
This  awarded for outstanding contributions to  articles on Wikipedia. 23:15, 21 Dec 2004 (UTC)
This barnstar awarded for outstanding contributions to computer architecture articles on Wikipedia.
SimonW 23:15, 21 Dec 2004 (UTC)

I'm going to write a few articles on computer architecture and implementation. These are going to be more technical than the CPU Design pages that exist so far. I'm going to write many of my pages first before I start linking other pages into them, so that I don't drop readers into a black hole.

I'm also finding that some of these entries have already been written by others, and I want to think carefully about how I may change those entries. Many people may not wish to read about implementation details, so I don't want to clutter other pages.

Eventually, it would be nice to add pointers from the various computer history entries to these implementation articles, so that readers can see not only who did what when, but how they did it.

Here's my plan:

  • Microarchitecture
  • Physical implementation
    • Logic circuit families
      • CMOS
        • stack-latch flops
        • pulse flops
        • flops versus latches
        • stall signals
      • Domino
        • implicit latches
    • Phase-locked loops
    • CPU recurences
      • branch predictor
      • in-order dispatch
      • out-of-order issue
      • ALU-bypass
        • skewed datapath
        • conditional moves
      • integer load
      • Floating-point unit
        • Multiplication, including Booth recoding, modified Booth-2 and -3

Complete rewrites or new pages:

Major hacking:


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