Hello there, welcome to the 'pedia! I hope you like the place and decide to stay. If you need any questions answered about the project then check out Wikipedia:Help or drop me a line. Cheers! --maveric149
I tried to amend the history log of Agricultural Science to agricultural science but the damn conversion script took over and overwrote both your and Robert's contributions. Sorry. The history doesn't last forever anyway and older edits eventually are no longer shown. Since you have done so much work on this article, I could copy the text into a temp article, delete agricultural science and then you can recreate it with the saved text. That way it will appear as if you "created" the article (which you really did anyway - the stub that was there before was rather short) --maveric149
- That's ok, Maverick. Thanks for trying. Please read my comment on that point under Robert Menkel user's page.
RE Fertilisation and In vitro fertilisation: And what are you talking about? I didn't change any spelling in either article -- all I did was add the American spelling in parenthesis so that search engines will be able to find that spelling and American readers will not immediately think the article is spelled (or spelt if you like) incorrectly. --maveric149
No problem or hard feelings on the misunderstanding -- I've jumped the gun, so to speak, several times before just to find out I was incorrect. Hum, you do have a valid point about a possible ambiguity between biological fertilization and the agricultural kind. I wouldn?t disambiguate based on British / American spelling variations because the same ambiguity exists for both the z and s spellings. However, as you allude to, the use of the word ?fertilizer? is not ambiguous and can only be about agricultural fertilization. Besides I am not familiar with the common use of the word ?fertilization? (either spelling) in the context of agriculture. It is far more common (at least with American English) to say you have or will fertilize your filed or add fertilizer to your field. The ?tion term would describe the actual process of fertilizing a field ? which I guess you could write an article about?. However, it would be far more interesting to talk mainly about what fertilizer does to a crop and why than to talk exclusively about particular methods of applying fertilizer to a field. --maveric149
I answered your comment on my talk page. -- Marj Tiefert 11:14 Aug 29, 2002 (PDT)
I sent an email to the account you use for nupedia (I figured out how to block, now I need to know whom to block). --KQ 14:23 Aug 30, 2002 (PDT)
No, I mean I found out how to block the vandal, I just need to know who the vandal is (I don't speak French, sorry). You see? --KQ 14:29 Aug 30, 2002 (PDT)
- Do you think you can succeed banning a proxy ip ? I'm very sorry, I have to leave my computer...anthere
- I sent you an email about it. It seems to be blocked already. --KQ 14:50 Aug 30, 2002 (PDT)
Thanks, Anthere! I also found "Libertine" and would have no problem with "known for his debauchery" -- but the other seemed out of place! JHKa
I answered your question on my talk page. --mav
No need to apologize - I knew instantly what happened and what browser you must have been using. It's mainly my fault for letting my talk page get so dang long. Archiving now. :) --mav
Hi Anthere. There's a WikiProject French departements starting up. Would you & any other anglophones on the French Wikipedia be interested in helping out? I figure data such as population, area, prefectures, etc can be put on both Wikipedias simultaneously -- a sort of Eurovision Wiki ;-) -- Tarquin
- I saw that yesterday. Placed a very short note on user:olivier and gave a comment here ( I seem to remember the work on the department was done by Shailuhud ( but I'm not entirely sure and he doesnot seem much around these days. Anyway, I'll put an "advertisment" page WorldVision Project (why limit it to Europe, hein ?) to see if anybody else would be interested --ant
(re: folding camera vs. view camera) Hm, well I'm obviously out of my depth on the camera stuff. You can see why I didn't add it to the article proper. --KQ
- user:Ericd asked me to look at folding camera and I commented on his page about it. But it seems that the folding camera and the view camera are two different things. That's all I meant. My experience is with the single lens reflex camera; I'm an amateur. --KQ
Hello, I'm not sure what you want me to do at biopiracy. I've read it and it seems ok, but did you want opposing viewpoints? Further support? Simple copyediting? ... Sorry for the delay in getting back to you; I'm taking classes again and spending most of my time just trying not to fall behind in studies. Best, --KQ 15:16 Sep 9, 2002 (UTC)
Happy birthday. :-)
I'll take a look at biopiracy and see if the grammar needs any work. Offhand I can't think of anyone who knows about the subject well enough to add to what you've already written--maybe user:Axel Boldt? Have you asked around? Even if you put a request in the talk page with a note in the edit summary, it would probably get more attention more quickly than from me alone. --KQ 19:48 Sep 10, 2002 (UTC)
- Hell, I took a look at it. Here ('s the history.
