The Lone Gunmen
The Lone Gunmen, a spin-off of the popular series The X-Files, was a television show that aired on FOX. The show first aired in March 2001, and it was soon cancelled with its last episode airing in June 2001. The show centered around a trio of computer nerds and conspiracy theory aficionados named Melvin Frohike, Richard "Ringo" Langly and John Fitzgerald Byers, who published a magazine that was entitled The Lone Gunman (which was previously titled The Magic Bullet in earlier episodes of The X-Files, notably so in the episode Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man) in the X-Files series. The name was derived from the lone gunman theory.
Unlike the X-Files, whose storylines dealt mainly with supernatural creatures and government alien conspiracies, the Lone Gunmen episodes generally featured more "plausible" plots, such as cheating husbands, arms-dealers, and escaped Nazis. The show had a very light atmosphere and heavily focused on physical comedy, such as vomit gags.
See : Episode List
Contents |
Pilot Episode "predicts" 9/11
In a foreshadowing of the September 11, 2001 attacks, subsequent conspiracy theories, and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the plot of the March 4, 2001 pilot episode of the series depicts a secret U.S. government agency plotting to crash a Boeing 727 into the World Trade Center via remote control for the purpose of blaming the attack on foreign "tin-pot dictators" who are "begging to be smart-bombed." This episode aired in Australia less than two weeks before the 9/11 attacks, on August 30.
This alone has made the DVD extremely popular for such a short-lived series (see below).
- Tom Braidwood - Melvin Frohike
- Dean Haglund - Richard "Ringo" Langly
- Bruce Harwood - John Fitzgerald Byers
- Zuleikha Robinson - Yves Adele Harlow
- Stephen Snedden - Jimmy Bond
David Duchovny and Mitch Pileggi from The X-Files made guest appearances on the show.
- Executive Producer - Chris Carter, Vince Gilligan, John Shiban, Frank Spotnitz
- Creators - Vince Gilligan, John Shiban, Frank Spotnitz
- Frohike, Langly and Byers characters originally created by Glen Morgan and James Wong
DVD Release
After fans had waited patiently since the show's cancellation regarding the possibility, Fox Home Entertainment officially released the series (along with the episode of The X-Files entitled Jump the Shark which finishes the cliffhanger that ended The Lone Gunmen as an additional episode) on a three disc Region 1 DVD set on Tuesday March 29, 2005.
External links
- The Official site address now links to the Fox Home Entertainment site (
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