Timeline of discovery of Solar System planets and their natural satellites
This timeline of discovery of Solar System planets and their natural satellites charts the progress of the discovery of new bodies over history.
For comparison, discovery dates of the first six asteroids are also included. After the first six, new asteroids were discovered every year; however, the first four at least were for several decades considered full-fledged planets.
Historically the naming of natural satellites did not always match the times of their discovery.
The tables are sorted by publication/announcement date. When two dates are given, the first is publication, the second is the discovery observation's date. If a third date appears, it is the actual date of discovery (the date on which the discoverer first realised what he was looking at).
*Note: Marked moons had complicated discoveries. Several moons took several years to be confirmed, and in several cases were actually lost and rediscovered. Others were found in Voyager photographs years after they were taken.
Contents: Prehistory 17th century 18th century 19th century 20th century 21st century
Date | Name | Designation | Planet/Number Designation | References/Notes | |
Prehistory | |||||
Earth | ![]() | The Ptolemaic geocentric model defined seven planets and ordered them, from the closest to the farthest to the Earth, as follows: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. This order was first established by the Greek Stoics. With Nicolaus Copernicus' heliocentrism (De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, 1543) the Sun was taken as the center of revolution, with the Earth (now redefined as a planet with the Moon as its satellite) orbiting it along with the other planets. | |||
Moon | Missing image Moon_merged_small.jpg | Earth | |||
Mercury | ![]() | ||||
Venus | Missing image Venus-pioneer-uv-black.jpg | ||||
Sun | ![]() | ||||
Mars | ![]() | ||||
Jupiter | ![]() | ||||
Saturn | ![]() | ||||
17th century | |||||
1610s | |||||
March 13 1610 / January 7 1610 | Callisto | ![]() | Jupiter IV | Galileo, Sidereus Nuncius, [1] (http://www.physics.emich.edu/jwooley/chapter9/Chapter9.html). The Galilean moons. | |
Io | ![]() | Jupiter I | |||
Europa | Missing image Europa-moon.jpg | Jupiter II | |||
March 13 1610 / January 11 1610 | Ganymede | ![]() | Jupiter III | ||
1650s | |||||
March 5 1656 / March 25 1655 | Titan | Missing image Titan_Visible.jpg | Saturn VI | Huygens, [2] (http://www.phys.uu.nl/~huygens/saturni_luna_en.htm). Huygens first "published" his discovery as an anagram, sent out on June 13, 1655 | |
1670s | |||||
October 25 1671 | Iapetus | Missing image Iapetus_by_Voyager_2_-_enhanced.jpg | Saturn VIII | Cassini. Cassini published these two discoveries in A Discovery of Two New Planets about Saturn, Made in the Royal Parisian Observatory by Signor Cassini, Philosophical Transactions 8 (1673), pp. 5178-5185. There may be earlier publications within the Journal des scavans. | |
December 23, 1672 | Rhea | ![]() | Saturn V | ||
1680s | |||||
March 21, 1684 | Tethys | Missing image Tethys_Cassini_colour.jpg | Saturn III | Cassini. Cassini published these two discoveries on April 22, 1686, judging by An Extract of the Journal Des Scavans of April 22 st. N. 1686, Giving an Account of Two New Satellites of Saturn, Discovered Lately by Mr. Cassini at the Royal Observatory at Paris, Philosophical Transactions 16 (1686-1692) pp. 79-85. In his work Kosmotheeoros (http://www.phys.uu.nl/~huygens/cosmotheoros_en.htm) (published posthumously in 1698), Christiaan Huygens relates "Jupiter you see has his four, and Saturn his five Moons about him, all plac’d in their Orbits." | |
Dione | ![]() | Saturn IV | |||
18th century | |||||
1780s | |||||
March 13 1781 | Uranus | ![]() | Herschel [3] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1781RSPT...71..492H&db_key=AST&high=42273fa47501031). Herschel first reported the discovery of Uranus on April 26, 1781, hedging by calling it a "comet": Account of a Comet, By Mr. Herschel, F. R. S.; Communicated by Dr. Watson, Jun. of Bath, F. R. S., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Volume 71, pp. 492-501. | ||
January 11 1787 | Titania | ![]() | Uranus III | Herschel | |
Oberon | ![]() | Uranus IV | Herschel | ||
August 28 1789 | Enceladus | Missing image Enceladus_from_Voyager.jpg | Saturn II | Herschel | |
September 17 1789 | Mimas | Missing image Mimas_moon.jpg | Saturn I | Herschel [4] (http://www.cosmovisions.com/SaturneChrono02.htm) | |
19th century | |||||
1800s | |||||
January 1, 1801 | 1 Ceres | ![]() | |||
March 28, 1802 | 2 Pallas | ||||
September 1, 1804 | 3 Juno | ![]() | |||
March 29, 1807 | 4 Vesta | ![]() | |||
1840s | |||||
December 8, 1845 | 5 Astraea | Hencke [5] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1846MNRAS...7...27H&db_key=AST&high=40daf3f6f923984) | |||
September 23, 1846 | Neptune | ![]() | |||
