Andrew D. Giminiani
- To attain employment within your company.
- Corpsmember
- California Conservation Corps
- Use and maintenence of conservationist equipment including wood/rock drills, grip hoists, CCVs, and hand tools.
5/03 - 7/03
- Computer Tech
- Mendocino County Office of Education 2240 Eastside Rd., Ukiah, CA
- Formatting and re-installing of Mac OS 9.1 on 30+ Macintoshes, installing of educational software, setting up small LAN (local area network).
11/02 - 5/03
- Daycare Intern
- Oak Manor Elementary School 1 Oak Manor Drive, Ukiah, CA
- Ensuring safety, helping with homework, resolving conflicts, and interacting on playground with up to 70 elementary age students in after-school daycare program.
5/02 - 7/02
- Stocking Clerk
- Grocery Outlet 1203 North State Street, Ukiah, CA
- Opening boxes, downstacking product, preparing product for display on shelves, general indoor/outdoor cleanup
- Mendocino County Office of Education 2240 Eastside Rd., Ukiah, CA
- Received high school diploma 3/19/04.