Urine therapy
Urine therapy is a specialized branch of alternative medicine. Any sort of oral or external application of human urine for medicinal purposes falls into this category.
Promoters of urine therapy believe urine to have many curative powers. Some countries, especially India, have traditionally used urine as a medicine.
Critics of urine therapy note that there are no scientific studies which validate urine therapy. Urea, an ingredient in urine, may have some medical value, but urea is already an ingredient in some contemporary medicines.
External links
- Urine therapy by Martin Gardner (http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2843/is_3_23/ai_54600087)
- Urine Therapy: Skeptic's Dictionary (http://skepdic.com/urine.html)
- Urine therapy: Vanderbilt University (http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AnS/psychology/health_psychology/Urine_Therapy.htm)
- Your Body's Own Medicine (http://biomedx.com/urine/)
- On Academic Reports (http://homepage3.nifty.com/kadzuwo/auto_vaccination.htm)