October 10, 1846 | Triton | Missing image Triton_(moon).jpg | Neptune I | Lassell [6] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/MNRAS/0007//0000167.000.html) [7] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/MNRAS/0008//0000008.000.html) | |
July 1, 1847 | 6 Hebe | Hencke [8] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-data_query?bibcode=1848MNRAS...8..103H&db_key=AST&high=40daf3f6f923984) | |||
September 16, 1848 | Hyperion | Missing image Hyperion.jpg | Saturn VII | Bond, Bond, Lassell [9] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/MNRAS/0009//0000001.000.html) [10] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/MNRAS/0008//0000195.000.html) | |
1850s | |||||
October 24, 1851 | Ariel | ![]() | Uranus I | Lassell [11] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/AJ.../0002//0000070.000.html) | |
Umbriel | ![]() | Uranus II | Lassell [12] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/AJ.../0002//0000070.000.html) | ||
1870s | |||||
August 12, 1877 | Deimos | ![]() | Mars II | Hall [13] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/Obs../0001//0000181.000.html) [14] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/AN.../0091//0000013.000.html) [15] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/MNRAS/0038//0000205.000.html) | |
August 18, 1877 | Phobos | ![]() | Mars I | Hall [16] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/Obs../0001//0000181.000.html) [17] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/AN.../0091//0000014.000.html) [18] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/MNRAS/0038//0000205.000.html) | |
1890s | |||||
October 4 1892 / September 9, 1892 | Amalthea | Missing image Amalthea_PIA02532.png | Jupiter V | Barnard [19] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/AJ.../0012//0000081.000.html) | |
March 17 1899 / August 16, 1898 | Phoebe | ![]() | Saturn IX | Pickering [20] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/BHarO/0049//0000001.000.html) [21] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/ApJ../0009//0000274.000.html) | |
20th century | |||||
1900s | |||||
January 6 1905 / December 3 1904 | Himalia | ![]() | Jupiter VI | Perrine [22] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/BHarO/0173//0000001.000.html) [23] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/PASP./0017//0000022.000.html) [24] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/AJ.../0024//0000160.000.html) [25] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/AN.../0169//0000027.000.html) | |
February 27 1905 / January 2, 1905 | Elara | Jupiter VII | Perrine [26] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/BHarO/0178//0000001.000.html) [27] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/PASP./0017//0000062.000.html) [28] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/AN.../0169//0000027.000.html) | ||
April 28, 1905 / April 17, 1904 | "Themis" | Missing image Themis_orbit.gif | "Saturn X" (spurious) | Pickering [29] (http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-iarticle_query?1905BHarO.189....1P) [30] (http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-iarticle_query?1905AnHar..53..173P) | |
March 1-6 1908 / January 27, 1908 | Pasiphaë | Jupiter VIII | Melotte [31] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/PASP./0020//0000184.000.html) [32] (http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-iarticle_query?1908MNRAS..68..373.) | ||
1910s | |||||
July 21, 1914 | Sinope | Jupiter IX | Nicholson [33] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/PASP./0026//0000197.000.html) | ||
1930s | |||||
March 13 1930 / January 23 1930 / February 18, 1930 | Pluto | ![]() | Tombaugh [34] (http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-iarticle_query?1946ASPL....5...73T) | ||
July 6, 1938 | Lysithea | Jupiter X | Nicholson [35] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/PASP./0050//0000292.000.html) | ||
July 30, 1938 | Carme | Jupiter XI | Nicholson [36] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/PASP./0050//0000292.000.html) | ||
1940s | |||||
February 16, 1948 | Miranda | Missing image Miranda.jpg | Uranus V | Kuiper [37] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/PASP./0061//0000129.000.html) | |
May 1, 1949 | Nereid | Missing image Nereid-Voyager2.jpg | Neptune II | Kuiper [38] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/PASP./0061//0000175.000.html) [39] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/01200/01212.html#Item1) | |
1950s | |||||
September 28, 1951 | Ananke | Jupiter XII | Nicholson [40] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/PASP./0063//0000297.000.html) | ||
1960s | |||||
December 15 1966 | Janus* | S/1966 S 2 | ![]() | Saturn X | Dollfus [41] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/01900/01987.html#Item1) [42] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/01900/01995.html#Item1) [43] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03417.html#Item1) [44] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03454.html#Item1) [45] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03456.html#Item3) [46] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03497.html#Item1) (Dollfus may have seen either Janus or Epimetheus) |
