The Unifying Force
In this book, the fate of the war between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Alliance is finally revealed, as is the final cost of the war. Over 365 trillion individuals died in the war, a death toll equivalent to 66,000 Earth-type worlds with populations of 6 billion each.
Certain editions of the book included a CD with the first book of the series, Vector Prime, on it.
The Ryn Syndicate uncovers a plan to ship many prisoners for a sacrifice. A Galactic Alliance rescue at Selvaris frees many prisoners. The Millennium Falcon is attacked and forced to jump to Caluula, which is under heavy siege by the Yuuzhan Vong. When Caluula falls, the toxin Alpha Red is released, with the intent of killing the Yuuzhan Vong. The purpose of the sacrifice is revealed, to ensure victory by the Yuuzhan Vong Armada at the Battle of Mon Calamari. The Yuuzhan Vong Armada attacks, only to withdraw when reports come from the Yuuzhan Vong capital (formerly Coruscant) that a living world, Zonama Sekot, has jumped to the capital system and is destabilizing the capital. The Galactic Alliance attempt to retake Corulag succeeds, and the Alliance attacks the Vong capital. Warmaster Nas Choka engages the Alliance at the capital, Muscave, and Zonama Sekot, where he tries to crash a vessel poisoned with Alpha Red into Zonama Sekot, in the hopes of killing it. When puppet Supreme Overlord Shimrra and the real Supreme Overlord Onimi are killed, some of Nas Choka's fleet collide with Alliance ships, while others surrender.