The Greens-Green Alternative
The Greens-Green Alternative (Die Grünen - Die Grüne Alternative (Grüne) in German) is a political party in the Austrian parliament.
The party was formed in 1986 with the name Grüne Alternative, from a merger of the rather conservative party Vereinte Grüne Österreichs (VGÖ, founded 1982) and the more progressive party Alternative Liste Österreichs (ALÖ, founded 1983). In 1995 the name was changed to the now official name.
The party is member of the European Federation of Green Parties.
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While the Austrian Green movement began in 1978 during the successful campaign to prevent the opening of the nuclear power plant in Zwentendorf (which had been favoured by Bruno Kreisky's government), the Green Party was born in 1984 at the successful sit-in protests that prevented the Danube power plant at Hainburg.
In the 1986 Austrian parliamentary elections the Green Party started off with 4,82% of votes, and eight Members of Parliament. In the early elections to national council in 2002, the Green Party nationwide received 9,47% of votes, and 17 Members of National Council.
The Green party also entered the parliaments of Austrian states and communal governments.
Aside of addressing ecological issues the Green Party of today also stands up for the rights of minorities and an ecosocial tax reform.
Prominent members
Among the most notable founding members and mentors were Alexander Tollmann, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Freda Meissner-Blau and Günther Nenning, with Konrad Lorenz supporting the 1984 protests at Hainburg. Today, Green politicians include (in alphabetical order)
- Christoph Chorherr (chairman Vienna)
- Eva Glawischnig (Member of National Council)
- Karl Öllinger (Member of National Council)
- Madeleine Petrovic (chairwoman Lower Austria)
- Peter Pilz (Member of National Council)
- Terezija Stoisits (Member of National Council)
- Alexander Van der Bellen (federal spokesperson, chairman parliamentary club)
Members of the European Parliament
External links
- Die Grünen Austria at European Greens (
- Die Grünen homepage (in German) (
- The Green Parties ( Country Studies - Austriade:Die Grünen (Österreich)