December 18 1966 | Epimetheus* | Missing image Epimetheus.jpg | Saturn XI | Walker [47] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/01900/01991.html#Item2) | |
1970s | |||||
September 20 1974 / September 11, 1974 | Leda | Jupiter XIII | Kowal [48] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/AJ.../0080//0000460.000.html) [49] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/02700/02702.html#Item1) [50] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/02700/02703.html#Item1) [51] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/02700/02711.html#Item1) | ||
October 3 1975 / September 30, 1975 | Themisto* | S/1975 J 1 | Jupiter XVIII | Kowal [52] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/02800/02845.html#Item1) [53] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/02800/02855.html#Item1) [54] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/02800/02899.html#Item2) (Discovered and then lost) | |
April 13, 1978 | Charon | S/1978 P 1 | ![]() | Pluto | Christy [55] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03200/03241.html#Item1) [56] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1978AJ.....83.1005C&db_key=AST&high=40daf3f6f915047) |
November 23 1979 / July 8, 1979 | Adrastea | S/1979 J 1 | ![]() | Jupiter XV | Jewitt, Danielson / Voyager 2 [57] (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=1979Sci...206..951J&db_key=AST&high=40daf3f6f916660) [58] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03454.html) [59] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03470.html) [60] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03500/03507.html)
[61] (http://www.solarviews.com/cap/jup/adraste2.htm) [62] (http://ringmaster.arc.nasa.gov/galileo/vgr_data/2063053.html) |
1980s | |||||
January 19, 1980 | Janus* | S/1980 S 1 | ![]() | Saturn X | [63] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03454.html#Item1) [64] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03483.html#Item1) [65] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03496.html#Item1) [66] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03497.html#Item1) [67] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03500/03534.html#Item1) (Confirmed by Voyager 1) |
January 26, 1980 | Epimetheus* | S/1980 S 3 | Missing image Epimetheus.jpg | Saturn XI | [68] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03457.html#Item1) [69] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03483.html#Item1) [70] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03496.html#Item1) [71] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03497.html#Item1) [72] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03500/03534.html#Item1) (Confirmed by Voyager 1) |
March 1, 1980 | Helene | S/1980 S 6 | ![]() | Saturn XII | Laques, Lecacheux [73] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03457.html#Item1) [74] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03483.html#Item1) [75] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03496.html#Item1) [76] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03500/03534.html#Item1) |
March 13, 1980 | Calypso | S/1980 S 25 | ![]() | Saturn XIV | Pascu, Seidelmann, Baum, Currie [77] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03496.html#Item1) [78] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03500/03534.html#Item1) |
April 8, 1980 | Telesto | S/1980 S 13 | Saturn XIII | Smith, Reitsema, Larson, Fountain, Voyager 1 [79] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03466.html#Item2) [80] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03500/03534.html#Item1) | |
April 28, 1980/ March 5, 1979 | Thebe | S/1979 J 2 | Missing image Thebe.jpg | Jupiter XIV | Synnott, Voyager 1 [81] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03400/03470.html#Item1) [82] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03500/03507.html#Item1) |
August 26, 1980/ March 4, 1979 | Metis | S/1979 J 3 | ![]() | Jupiter XVI | Synnott, Voyager 1 [83] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03500/03507.html#Item1) |
October, 1980 | Atlas | S/1980 S 28 | ![]() | Saturn XV | Terrile, Voyager 1 [84] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03500/03539.html#Item2) |
Prometheus | S/1980 S 27 | ![]() | Saturn XVI | Collins, Voyager 1 [85] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03500/03532.html#Item2) | |
Pandora | S/1980 S 26 | Missing image Pandora_moon.jpg | Saturn XVII | Collins, Voyager 1 [86] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03500/03532.html#Item2) | |
December 30, 1985 | Puck | S/1985 U 1 | ![]() | Uranus XV | Synnott, Voyager 2 [87] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04159.html#Item1) |
