University of the Third Age

The University of the Third Age is an international organisation whose aims are the education and stimulation of retired members of the community - those in the third 'age' of life. It is commonly referred to as U3A.

U3A started in France in 1968 where each group was associated with a local university. This academic model is used in many other countries, in particular in many continental European countries. By the early 1980s, the scheme reached Britain where its nature was radically changed to be more a self-help organisation. This model is also used in Australia and New Zealand.

In the British model it is acknowledged that retired folk have a lifetime of experience and, collectively, a vast amount of knowledge. This is used to arrange a syllabus for each subject where each meeting is normally led by a member of the group with specialist knowledge.

Typical courses include, educationally, Art, Classical Studies, Computers, Crafts, Discussion, Drama, History, Languages, Literature, Music, Sciences, Social Sciences, etc. There are also many less-educational activities - 'Games' including, bridge tuition and duplicate bridge playing groups, 'Health, Fitness & Leisure' including countryside walks, Theatre/Concert Clubs, Travel Clubs etc.

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