Ma and Uncle Max then switches back)

(A ribbon waterfall appears with Fake Simba, Timon and Pumbaa dancing on the log bridge)

Pumbaa: Ooh! Pretty!

Ma: Oh, this is really exciting!

(You arrive in a chamber with an automated Rafiki)

Mechanical Rafiki: Look beyond what you see! So what are you going to do?

Timon: Ok! Which way, folks? You get to choose. Left or right?

Pumbaa: I think we'll pick the right, uh, no, uh, the left, uh, no, I forgot.

Mechanical Rafiki: So what are you going to do?

Ma: If I choose the right, when do I get to see the left?

Timon: Just right it again and choose left, Ma!

Uncle Max: So what are we waiting for?

Timon: Hey! You out there! Help us out, ok? Pick one!

Pumbaa (Shopping personnelish): It's easy! Just use your remote control to choose the right or left arrow.

Timon: And hurry up, before something breaks...

Mechanical Rafiki: So what are you going to do?

Timon: ...again!

Mechanical Rafiki: HOHOHAHA! AAHAHAHAHAHA! So what are you going to do?

If you chose Left, This is what you get:

Timon and Pumbaa and Ma and Uncle Max: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (SPLASH!)

(Italian Music)

Ma: Wow, this is nice!

Uncle Max: Don't exactly remember this in the movie.

(A fake Pumbaa is drowned into a well)

Timon: Icy-picky-picky!

(The fake Pumbaa spits water)


Fake Pumbaa's Mom: Pumbaa! No playing! Don't play chicken!

(A Drunk Renaissance Hyena appears in the bridge above you)

(A hyena chases a fake Timon for a plate of grubs, Meanwhile, fake pirate Timons are waiting for their ship but doesn't know that there is a hyena waiting to attack!)

Ma: Why are they chasing you for a plate of grubs?

Timon: Don't ask!

If you chose Right, you'll get this:

(Doors open to reveal fake Timon holding fake Pumbaa)

Pumbaa: Ooh!

Ma: Uh, dear, I don't remeber it quite like that!

Timon: Mother! It's a ride! It's a "Poetic Licence"! An artful re-creation!

Uncle Max: It's a Lie!

Timon: Hey! Everything lies in a delicate balance, remember?

(Static, Pumbaa falls out of Timon's hands)

Pumbaa: Aww!

Timon: AAAAA!

Uncle Max: Oh yeah! Very delicate!

(Pumbaa Passes Wind)

Ma: Oh dear! Is it supposed to make that noise?

Pumbaa: Uh, actually, that was me!

Uncle Max: PU! Get me out of here!

(The car exits)

Part 2

(Train Sounds)


(Sounds approch)

Timon: AAAAAH!

(3 Flashlights are revealed)

Uncle Max: Ok, Enough is enough! There's no train in the original story and don't say "Poetic Licence"!

Timon: Um, "Creative Leeway?"

(Chamber of Rafiki again but with Flames!)

Mechanical Rafiki: Look beyond what you see! So what are you going to do?

Timon: Ok, Folks! Left or right! Oh, and Pumbaa, remember this time stay away from the flames! 'cause if you go off, we all go up!

Pumbaa: Ooh! Good point, Timon!

Mechanical Rafiki: So what are you going to do?

Ma: Hmm, think! Right or left?

Pumbaa: Uh, Timon? Which way is left again?

Timon: Would ya just pick!

Mechanical Rafiki: So what are you going to do?

Timon: Come on, folks out there! A little help, Please?

Mechanical Rafiki: AHHHHHAHA! AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So what are you going to do?

If you choose Left, this is what you get:

(Doors open to a deserted room)


(Materials fall down, sound goes clockwise starting from R)

Timon: Uh, Pumbaa, weren't you gonna finish this part?

Pumbaa: Uh, you said you were gonna do it, remember?

Uncle Max: So, Mr. Big, shacky, directive. What do you call this?

(Cat cries between the SL and SR speakers)

Timon: Uh, uhe, Circle of life!

Ma: Maybe we should circle on back!

(Sounds stop on L, A Wildebeast car topples a little bit)

Timon: Good idea!

If you chose Right, this is what you get:

(Haunted music, Fake Dragon hyenas appear with 2 posters, one Timon's and one Pumbaa's)

Pumbaa: Oh boy!

Uncle Max: What now? "The Haunted Pridelands"?

Timon: Why not? It's cool!



(You fall as Deep and as Fast as the Hellevator (A PNE ( ride)!)




Uncle Max: I have to admit! That was pretty cool!

Timon: And unexpected!

Pumbaa: I don't feel so good!

Timon and Uncle Max: OH NO! PUMBAA! NO!

(Pumbaa passes gas)

Uncle Max: Let's get out of here!

Fake Conclusion

(Hyena sounds, eyes point at you)


Uncle Max: Ok, Timon! I'm quite impressed, this is quite quite...

(A lightbulb blows! the main lights go on revealing that the eyes were lightbulbs!)

...quite crummy!

Pumbaa: Whoa! I've never seen it with the lights on!

Uncle Max: What's the word I'm looking for here? Uh, cheezy, uh, embarrasing. No! I got it! Pathetic!

Timon (talking into radio): (Clears throat) We're, uh, upsday in section 4B, what's the hold upe?

Radio: Hold up your rollem in the cenum, comprende?

Ma: Dear, did you do those translations yourself?

End of Fake Safari

To continue, please go to the Real Virtual Safari


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