January 3, 1986 | Juliet | S/1986 U 2 | Uranus XI | Synnott, Voyager 2 [88] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04164.html#Item1) [89] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04165.html#Item6) | |
Portia | S/1986 U 1 | Uranus XII | Synnott, Voyager 2 [90] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04164.html#Item1) [91] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04165.html#Item6) | ||
January 9, 1986 | Cressida | S/1986 U 3 | Uranus IX | Synnott, Voyager 2 [92] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04164.html#Item1) [93] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04165.html#Item6) | |
January 13, 1986 | Desdemona | S/1986 U 6 | Uranus X | Synnott, Voyager 2 [94] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04164.html#Item1) [95] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04165.html#Item6) | |
Rosalind | S/1986 U 4 | Uranus XIII | Synnott, Voyager 2 [96] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04164.html#Item1) [97] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04165.html#Item6) | ||
Belinda | S/1986 U 5 | Uranus XIV | Synnott, Voyager 2 [98] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04164.html#Item1) [99] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04165.html#Item6) | ||
January 20, 1986 | Cordelia | S/1986 U 7 | ![]() | Uranus VI | Terrile, Voyager 2 [100] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04168.html#Item1) |
Ophelia | S/1986 U 8 | Uranus VII | Terrile, Voyager 2 [101] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04168.html#Item1) | ||
January 23, 1986 | Bianca | S/1986 U 9 | Uranus VIII | Smith, Voyager 2 [102] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04100/04168.html#Item1) | |
July 7 1989 / < June 16, 1989 | Proteus | S/1989 N 1 | Missing image Proteus_Voyager_2_(big).jpg | Neptune VIII | Synnott, Voyager 2 [103] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/03600/03608.html#Item1) [104] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04800/04806.html#Item1) |
August 2 1989 / < July 28, 1989 | Larissa | S/1989 N 2 | Neptune VII | Reitsema, Hubbard, Lebofsky, Tholen, Voyager 2 [105] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04800/04824.html#Item1) | |
Despina | S/1989 N 3 | Neptune V | Synnott, Voyager 2 [106] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04800/04824.html#Item1) | ||
Galatea | S/1989 N 4 | Neptune VI | Synnott, Voyager 2 [107] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04800/04824.html#Item1) | ||
September 29 1989 / < September 18, 1989 | Thalassa | S/1989 N 5 | Neptune IV | Terrile, Voyager 2 [108] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04800/04867.html#Item1) | |
Naiad | S/1989 N 6 | Neptune III | Terrile, Voyager 2 [109] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/04800/04867.html#Item1) | ||
1990s | |||||
July 16, 1990 | Pan* | S/1981 S 13 | Missing image Pan_cassini.jpg | Saturn XVIII | Showalter, Voyager 2 [110] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/05000/05052.html#Item2) |
April 14, 1995 / August 23, 1981 | S/1981 S 14 (see Methone below) | Saturn | Gordon, Murray and Beurle [111] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/06100/06162.html)
[112] (http://icarus.cornell.edu/journal/ToC/1996/contents_9605.html) | ||
September 6, 1997 | Caliban | S/1997 U 1 | Uranus XVI | Gladman, Nicholson, Burns, Kavelaars [113] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/06700/06764.html) | |
Sycorax | S/1997 U 2 | Uranus XVII | Gladman, Nicholson, Burns, Kavelaars [114] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/06700/06764.html) | ||
May 18, 1999 | S/1986 U10* | Uranus | Karkoschka, Voyager 2 [115] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07100/07171.html) (From Voyager 2 images taken starting 18 January 1986) | ||
July 18, 1999 | Setebos | S/1999 U 1 | Uranus XIX | Kavelaars, Gladman, Holman, Petit, Scholl [116] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07200/07230.html) | |
Stephano | S/1999 U 2 | Uranus XX | Gladman, Holman, Kavelaars, Petit, Scholl [117] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07200/07230.html) | ||
Prospero | S/1999 U 3 | Uranus XVIII | Holman, Kavelaars, Gladman, Petit, Scholl [118] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07200/07248.html) | ||
2000s | |||||
July 18-20, 2000 / October 6, 1999 | Callirrhoe | S/1999 J 1 | Jupiter XVII | Scotti, Spahr, McMillan, Larsen, Montani, Gleason, Gehrels [119] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07400/07460.html) [120] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/cfa/ps/pressinfo/S1999J1.html) | |
August 7, 2000 | Ymir | S/2000 S 1 | Saturn XIX | Gladman [121] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07512.html) [122] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y15.html) | |
Paaliaq | S/2000 S 2 | Saturn XX | Gladman [123] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07512.html) [124] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y15.html) | ||
