Tweek, voiced by Matt Stone, is a fictional character on the animated series South Park. Introduced near the end of season 2, he is a noticeably jittery boy. The name Tweek comes from the term 'tweeker'. Tweekers are people who recreationally use crystal methamphetamines. Tweek's first name is unknown, everyone calls him by his last name, even his parents.
Tweek's jitters are caused by caffeine, due to excessive coffee consumption, because his parents own a coffee shop and continually give him cups of coffee to calm him down. According to Tweek's oblivious mother, he has ADD, which he tries to control with transcendental meditation.
In episode #217, Gnomes, their coffee shop almost went out of business because 'Harbucks', a parody of the Starbucks coffee shop chain, opens a shop in South Park.
Tweek fought with Craig in episode #304, Tweek vs. Craig. He was chosen as the fourth friend in a reality TV spoof resembling The Bachelor after Kyle, Stan, and Cartman kicked Butters out of the group.
Tweek normally speaks in a very strained voice. Whenever he is told to do something, he responds by saying, "Aaagh! Way too much pressure!" Tweek seemed to practice fatalism in episode 511 (Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants)
Tweek has blond hair that looks as if he just rolled out of bed, wears a gray shirt buttoned wrong, and gray pants. Template:Animation-stub