- I think it's a good article in general. I'm of two minds about it, though. I can easily imagine it being challenged for appearing non-NPOV. (I'm not saying it is, I'm just saying I can see it being challenged as such). Aside from that:
- I think it's exactly correct, and here's why. <opinion>There are only so many widgets you can sell to people before people realize "you know what? This is crap; I don't need another widget." However, everyone has to eat, and if you can patent food itself (as companies are doing); you're certain of an income because you can charge whatever price you want and people have to buy it; you can also sue them if they decide to grow their own food with your "intellectual property" (the seeds from last year's crops), as companies have done and continue to do.</opinion>
- You did know, I hope, that there's also a movement afoot to privatize the world's water supply!? That's the ultimate cash crop--all of them, and water too.
- Anyway, that's that. My edits were mostly grammar tweaks and wikifications. Happy birthday. :-)
--KQ 20:06 Sep 10, 2002 (UTC)
I answered your move question on my talk page. BTW you can sign your name to talk posts by either typing three or four tildas (~~~ or ~~~~). --mav
Hi ant- thanks for your comments- sorry for the delay- I had some technical hitches- couldn't log onto wiki for a while...
I thought the treee thing would make a nice project, both to try to tie together existing fragmented articles and to try to make a coherent source of information on trees, there uses and mythology- partly it's self interest- I know a fair bit about trees, but my own knowledge is fragmented and weak in places- the discipline of researching and writing about each of the british trees systematically will hopefully fill alot of my own gaps! (and of course at the same time produce a resource which is useful to others... ) Cheers for now quercus robur
Hello Anthere, thought I'd mention that I'd made a suggestion to your question in Talk:Non-sexist language. Montrealais 08:07 Oct 5, 2002 (UTC)
Mon petit chou, I don't speak French, so I'll have to take your word on it, but I did change it. Someone else put it there as part of the whole ortolan thing. What's your translation? It will probably be more elegant than anything I've come up with so far. Ortolan88
French conversion should be ready to go -- I just have to wait for the automatic backup dump from the old server so I can copy including today's revisions and renames. Should happen a half hour from now. --Brion 09:25 Oct 31, 2002 (UTC)
Hi Anthere,
When I referred to a "newbie experiment", I wasn't talking about your current vandal -- I was instead removing an old entry for a user who had only made one edit, the deletion of the content of the WikiWiki page, some days ago. The Anome
Anthere, I got the information from this morning's Los Angeles Times. You have to be registered with them to read their articles so I can't link to the page but this is the article from their website:<snip></snip>
-- Zoe (delete this when you're through reading it, I know you don't want to keep all of this on your Talk page)
I fixed the disambiguation maintenance on the French wiki. Enjoy! --Brion 20:35 Nov 10, 2002 (UTC)
I don't think my two-line comment was any different from what d'Estang said. I stand by my interpretation. -- Zoe
Anthere, you have been a bit too harsh on Rinaldum, his modifs to the english version were probably, IMO, just an error -- he was creating a french translation, and perhaps got his windows mixed, which would explain why he introduced french text in the english wikipedia. Perhaps he thought he deleted the results on the french version. My 0.02 cents of an impression...
OTOH, I agree that the election results should go on their own pages, otherwise the "list of Presidents" would become too long a page. --FvdP 13:59 Nov 11, 2002 (UTC)
FvdP 13:59 Nov 11, 2002 (UTC)
I'm sorry if I said anything that offended you, Anthere. --Ed Poor
- Ed, I was shocked to see your message. You're usually quite diplomatic. ...? :-) --KQ
- I was also shocked, upon re-reading the sequence of posts, to see how offensive my words appeared (even to me!).
- Anthere, Je regrette que j'ai employee votre diminitive sans permission. --user:Ed Poor
User:hfastedge replied
Message from Dan Koehl to you at Utilisateur:anthere ;-) FvdP 23:46 Nov 28, 2002 (UTC)
I replied to your question and added a bonus photo on my talk page, thanks for your interest, Anthere. I am curious where you found my hairless cats, if not on the Sphynx page... User:Steverapaport
I have moved the talk at Utilisateur:anthere to User talk:Anthere/utilisateur in order to keep it separate from the main encyclopedia articles. -- Derek Ross
Hi Anthere,(didn't you pull away from here last year? Back again! :))
- er, no. Was not me. I know there was a user:ant, his name somehow similar to my nickname...but no, I was not there in 2001.