Kiviuq | S/2000 S 5 | Saturn XXIV | Gladman [125] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07521.html) [126] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y14.html) | ||
September 23, 2000 | Siarnaq | S/2000 S 3 | Saturn XXIX | Gladman, Kavelaars [127] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07513.html) [128] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y14.html) | |
Tarvos | S/2000 S 4 | Saturn XXI | Kavelaars, Gladman [129] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07513.html) [130] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y14.html) | ||
Ijiraq | S/2000 S 6 | Saturn XXII | Kavelaars, Gladman [131] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07521.html) [132] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y14.html) | ||
Thrymr | S/2000 S 7 | Saturn XXX | Gladman, Kavelaars [133] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07538.html) [134] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y15.html) | ||
Skathi | S/2000 S 8 | Saturn XXVII | Kavelaars, Gladman [135] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07538.html) [136] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y15.html) | ||
Mundilfari | S/2000 S 9 | Saturn XXV | Gladman, Kavelaars [137] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07538.html) [138] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y15.html) | ||
Erriapo | S/2000 S 10 | Saturn XXVIII | Kavelaars, Gladman [139] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07539.html) [140] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y14.html) | ||
Suttungr | S/2000 S 12 | Saturn XXIII | Gladman, Kavelaars [141] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07548.html#Item2) [142] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y33.html) | ||
November 9, 2000 | Albiorix | S/2000 S 11 | Saturn XXVI | Holman, Spahr [143] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07545.html#Item4) [144] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y13.html) | |
November 25 2000/ November 21, 2000 | Themisto* | S/2000 J 1 | Jupiter XVIII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Fernández, Magnier (Rediscovered) [145] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07525.html) [146] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K00/K00Y16.html) | |
January 5, 2001/ November 23, 2000 | Kalyke | S/2000 J 2 | Jupiter XXIII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Fernández, Magnier, Dahm, Evans [147] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07555.html) [148] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K01/K01A28.html) | |
Iocaste | S/2000 J 3 | Jupiter XXIV | Sheppard, Jewitt, Fernández, Magnier, Dahm, Evans [149] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07555.html) [150] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K01/K01A28.html) | ||
Erinome | S/2000 J 4 | Jupiter XXV | Sheppard, Jewitt, Fernández, Magnier, Dahm, Evans [151] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07555.html) [152] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K01/K01A28.html) | ||
Harpalyke | S/2000 J 5 | Jupiter XXII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Fernández, Magnier, Dahm, Evans [153] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07555.html) [154] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K01/K01A28.html) | ||
Isonoe | S/2000 J 6 | Jupiter XXVI | Sheppard, Jewitt, Fernández, Magnier, Dahm, Evans [155] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07555.html) [156] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K01/K01A28.html) | ||
Praxidike | S/2000 J 7 | Jupiter XXVII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Fernández, Magnier, Dahm, Evans [157] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07555.html) [158] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K01/K01A29.html) | ||
21st century | |||||
January 5, 2001/ November 25, 2000 | Megaclite | S/2000 J 8 | Jupiter XIX | Sheppard, Jewitt, Fernández, Magnier, Dahm, Evans [159] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07555.html) [160] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K01/K01A29.html) | |
Taygete | S/2000 J 9 | Jupiter XX | Sheppard, Jewitt, Fernández, Magnier, Dahm, Evans [161] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07555.html) [162] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K01/K01A29.html) | ||
January 5, 2001/ November 26, 2000 | Chaldene | S/2000 J 10 | Jupiter XXI | Sheppard, Jewitt, Fernández, Magnier, Dahm, Evans [163] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07555.html) [164] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K01/K01A29.html) | |
January 5, 2001/ December 5, 2000 | S/2000 J 11 | Jupiter | Sheppard, Jewitt, Fernández, Magnier, Dahm, Evans [165] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07500/07555.html) [166] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K01/K01A29.html) | ||
