The Labyrinth Project
The Labyrinth Project is an international project that is inspired by the book Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart, written by the 17th century Czech philosopher and teacher J. A. Comenius. The project is still unfinished.
The main goals of the Labyrinth Project:
- Explore the new creative forms of artistic expression.
- Promote international cooperation in the fields of art, media, philosophy, and science.
- Help participants understand the different influences of New Media on people and society.
- Make information accessible about the life and work of the Czech philosopher J. A. Comenius.
- Explore the new possibilities of New Media as a form of artistic expression. Creation of multi-user virtual communities.
- Explore the new possibilities of dynamic 3D visualization
The main parts of the Labyrinth project:
- Information - Information about the project and its main parts
- The Labyrinth Book - the complete hypertext version of Comenius` Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart, in Czech and English
- The Labyrinth City - 3D interactive virtual city based on the city Comenius describes in his book
External links
- The Labyrinth Project homepage (