There has been a lot of positive activity on susning, which should not be hidden.
Meanwhile, as from my point of view, the susning was started just before the swedish wikipedia had its start, so all the people went there. Susning is a private site with its extremely peculiar rules which the owner doessnt really explain.
His, very unclear policy is, every writer is owner. If there's more than one writer per article (likely not, after 1,5 years?) then none of them may use this file anywhere else. In the end the owner claim ownership to the total site material.
- so, not free, and definitely not favoring collaboration...why would not both authors agree for a common ownership then ? I guess everyone must be preventing others from adding anything to their articles. Sad.
There was no link to the Swedish wikipedia until one month ago. On the other hand no one ws there, so why, but I find it extremely strange that the www.susning is so enjoyed and has advertisement everywhere around in wikipedias, when the owner is against the development of the Swedish wikipedia, and is trying to make people believe he had the swedish one...
I personally spend some 400 hours in October (about the same in November) making around 2000 articles. Most of them containing many, many, many commas. Long ones, interlinked genealogical links and God knows, a hell of a job, but funny.
Suddenly at the 21 of November the first advertisement banner at the head of the site came up, with a Dell banner. People went angry, since we suddenly understood the guy wants now to earn money from all we wrote, but he doesn't want to pay us. Is this OK? if he doesn't tell this from the beginning?
- remind me of the spanish fork yes. People got mad just with the allusion of a banner.
About one weeek of battle on the site, he doesn't answer questions, doesn't try negotiating, just says it's his site. Nice community?
- He seems to say he never tried to hide it was a private ownership. I guess...just as was (?) Wikipedia...but we are free to pick up stuff.
No willing to discuss from the owner, this "community" was clearly suddenly a private website, the playground for a private person, we had no rights to our material, forbidden to download database since it's not open system.
We are now slowly developing the Swedish true Wikipedia, from about 250 articles to over 1100 in one week, but have to do this manually, open the file at susning, copy, make a file (trouble because it's the old script) at wiki paste it, and repair links. The guy is laughing at us, not even want to tell where we can find our files. Can you imagine finding (and remembering) thousands of files and bring them to a new site? A lot of work. Why is Wikipedia supporting someone who is absolutely not supporting Wikipedia? Thanks for asking, and for the help with my files, I guess, I was "new" when I did that. user:Dan Koehl
- yeah, it must be a hell of a job. I keep links to the articles I feel personal attachment. Yeah, I wonder about the support; from the mailing lists, I understood Jimmy disagreed very much with Lars, but mostly for content issues. I had understood it was private ownership (and indeed, I can understand he somehow need money for the bandwidth and the server...but this can be discussed...), but not that the content was not free. I am surprised you all accepted to put in so much work while not having the right to pick up your stuff after some minor changes.
- btw, do you speak french ? If so, I hope you will drop by from time to time to tell us about your place (must be pretty dark and cold outside right now ;-)), and put some links when you are in phase III.
- btw2, this is not really my user page here. It is at user:anthere. But, well, okay, I'll keep this one too. I have two nice pictures I scanned today. It's gonna be a warm place :-). I am also at the french wiki under utilisateur:anthere and at m:anthere. My problem is that I used an utilisateur here (for the message I let you), and sometimes I use a user on the french wiki. Why on earth is not the code the same everywhere : something like u:anthere ???
- btw3, I hope you will be an active one to help us in the integration of the international wikis in the global scheme. A couple of us removed the ugliest weeds from the way, but there's still work to do :-)
- Well, welcome anyway. I hope you make yourself a nice cozy place at the new wiki, with lots of cooperation, freedom and joy. user:anthere
- Thanks Anthere, of course you are right with a common ownership and an integration of the both sites, in order to keep the work on one place and avoid people getting pissed off and stop contributing at all. But Lars is somehow not interested in such a solution, in my opinion he's not interested in the idealistic angle of this, he's interested in the personal honor by the high visits to his site, and the potential money he can get when more ads will be developed. So, there's not much we can do...And this means that people are split in two groups, or three since now some are writing the same articles on two places, bizarre. Or, rather four groups, the fourth group of people, so pissed off, and so sad, that they stopped writing at all.
I will be around, unfortunately I don't speak French... user:Dan Koehl