August 13, 2001 | Trinculo | S/2001 U 1 | Uranus XXI | Holman, Kavelaars, Milisavljevic [167] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07980.html) [168] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02S64.html) | |
May 16, 2002/ December 9, 2001 | Hermippe | S/2001 J 3 | Jupiter XXX | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [169] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07900.html#Item1) [170] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02J54.html) | |
Eurydome | S/2001 J 4 | Jupiter XXXII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [171] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07900.html#Item1) [172] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02J54.html) | ||
Sponde | S/2001 J 5 | Jupiter XXXVI | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [173] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07900.html#Item1) [174] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02J54.html) | ||
Kale | S/2001 J 8 | Jupiter XXXVII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [175] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07900.html#Item1) [176] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02J54.html) | ||
May 16, 2002/ December 10, 2001 | Autonoe | S/2001 J 1 | Jupiter XXVIII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [177] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07900.html#Item1) [178] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02J54.html) | |
May 16, 2002/ December 11, 2001 | Thyone | S/2001 J 2 | Jupiter XXIX | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [179] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07900.html#Item1) [180] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02J54.html) | |
Pasithee | S/2001 J 6 | Jupiter XXXVIII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [181] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07900.html#Item1) [182] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02J54.html) | ||
Euanthe | S/2001 J 7 | Jupiter XXXIII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [183] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07900.html#Item1) [184] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02J54.html) | ||
Orthosie | S/2001 J 9 | Jupiter XXXV | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [185] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07900.html#Item1) [186] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02J54.html) | ||
Euporie | S/2001 J 10 | Jupiter XXXIV | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [187] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07900.html#Item1) [188] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02J54.html) | ||
Aitne | S/2001 J 11 | Jupiter XXXI | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [189] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/07900/07900.html#Item1) [190] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02J54.html) | ||
August 13, 2002 | S/2002 N 3 | Neptune | Holman, Kavelaars, Grav, Fraser, Milisavljevic [191] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08047.html#Item1) [192] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03A75.html) | ||
August 14, 2002 | S/2002 N 1 | Neptune | Holman, Kavelaars, Grav, Fraser, Milisavljevic [193] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08047.html#Item1) [194] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03A75.html) | ||
S/2002 N 2 | Holman, Kavelaars, Grav, Fraser, Milisavljevic [195] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08047.html#Item1) [196] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03A75.html) | ||||
December 18 2002/ October 31, 2002 | Arche | S/2002 J 1 | Jupiter XLIII | Sheppard, Meech, Hsieh, Tholen, Tonry [197] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08035.html#Item2) [198] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K02/K02Y22.html) | |
August 25, 2003/ January 18, 1986 | S/1986 U 10* | Uranus | Karkoschka (Recovered by the Hubble Space Telescope) [199] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08194.html#Item1) | ||
October 2003/ August 13, 2001 | S/2001 U 3* | Uranus | Holman, Kavelaars, Milisavljevic, Gladman | ||
February 5, 2003 | Narvi | S/2003 S 1 | Saturn XXXI | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [201] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08116.html#Item1) | |
March 4 2003/ February 5, 2003 | Eukelade | S/2003 J 1 | Jupiter XLVII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández, Hsieh [202] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08087.html#Item1) [203] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E11.html) | |
S/2003 J 2 | Jupiter | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández, Hsieh [204] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08087.html#Item1) [205] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E11.html) | |||
S/2003 J 3 | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández, Hsieh [206] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08087.html#Item1) [207] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E11.html) | ||||
