The Prince of Egypt
The Prince of Egypt is a 1998 American animated film, the first animated film produced and released by DreamWorks SKG. It is loosely based on the life of Moses in Exodus (Chapters 1 to 20). It is about two Egyptian princes; one grows up to lead Egypt, and the other to lead all the Hebrews slaves out of Egypt. This movie is banned in Malaysia and Indonesia, despite a reference to the Koran at the end.
The voice cast includes Val Kilmer, Ralph Fiennes, Michelle Pfeiffer, Helen Mirren, Sandra Bullock and Steve Martin, and it has songs by Whitney Houston and Ofra Haza.
Tagline: Two brothers. United by friendship, divided by destiny.
Compare The Ten Commandments.
External links
- Template:Imdb title
- Template:Imdb title (prequel to The Prince of Egypt)