S/2003 J 4 | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández, Hsieh [208] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08087.html#Item1) [209] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E11.html) | ||||
March 4 2003/ February 6, 2003 | S/2003 J 5 | Jupiter | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández, Hsieh [210] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08087.html#Item1) [211] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E11.html) | ||
Helike | S/2003 J 6 | Jupiter XLV | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández, Hsieh [212] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08087.html#Item1) [213] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E11.html) | ||
March 4 2003/ February 8, 2003 | Aoede | S/2003 J 7 | Jupiter XLI | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández, Hsieh [214] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08087.html#Item1) [215] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E11.html) | |
Hegemone | S/2003 J 8 | Jupiter XXXIX | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández [216] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08088.html#Item1) [217] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E15.html) | ||
March 7 2003/ February 6, 2003 | S/2003 J 9 | Jupiter | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández [218] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08089.html#Item1) [219] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E29.html) | ||
S/2003 J 10 | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández [220] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08089.html#Item1) [221] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E29.html) | ||||
Kallichore | S/2003 J 11 | Jupiter XLIV | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández [222] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08089.html#Item1) [223] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E29.html) | ||
March 7 2003/ February 8, 2003 | S/2003 J 12 | Jupiter | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández [224] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08089.html#Item1) [225] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E29.html) | ||
April 11 2003/ February 9, 2003 | Cyllene | S/2003 J 13 | Jupiter XLVIII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [226] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08116.html#Item1) | |
April 11 2003/ February 8, 2003 | S/2003 J 14 | Jupiter | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [227] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08116.html#Item1) | ||
April 11 2003/February 6, 2003 | S/2003 J 15 | Jupiter | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández [228] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08116.html#Item1) | ||
S/2003 J 16 | Gladman, Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Kavelaars, Petit, Allen [229] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08116.html#Item1) | ||||
April 11 2003/ February 8, 2003 | S/2003 J 17 | Jupiter | Gladman, Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Kavelaars, Petit, Allen [230] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08116.html#Item1) | ||
April 11 2003/ February 6, 2003 | S/2003 J 18 | Jupiter | Gladman, Kavelaars, Petit, Allen, Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna [231] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08116.html#Item1) | ||
April 30 2003/ February 6, 2003 | S/2003 J 19 | Jupiter | Gladman, Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Kavelaars, Petit, Allen [232] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08125.html#Item1) [233] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03G64.html) | ||
April 30 2003/ February 9, 2003 | Carpo | S/2003 J 20 | Jupiter XLVI | Sheppard, Gladman, Kavelaars, Petit, Allen, Jewitt, Kleyna [234] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08125.html#Item1) [235] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03G67.html) | |
May 30 2003/ February 6, 2003 | Mneme | S/2003 J 21 | Jupiter XL | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Gladman, Kavelaars, Petit, Allen [236] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08138.html#Item3) [237] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03K45.html) | |
August 25, 2003 | S/2003 U 1 | Uranus | Showalter, Lissauer [238] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08200/08209.html#Item1) | ||
S/2003 U 2 | Showalter, Lissauer [239] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08200/08209.html#Item1) | ||||
August 29, 2003/ August 13, 2001 | S/2001 U 2* | Uranus | 2001: Holman, Kavelaars, Milisavljevic; 2003: Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt [240] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08200/08213.html#Item1) [241] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03SA5.html) | ||
August 29, 2003/ August 14, 2002 | S/2002 N 4* | Neptune | Holman, Kavelaars, Grav, Fraser, Milisavljevic [242] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08200/08213.html#Item1) [243] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03SA7.html) | ||
August 29, 2003 | S/2003 U 3 | Uranus | Sheppard, Jewitt [244] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08200/08217.html#Item1) [245] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03T58.html) | ||
September 3 2003/ August 29, 2003 | S/2003 N 1 | Neptune | Jewitt, Kleyna, Sheppard, Holman, Kavelaars [246] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08100/08193.html#Item2) [247] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03R19.html) | ||
January 25, 2004/ February 9, 2003 | Thelxinoe* | S/2003 J 22 | Jupiter XLII | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Gladman, Kavelaars, Petit, Allen [248] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08200/08276.html#Item1) [249] (http://www.ing.iac.es/~library/IAUC/8000/8276.txt) [250] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K04/K04B41.html) (From images taken in 2003) | |
February 4, 2004/ February 6, 2003 | S/2003 J 23* | Jupiter | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Fernández [251] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08200/08281.html#Item1) [252] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K04/K04B81.html) | ||
August 16 2004 / June 1, 2004 | Methone | S/2004 S 1 =S/1981 S 14? | ![]() | Saturn XXXII | Porco, Charnoz, Brahic, Dones / Cassini-Huygens [253] (http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/news/press-releases-04/20040816-pr-a.cfm)
[254] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08300/08389.html) [255] (http://www.ing.iac.es/~library/IAUC/8000/8389.txt) |
Pallene | S/2004 S 2 | ![]() | Saturn XXXIII | Porco, Charnoz, Brahic, Dones / Cassini-Huygens [256] (http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/news/press-releases-04/20040816-pr-a.cfm)
[257] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08300/08389.html) [258] (http://www.ing.iac.es/~library/IAUC/8000/8389.txt) | |
September 9 2004 / June 21, 2004 | S/2004 S 3 | Missing image S2004_S_3_-_PIA06115.png | Saturn | Murray, Porco et al. / Cassini-Huygens [259] (http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2004-222)
[260] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08400/08401.html) [261] (http://www.ing.iac.es/~library/IAUC/8000/8401.txt) | |
September 9 2004 / June 21?, 2004 | S/2004 S 4 | Saturn | Spitale, Porco et al. / Cassini-Huygens [262] (http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2004-222)
[263] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08400/08401.html) [264] (http://www.ing.iac.es/~library/IAUC/8000/8401.txt) | ||
November 8 2004 / October 21, 2004 | Polydeuces | S/2004 S 5 | Saturn XXXIV | Porco et al. / Cassini-Huygens
[265] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08400/08432.html) [266] (http://www.ing.iac.es/~library/IAUC/8000/8432.txt) | |
November 8 2004 / October 28, 2004 | S/2004 S 6 | Saturn | Porco et al. / Cassini-Huygens
[267] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08400/08432.html) [268] (http://www.ing.iac.es/~library/IAUC/8000/8432.txt) | ||
May 4, 2005 / December 12, 2004 | S/2004 S 7 | Saturn | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Marsden [269] (http://www.planetary.org/news/2005/saturn_12newmoons_0503.html) [270] (http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~jewitt/saturn2005.html) [271] (http://www.ing.iac.es/~library/IAUC/8000/8523.txt) [272] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K05/K05J13.html) | ||
S/2004 S 8 | |||||
S/2004 S 9 | |||||
S/2004 S 10 | |||||
S/2004 S 11 | |||||
S/2004 S 12 | |||||
S/2004 S 13 | |||||
S/2004 S 14 | |||||
S/2004 S 15 | |||||
May 4, 2005 / December 13, 2004 | S/2004 S 16 | Saturn | Sheppard, Jewitt, Kleyna, Marsden [273] (http://www.planetary.org/news/2005/saturn_12newmoons_0503.html) [274] (http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~jewitt/saturn2005.html) [275] (http://www.ing.iac.es/~library/IAUC/8000/8523.txt) [276] (http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K05/K05J13.html) | ||
S/2004 S 17 | |||||
S/2004 S 18 | |||||
May 6 2005 / May 1, 2005 | S/2005 S 1 | Missing image PIA06237.jpg | Saturn | Porco et al. / Cassini-Huygens [277] (http://www.ing.iac.es/~library/IAUC/8000/8524.txt) |
See also
- Jupiter's natural satellites
- Saturn's natural satellites
- Uranus' natural satellites
- Neptune's natural satellites
- Naming of natural satellites
External links
- Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature (http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/append7.html)
- Scott Sheppard's Giant Planet Satellite Page (http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~sheppard/satellites)
- JPL Natural Satellite Discovery Data (http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sat_discovery.html)zh:卫星发现时间列表